Not sure if 62 Finucane Rd is frontage to Valantine Park, if so, should remain Open Space.. If 5 houses built on frontage, result will be terrible..environmentally, & adding to traffic congestion on deadly stretch of roadway admitted by Premier as a 'dangerous' road. Congestion in a.m. stretches from 4-way intersection past Alex Hills school grounds. 5 houses can add another dozen or so cars where fatalities have occurred with Memorial adjacent to Elmhurst St intersection due to numerous fatalities. Recall during Capalaba MP Michael Choi's time in office, meeting with him & concerned citizen, as a sporting facility was considered for the land. Enquired about parking. Our visit was not welcomed. Later informed of 'dodgy' deal involving Capalaba Ray White real estate agent. Land listed Special Purposes. Now land use 'religious'. Church of Nazarene? Treasurer 197 Russell St Cleveland..Investment?
62 Finucane Road, Capalaba QLD 4157
- Description
- Reconfiguring a lot for 1 into 5 standard format lots and Operational Works for wastewater, water, stormwater drainage and vegetation clearing
- Planning Authority
Redland City Council
- Reference number
Date sourced
- We found this application on the planning authority's website on , almost 3 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
- 82 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
- 2 comments made here on Planning Alerts
Public comments on this application
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Checked area around Valantine Park. Thankfully, frontage to park is not adjacent to 62 Finucane Rd. Not sure where it is...but wherever, between 4-way intersection and Alex Hills adds to risk of more collisions due to increased volume of traffic. Mr Fiteni is now adding to it by having last week cleared acres of land, sign in front no one can read, including many trees that acted as pollution barrier where we see gridlock a.m. peak hour on Old Cleveland Rd East from 4-way intersection. Cars traveling in four different directions. Politicians don't see it so wouldn't in leafy locations? Fiteni development will generate dozens more polluting vehicles onto already congested roads around the Capalaba CBD making our lives here an unhealthy one to try to survive in.