All recent comments on applications from Redland City Council, QLD

999 Daveson Road, Capalaba QLD 4157
Test only

That's a busy area, street. What is the application for?

We had no alert to Fiteni clearing land for housing on Old Cleveland Rd East opposite Willard Homestead. shocked many of us....and will add to traffic nightmare where cars are banked up in a.m. peak hour from 4-way intersection in Capalaba to that point. Drove by there yesterday, saw squashed ringtail possum in front of clearing so all habitat trees gone...more concreted areas to look forward to and pollution as we lose more tree cover to absorb pollutants from motor vehicles. Fiteni & son have reputation for hating koalas and are prolific builders...close to mayor & Co. worrying to many of us destroying livability.

Amy Glade
Delivered to Redland City Council
62 Finucane Road, Capalaba QLD 4157
Reconfiguring a lot for 1 into 5 standard format lots and Operational Works for wastewater, water, stormwater drainage and vegetation clearing

Checked area around Valantine Park. Thankfully, frontage to park is not adjacent to 62 Finucane Rd. Not sure where it is...but wherever, between 4-way intersection and Alex Hills adds to risk of more collisions due to increased volume of traffic. Mr Fiteni is now adding to it by having last week cleared acres of land, sign in front no one can read, including many trees that acted as pollution barrier where we see gridlock a.m. peak hour on Old Cleveland Rd East from 4-way intersection. Cars traveling in four different directions. Politicians don't see it so wouldn't in leafy locations? Fiteni development will generate dozens more polluting vehicles onto already congested roads around the Capalaba CBD making our lives here an unhealthy one to try to survive in.

Amy Glade
Delivered to Redland City Council
62 Finucane Road, Capalaba QLD 4157
Reconfiguring a lot for 1 into 5 standard format lots and Operational Works for wastewater, water, stormwater drainage and vegetation clearing

Not sure if 62 Finucane Rd is frontage to Valantine Park, if so, should remain Open Space.. If 5 houses built on frontage, result will be terrible..environmentally, & adding to traffic congestion on deadly stretch of roadway admitted by Premier as a 'dangerous' road. Congestion in a.m. stretches from 4-way intersection past Alex Hills school grounds. 5 houses can add another dozen or so cars where fatalities have occurred with Memorial adjacent to Elmhurst St intersection due to numerous fatalities. Recall during Capalaba MP Michael Choi's time in office, meeting with him & concerned citizen, as a sporting facility was considered for the land. Enquired about parking. Our visit was not welcomed. Later informed of 'dodgy' deal involving Capalaba Ray White real estate agent. Land listed Special Purposes. Now land use 'religious'. Church of Nazarene? Treasurer 197 Russell St Cleveland..Investment?

Amy Glade
Delivered to Redland City Council
411 - 413 Main Road, Wellington Point QLD 4160
Office Building

What happened to the residential/retail design that was approved for this site? According to the signage wrapping?
A great spot for a small complex with mixed use on the ground level.

Also a perfect spot to see a 'coastal' designed building put back in to continue the village vibe - giving Wellington Point a Bulimba look would be ideal as mentioned by @Erin Burrows

An ugly office building - not a good use of retail/resi land in such a prominent location

Maxine Goodman
Delivered to Redland City Council
411 - 413 Main Road, Wellington Point QLD 4160
Office Building

Wellington Point already has a number of empty shop fronts.
Adding more uninteresting shop fronts will add nothing to the “vibe” of our village.
Across the road there is a very boring Medical Centre, next door to the proposed building is an equally boring building.
Wellington Point doesn’t need any more Real Estate agents offices, what we need is a new Supermarket.

Diana Plowman
Delivered to Redland City Council
411 - 413 Main Road, Wellington Point QLD 4160
Office Building

Wellington Point already has a number of empty shop fronts.
Adding more uninteresting shop fronts will add nothing to the “vibe” of our village.
Across the road there is a very boring Medical Centre, next door to the proposed building is an equally boring building.
Wellington Point doesn’t need any more Real Estate agents offices, what we need is a new Supermarket.

Diana Plowman
Delivered to Redland City Council
411 - 413 Main Road, Wellington Point QLD 4160
Office Building

Wellington Point already has a number of empty shop fronts.
Adding more uninteresting shop fronts will add nothing to the “vibe” of our village.
Across the road there is a very boring Medical Centre, next door to the proposed building is an equally boring building.
Wellington Point doesn’t need any more Real Estate agents offices, what we need is a new Supermarket.

