I live at 4 Christie Close at Ormiston which runs off Beckwith Street. I was hoping you could assist with a proposed development with a block adjacent to my property. It has a initial development application in place to subdivide the existing 4047 m2 block into 7 lots - Ref number RAL22/0030.
I don’t really have any concerns with this as I appreciate that it is a large block and probably meets the criteria for the subdivision.
But my understanding is that the plan also is to remove the green zone on the left side of the block that runs along Christie Close and widen the road to allow for access to the new lots - via Christie Close. This will maximise the number of new lots that can be fitted on the existing block for the developer but will destroy the green zone that is an integral part of the leafy feel of Beckwith Street and in particular Christie Close. This is at the expense of the local native inhabitants also.
I have witnessed on numerous occasions Koalas in the gumtree at the front of the green zone which will have to be removed for this proposal to proceed. I have been fortunate enough to have seen a large male climb down from that same tree and walk 20 metres up Beckwith Street to then climb another tree. There are also possums, blue tongue lizard and other wildlife that frequent that small but important green space.
An alternative is to leave the green zone and have access to the new lots via Beckwith Street which in my opinion is the most obvious choice. This allows the green space to stay intact with little impact to the feel of the street and more importantly to the local wildlife.
I you are able to give some guidance to how to proceed with trying to amend this part of the development application it would be greatly appreciated.
Kind Regards
Todd Warner