All recent comments on applications from North Sydney Council, NSW

13 Eden Street, North Sydney NSW 2060
To extend operating hours of ground floor tenancies G01 to G07 (inclusive) to 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

I totally object to this application.
There is absolutely NO need for 24 hour operation at 13 Eden Street.
Residents have purchased into the area for peace, convenience and to enjoy their right to a harmonious lifestyle.

Here we go again.
Irresponsible and inconsiderate wasting of everyones time. (yet again)

Any business that requires 24 hour operation is not required in this area; RESIDENTIAL. With more and more people working from home, there is a priority on peace and quiet to conduct business in the home.

Sally McGrath
Delivered to North Sydney Council
13 Eden Street, North Sydney NSW 2060
To extend operating hours of ground floor tenancies G01 to G07 (inclusive) to 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

This is an objection to both DA 287/20 and DA 288/20.
I own a unit at 13 Eden Street. This is the second time Modog have applied for a change to use for their unit without prior discussion, despite agreeing to enter into discussions at our recent AGM.
North Sydney council did not approve these changes last time and there has been no changes in this application in relation to noise management or mitigation and the concerns for the units that face the courtyard. We urge that this application is rejected.

Michael Wolley
Delivered to North Sydney Council
13 Eden Street, North Sydney NSW 2060
To extend operating hours of ground floor tenancies G01 to G07 (inclusive) to 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

This is an objection to both DA 287/20 and DA 288/20.
I am a resident of 13 Eden Street and this is the second time Modog have blindsided the OC without prior discussion as they agreed in our recent AGM. I am the Secretary of the OC at 13 Eden Street.
North Sydney council did not approve these changes last time and there has been no changes toward this application in relation to the noise that would invade the units which face the courtyard. These include bedrooms and balconies with the only windows of the apartments facing the courtyard.

Amanda Judd
Delivered to North Sydney Council
13 Eden Street, North Sydney NSW 2060
To extend operating hours of ground floor tenancies G01 to G07 (inclusive) to 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

This submission should not even be considered. This area is residential and densely populated. 24-hour business creates disturbance when residents are at home and infringes on their right to their peaceful enjoyment at home.

Entertaining such a proposal is a waste of local ratepayer resources and only gives the applicant hope. If this applicant is a firm such as Modog this business makes a habit of submitting and re-submitting such applications numerous times in the hope of success. There is no valid reason for ratepayers to support Council efforts to consider such an application which is against the local interests.

C. Brunck
Delivered to North Sydney Council
13 Eden Street, North Sydney NSW 2060
To extend operating hours of ground floor tenancies G01 to G07 (inclusive) to 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

We object to both DA 287/20 and DA 288/20 that both relate to the 6 commercial Lots within 13 Eden Street.
If there has been a commercial miscalculation by the applicant in regards to these commercial Lots then local residents should not have to be penalised by their reclassification into residential.
In our view, these DA’s are requesting a contravention of the North Sydney development standard with little or no justification provided. Moreover 24 operation is not warranted with the availability of the internet. If these DA’s are approved then any mixed use building in our area may be similarly affected by the precedent.
Incidentally, the removal of the 3 beautiful Glendistdia Tricanthos trees in Eden Street by the same developer back in 2015 is still felt, we lost our summer shade and the beautiful canopy they provided.

David and Bronwyn Wilson
Delivered to North Sydney Council
13 Eden Street, North Sydney NSW 2060
To extend operating hours of ground floor tenancies G01 to G07 (inclusive) to 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

I totally object to this application. There is zero need for 24 hour operation at such premises. The only reason this would be required is for further brothels in the area. There are no such other businesses that would require these hours. There are schools near by and it is a quiet residential street, so this would not be appropriate at all!

A Lynch
Delivered to North Sydney Council
13 Eden Street, North Sydney NSW 2060
To extend operating hours of ground floor tenancies G01 to G07 (inclusive) to 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

I object to the 24 houts operating lodged by the applicant. The premise is located in a quiet residential area and side street, the proposed 24 hours operation doesn't fit into the neighborhood.

It will cause inconvenience to the residents and significant disruption to the rights snd enjoyments of locals.

I strongly object to the application.

Robert Lin
Delivered to North Sydney Council
168 Walker Street, North Sydney NSW 2060
Modify DA No 486/15 to extend construction hours for building works Monday to Friday (7am - 7pm), Saturday (7am - 5.30pm). Demolition Monday to Friday (7am - 5pm) and excavation Monday to Friday (7am - 7pm), Saturday (7am - 5.30pm).