Diana Plowman
Delivered to Redland City Council
411 - 413 Main Road, Wellington Point QLD 4160
Office Building

Design of frontage/facade should offer ability for mixed use including use of footpath alfresco dining/pedestrian access to promote street ambience that aligns with existing hospitality venues of the area. The Main Road village should be planned as a dining/retail precinct not commercial office space that provides little amenity to the public. Design should also be of coastal/seaside aesthetic.
Also, why are the planning documents not publicly available?

Erin Burrows
Delivered to Redland City Council
6 Vista Street, Russell Island QLD 4184
Proposed Two Bedroom Dwelling with Garage and Carport

Great place to live, close to school and hardware and servo.
Easy access to ferry
Sealed road always a pluss
Close to swimming pool
Not far from Sports complex
Easy access to places of worship
Close to village shopping centre
Boat ramp 3/4 streets away
Nice clean elevated area
Welcome to Russell

joan Brennan
Delivered to Redland City Council
1 - 9 George Thorn Drive, Thornlands QLD 4164
Age Care Facility

The hope is that as per the approved plans a café and a small convince store are still going to be part of the complex it doesn't seem that way as the exclusive agent (Healthspace Property on behalf of Arcare) is currently looking for medical/allied health as taken directly from there add on :

"This opportunity offers medical/allied health users the ability to position themselves within one of South-East Queensland's fastest growing regions"

in what they are calling a:

"medical/allied health precinct"

I'm confident that there would have been more community push back if this is to be simply a "medical/allied health precinct" for the above aged care facility

Kristian Spink
Delivered to Redland City Council
54 Finucane Road, Capalaba QLD 4157
Demolition of Dwelling - 1 Storey (Class 1a)

Demolition of one building is not a concern. What is planned to replace it, is of concern to community in which I live. It's common practice fto fill the cleared land with, what could be, dozens of units depending on lot size. Finucane Rd is described by many as a death trap where too many people have already been killed in car crashes and with non-stop development, numbers will increase. A Memorial has been set up by bus stop by Willard Rd where 3 young people have died being a black spot eventually closed off with new turnaround built few metres from Elmhurst St intersection. Care needs to be taken on public safety when decisions are made on properties facing main roads.

Amy Glade
Delivered to Redland City Council
18 Bambara Street, Point Lookout QLD 4183

I see where someone commented that the bollards were removed. Maybe they went outside 30 Timbin Road to make it look like they had a private driveway. The bollards in Timbin Road outside the cement box prevents people parking and walking there.

Mr Menzies
Delivered to Redland City Council
18 Bambara Street, Point Lookout QLD 4183

Please condition the application so as to ensure that during the demolition and building of a dwelling that the public walkway that runs from Mooloomba Road to Bambara Street beside this site (18 Bambara) remains free of building material and vehicles and is safe to use by the public at all times.

The bollards at the Bambara end of the walkway have been removed during recent building activity and not replaced and there is only one bollard left at the Moolomba end. It would be great to have those bollards replaced before building at 18 Bambara commences.

Ann Campbell
Delivered to Redland City Council
54 Finucane Road, Capalaba QLD 4157
Demolition of Dwelling - 1 Storey (Class 1a)

I live on Sutphin St enter Elmhurst St intersection to access Finucane Rd Capalaba.
Turning left into Finucane Rd, 54 is directly across road from turnaround, site of several fatalities with Memorial by bus shelter. Hear sirens most days, witnessed crashes frequent by 4-way intersection on Old Cleveland Rd. Commuters frustrated a.m. p.m. peak hour traffic gridlocked a.m. from 4-way intersection through to Windemere Rd Alex Hills. This is a large house block...dozens of units could be squeezed onto it. Please explain amount of housing planned & access in & out of property. What will Qld Transport Dept do for road safety since no lights exist at Elmhurst/Finucane Rd intersection?
Thank you.

Amy Glade
Delivered to Redland City Council
31 - 33 Beckwith Street, Ormiston QLD 4160
Reconfiguring a lot for a Standard Format 1 into 7 lots + Easement

The application retains the existing council owned green strip adjoining Christie Close and the subject property. Therefore, this is a far more desirable outcome than any that would see the use of the green strip to provide driveway access. The misgivings presented to the Town Planner from 5 Christie Close have been mentioned in the Town Planning report and are adequately mitigated by the new proposal by reducing the number of blocks from 8 to 7 and moving the driveway to the eastern side of the block. As a near neighbour whose property is most directly impacted by the proposed development, the proposal has merit and should be accepted. We would however mention that the stormwater management for Christie Close is woefully inadequate and the road is in dire need of improvement & upgrade.

