168 Walker Street, North Sydney NSW 2060
Modify DA No 486/15 to extend construction hours for building works Monday to Friday (7am - 7pm), Saturday (7am - 5.30pm). Demolition Monday to Friday (7am - 5pm) and excavation Monday to Friday (7am - 7pm), Saturday (7am - 5.30pm).
I strongly object to the proposal to extend construction/demolition/excavation hours for the property 168 Walker Street North Sydney (including to 7pm on weekdays and 7-5.30pm on Saturdays).
The health, wellbeing and productivity implications of this kind of long term noise pollution are well known. This area of North Sydney is going through significant redevelopment, which I’m sure will be of benefit to future residents, however this is to the growing detriment of current residents and property owners.
I can understand the developers desires to complete this work as quickly as possible. However especially during this time with residents being encouraged to remain at home as much as possible and workplaces continuing to require working from home this kind of noise pollution for 12 hours - 5 days and 10.5 hours on a further 6th day is detrimental to the mental and physical health and productivity of nearby residents.
I urge North Sydney Council to prioritise the health and wellbeing of nearby residents over the commercial interests of Aqualand North Sydney Development Pty Ltd