I strongly object to the proposal to extend construction/demolition/excavation hours for the property 168 Walker Street North Sydney (including to 7pm on weekdays and 7-5.30pm on Saturdays).

The health, wellbeing and productivity implications of this kind of long term noise pollution are well known. This area of North Sydney is going through significant redevelopment, which I’m sure will be of benefit to future residents, however this is to the growing detriment of current residents and property owners.

I can understand the developers desires to complete this work as quickly as possible. However especially during this time with residents being encouraged to remain at home as much as possible and workplaces continuing to require working from home this kind of noise pollution for 12 hours - 5 days and 10.5 hours on a further 6th day is detrimental to the mental and physical health and productivity of nearby residents.

I urge North Sydney Council to prioritise the health and wellbeing of nearby residents over the commercial interests of Aqualand North Sydney Development Pty Ltd

Mike Schulz
Delivered to North Sydney Council
168 Walker Street, North Sydney NSW 2060
Modify DA No 486/15 to extend construction hours for building works Monday to Friday (7am - 7pm), Saturday (7am - 5.30pm). Demolition Monday to Friday (7am - 5pm) and excavation Monday to Friday (7am - 7pm), Saturday (7am - 5.30pm).

The people in Mclaren street have put up with demolition work now for around 2 months. This has regularly been around 75db measured inside residential buildings close by.

I note that the anticipated noise levels during these extended hours are lower, below 60 with ambient of around 50.

North Sydney Council should monitor this as the local community is losing patience.

Delivered to North Sydney Council
11 Gillies Street, Wollstonecraft NSW 2065
Addition of 45m2 external roofed patio to adjoining Staff Cafeteria to replace existing tented structures. No impact on DA as located out of sight at the reatr and non-structural.

What noise impact does this have on the neighbours nearby in this highly residential area?

C Brunck
Delivered to North Sydney Council
28 Alfred Street South, Milsons Point NSW 2061
To modify Consent No 289/17 to confirm ongoing overnight boarding of animals following the 12 month trial.

To whom it may concern,

I write in relation to the application to modify consent number DA 289/17/4.

I understand that this application concerns an extension of the previous twelve month trial of the overnight boarding of animals at Pet Medical Milsons Point.

I fully support of this application and request the Council approve this application. I have taken my dog to Pet Medical since he was six months old and I have come to heavily rely on the care that they provide. It is important to their practice that they have the option of overnight boarding for the safety of the animals that they treat. The practice is very well managed evidenced by the loyalty of their clients.

I can see no reason for this application to be declined as it will have no impact on the surrounding residents or environment.

I am happy to be contacted for further comment if required.

Kind regards

Mitchell Grant

Mitchell Grant
Sent to North Sydney Council
1 / 16 A Thrupp Street, Neutral Bay NSW 2089
Modification of consent - Proposed staging of construction into three stages, being demolition, excavation, piling and shoring, and balance of development

We're already dealing with significant noise from the 7 Harriette street construction (they have been drilling from 8am to 5pm every weekday for the past 2 months).

Can we please get some compassion. Given the current circumstances (Covid) I'm asked to work from home for the rest of the year. At the moment the noise is so loud and constant it's like being in a torture chamber, how can we add another construction site to the mix!

It's unreasonable for residents in this area to have to endure ANOTHER 3-4 months of jack hammering and excavation noise.

John Duncan
Sent to North Sydney Council
105 - 153 Miller Street, North Sydney NSW 2060
Demolition of existing heritage listed building and construction of a 27 storey commercial building including upgrade of existing ground plane and two basement levels - to be determined by Sydney North Planning Panel.

Dear Sir/Madam,

This building is a significant example of modernist architecture and should be preserved in accordance with the recommended management for the heritage item.

At the very least, part of the facade and primary structure should be retained in keeping with the adaptive reuse of similar heritage items. As it is already an office building, it’s existing configuration should not preclude the owners from finding suitable tenants.

Yours Sincerely,

Lyle Tamlyn

Lyle Tamlyn
Sent to North Sydney Council
39 Young Street, Cremorne NSW 2090
Alterations and additions to dwelling.

The enormity of the proposed extension exceeds the council regulation for height. This will significantly impact the sun in 41 young streets backyard and also the light into units 1 and 3. It will be higher than our four unit double story apartmentblock and extend beyond our building at both the front and rear.

Sophie Tompsett
Sent to North Sydney Council
225 Pacific Highway, North Sydney NSW 2060
Change of use from retail to recreation facility (indoor), 6am - 8pm Monday to Saturday.