John Hills
Delivered to Redland City Council
31 - 33 Beckwith Street, Ormiston QLD 4160
Reconfiguring a lot for a Standard Format 1 into 7 lots + Easement

I live at 4 Christie Close at Ormiston which runs off Beckwith Street. I was hoping you could assist with a proposed development with a block adjacent to my property. It has a initial development application in place to subdivide the existing 4047 m2 block into 7 lots - Ref number RAL22/0030.
I don’t really have any concerns with this as I appreciate that it is a large block and probably meets the criteria for the subdivision.

But my understanding is that the plan also is to remove the green zone on the left side of the block that runs along Christie Close and widen the road to allow for access to the new lots - via Christie Close. This will maximise the number of new lots that can be fitted on the existing block for the developer but will destroy the green zone that is an integral part of the leafy feel of Beckwith Street and in particular Christie Close. This is at the expense of the local native inhabitants also.

I have witnessed on numerous occasions Koalas in the gumtree at the front of the green zone which will have to be removed for this proposal to proceed. I have been fortunate enough to have seen a large male climb down from that same tree and walk 20 metres up Beckwith Street to then climb another tree. There are also possums, blue tongue lizard and other wildlife that frequent that small but important green space.

An alternative is to leave the green zone and have access to the new lots via Beckwith Street which in my opinion is the most obvious choice. This allows the green space to stay intact with little impact to the feel of the street and more importantly to the local wildlife.

I you are able to give some guidance to how to proceed with trying to amend this part of the development application it would be greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards
Todd Warner

Todd Warner
Delivered to Redland City Council
157 - 195 Woodlands Drive, Thornlands QLD 4164
Extension to currency period ROL006097 - Reconfiguring a lot for Stage 1 for Standard Format - 3 into 40 Lots

Good to see the land being developed, mostly this area is remnant farm land and already cleared of native flora and fauna.
It’s close to existing CPDs and existing infrastructure.
Redlands needs more available building land to cater for the housing shortage .
Look forward to further development in Southern Thornlands.

Delivered to Redland City Council
157 - 195 Woodlands Drive, Thornlands QLD 4164
Extension to currency period ROL006097 - Reconfiguring a lot for Stage 1 for Standard Format - 3 into 40 Lots

PARC was approved in conflict with the Redlands Planning scheme and SEQregional plan, a shameful outcome but not surprising. The lobbying from a few greedy people who have some expectation of the golden egg has driven this outcome and the latest approval of development in South Thornlands. The claim that if we have development then we receive the infrastructure is a absolute lie residents have to see the poor road infrastructure into the city now and yet development is allowed to continue. Shoreline Redland Bay 10,000 residents and Toondah Harbour 10,000 both outside of SEQ regional Plan and Redlands planning scheme got the tick from Mayor Williams and her team. To allow 3 lots to be split into 40 lots is a disgrace, sewerage will need to be supplied hopefully at the cost of the developer. The land has high environmental values and we already see evidence that the developer has the mentality of clear fell everything in sight . I object to this application it is in breach of the acécheme and SEQ regional plan

Toni Bowler
Delivered to Redland City Council
157 - 195 Woodlands Drive, Thornlands QLD 4164
Extension to currency period ROL006097 - Reconfiguring a lot for Stage 1 for Standard Format - 3 into 40 Lots

I cannot believe that a sub division of 40 blocks would be considered. I live on Boundary Road near the lights on Boundary/Woodlands Drive. I waste several tanks of fuel a year and precious time due to the lights not giving more time to get through and having to do U turns each time I go out / come home. The stink and noise of the traffic, is horrible. The idea of crossing as a pedestrian at the lights is impossible due to the light running attitude of driver's not wanting to stop many of which are truck and other heavy vehicles. We are trapped between Kinross Road and Woodlands Woodlands intersection. We have lived here for 30 years. Gone are our wallabies, gone our koalas, gone our lizards, gone are the native grasses, hello weeds. Gone are the green spaces. Going to work and negotiating Boundary road/ Woodlands lights, Kinross Road Lights and then the round a bout near Sheldon college is indescribable. Water drainage is severely impacted due to changes in land levels especially to the older blocks that have been long term inhabited. Come on council, why dont you concentrate on sewerage in these septic only areas?? Why dont you change the Redlands City logo that somehow is supposed to depict lifestyle and koalas?? How about improving the current infrastructure of lights, safe green spaces for us and our native fauna? Woodlands drive cannot take the pressure, it is not have curb and channeling. It is a single lane continuing out to the M1. What will happen if there is to be a shopping centre on Panorama Drive / Boundary Road. Traffic from all directions will concentrate around this area. Sorry, I can only see the extra detrimental impact to an already struggling area.

Michelle Harvey
Delivered to Redland City Council
157 - 195 Woodlands Drive, Thornlands QLD 4164
Extension to currency period ROL006097 - Reconfiguring a lot for Stage 1 for Standard Format - 3 into 40 Lots

Is this application to reconfigure the current Parc @Thornlands 38 acreage sites into 40 acreage sites or is it proposing the carving up of 3 of the acreage sites in 40 butter-box ghetto developments?

It's almost comical to watch the proposed sites flood every time it rains. How has council approved building in a drained dam?

The wildlife that lived there are now rotting on the curb as road kill while the hoons carve up the Woodlands Drive/Taylor Road intersection without fear.

Woodlands Drive resembles the M1 in peak hour and will only get worse but let the rates $$$ flow in. That seems to be all this council cares about.

Jody Cunningham
Delivered to Redland City Council
157 - 195 Woodlands Drive, Thornlands QLD 4164
Extension to currency period ROL006097 - Reconfiguring a lot for Stage 1 for Standard Format - 3 into 40 Lots

What is the Council's plan? Is it to destroy all greenspace in the area?

Infrastructure does not support the current volume of traffic. By building all these small lots you are devaluing surrounding area. High density entertains low socio-economic areas.

Please consider people that purchase acreage and want to maintain the acreage lifestyle - not just on their single block but surrounds.

The (slow) development of Parc has no doubt destroyed eco systems, environment, flora, fauna and animal habitat. It would appear that their faulty design can't even adequately manage water flows.

I believe that council should reconsider specific areas for low density development, while leaving some green space - that can't be included for high density living.

Elizabeth Galbraith
Delivered to Redland City Council
157 - 195 Woodlands Drive, Thornlands QLD 4164
Extension to currency period ROL006097 - Reconfiguring a lot for Stage 1 for Standard Format - 3 into 40 Lots

I live on Woodlands Drive & have done for 20 years. In that time I have seen the development of Sheldon College, the Kinross Rd development & other small block developments in the local area.
Woodlands Drive is already stressed at peak times, especially around school times. The traffic light phase on the Boundary Rd & Woodlands Drive intersection allows 12 cars per light phase. No significant additional reading infrastructure has been made to Woodlands Drive or Taylors Rd in the last 20 years.
The PARC development, with large acreage blocks, will impact on the local environment.
However, if an additional 40 block are crammed into the development, the already congested roading network will not cope at peak times.
Remember, there is discussion about a duplication of the M1 to the Gold Coast with a suggestion there will be a new bridge over the Logan River at the end of Mt Cotton Road.
Should this proposal eventuate, this duplication will add additional loading onto an already stressed Woodlands Drive as it will become, by default, a major thoroughfare from the Bayside to the Gold Coast.
I oppose any further density in the current development.

Wayne Gredig
Delivered to Redland City Council
157 - 195 Woodlands Drive, Thornlands QLD 4164
Extension to currency period ROL006097 - Reconfiguring a lot for Stage 1 for Standard Format - 3 into 40 Lots

Fantastic area for more development, infrastructure and roads will need some upgrades but that will come with more development.

Delivered to Redland City Council
157 - 195 Woodlands Drive, Thornlands QLD 4164
Extension to currency period ROL006097 - Reconfiguring a lot for Stage 1 for Standard Format - 3 into 40 Lots

I live on Woodlands Drive & have done for 20 years. In that time I have seen the development of Sheldon College, the Kinross Rd development & other small block developments in the local area.
Woodlands Drive is already stressed at peak times, especially around school times. The traffic light phase on the Boundary Rd & Woodlands Drive intersection allows 12 cars per light phase. No significant additional reading infrastructure has been made to Woodlands Drive or Taylors Rd in the last 20 years.
The PARC development, with large acreage blocks, will impact on the local environment.
However, if an additional 40 block are crammed into the development, the already congested roading network will not cope at peak times.
Remember, there is discussion about a duplication of the M1 to the Gold Coast with a suggestion there will be a new bridge over the Logan River at the end of Mt Cotton Road.
Should this proposal eventuate, this duplication will add additional loading onto an already stressed Woodlands Drive as it will become, by default, a major thoroughfare from the Bayside to the Gold Coast.
I oppose any further density in the current development.

Wayne Gredig
Delivered to Redland City Council
157 - 195 Woodlands Drive, Thornlands QLD 4164
Extension to currency period ROL006097 - Reconfiguring a lot for Stage 1 for Standard Format - 3 into 40 Lots

This should not be allowed. This area is large acreage blocks. It was bad enough that they have allowed the block to be divided in the first place. There are already serious delays in a morning crossing boundary road from Woodlands drive. The infrastructure in the area is not being upgraded so larger density developments should not be permitted.

Andrew Galbraith
Delivered to Redland City Council