Will this actually be run as an "indoor" facility? There is already another recreational facility in the building, which faces Angelo St, and many of the activities take place outdoors in Angelo St. This is a nuisance for pedestrians and drivers using the street. Also, the door is always left open, so the residents of 225 (Skye Crown) have to put up with instructors yelling and the facility's users dropping heavy weights, etc.
A second recreation facility in the building run in the same manner will only create more noise for the residents of 225, and pose a safety hazard for pedestrians and drivers on Angelo St.

Sent to North Sydney Council
71 Benelong Road, Cremorne NSW 2090
Modify DA 228/18 for various modifications to approved additions to semi-detached dwelling including change to roof form.

We will see this Extension from the rear of our house but this
will have very little impact on our property so we have no objection
to this change

alastair perston
Sent to North Sydney Council
101 Blues Point Road, Mcmahons Point NSW 2060
Use and fit-out as medical consulting rooms with hours 8am - 6pm (Monday to Friday); 8am - 1pm (Saturday) and new awning.

The best position for a Medical Centre at one of the most dangerous intersections on Blues Point Road,neglected by all with any interest for the safety for all.

Philip Newnham
Sent to North Sydney Council
86 Walker Street, North Sydney NSW 2060
To modify Consent No 368/18 with regard to removal of two (2) street trees in Walker Street to allow for construction and replacement with two (2) mature trees prior to occupation of completed building.

Why are these trees being removed ? North Sydney’s trees are lovely . They provide shade and habitat for many birds and animals . Please consider this application carefully before removing them, not just because the trees are an inconvenience to building etc ( if this is reason for removal ) . Trees = Life .

Amanda Smith
Sent to North Sydney Council
86 Walker Street, North Sydney NSW 2060
To modify Consent No 368/18 with regard to removal of two (2) street trees in Walker Street to allow for construction and replacement with two (2) mature trees prior to occupation of completed building.

Please detail why these trees should be removed and what type and size you are proposing as their replacements. Many healthy, large trees are being removed in the area and being replaced with small saplings, which is not a resonable replacement given how slowly they grow.

c brunck
Sent to North Sydney Council
86 Walker Street, North Sydney NSW 2060
To modify Consent No 368/18 with regard to removal of two (2) street trees in Walker Street to allow for construction and replacement with two (2) mature trees prior to occupation of completed building.

Good news to remove those trees. We certainly don’t want anymore trees falling down and injuring people.

Sent to North Sydney Council
153 Kurraba Road, Kurraba Point NSW 2089
Demolition of existing buildings and construction of part 4, part 6 storey residential flat building comprising 25 apartments with basement parking for 41 parking spaces. This application is to be determined by the Sydney North Planning Panel.

Another beautiful old red brick,round in aspect,to dust again,living in Shellcove Road for years visited these beautiful buildings,such a shame with the owners of these properties just out for the quick buck with the 70/30 created by a very suspect government on behalf of Building Industry.

Philip Newnham
Sent to North Sydney Council
1 / 40 Brightmore Street, Cremorne NSW 2090
Demolition of existing residential flat building and construction of new residential flat building comprising 11 x 3 bedroom apartments with basement parking.

I am against this proposal firstly as it will increase considerably the volume of traffic right on the blind downhill bend of the street. Secondly on street parking in the area is already inadequate and visitors and trades people will only add to the demand.

Allison Wilson
Sent to North Sydney Council
19 Waverton Avenue Waverton NSW 2060
Alterations and additions to an existing residence which includes an additional upper storey and swimming pool.

Hi: I’m writing regarding the application of works at 19 Waverton Street Waverton

I live in 60 Euroka street waverton and my very old 1889 home sits directly below the 19 Waverton street residence. I’m very concerned about the proposed development as it will completely overshadow our home and we will achieve no sunlight during the day. Also the proposed pool will be very noisy and if there is ever a leak or maintenance problem our property will be damaged. Can you please advise me if this proposal has been approved by council yet, I’m very worried, many thanks, Lisa Deakin

Lisa Deakin
Sent to North Sydney Council
105 Kirribilli Avenue, Kirribilli NSW 2061
Modify DA 331/17 for various modifications to an approved residential flat building.

good on you Philip!

Sophie G
Sent to North Sydney Council
105 Kirribilli Avenue, Kirribilli NSW 2061
Modify DA 331/17 for various modifications to an approved residential flat building.

Another beautiful old terrace building to dust no thanks to North Sydney Council. Full Stop.

Philip Newnham
Sent to North Sydney Council