All recent comments on applications from North Sydney Council, NSW

86 Walker Street, North Sydney NSW 2060
To modify Consent No 368/18 with regard to the provision of an additional commercial level (Level 47) within the approved building envelope and the relocation of the rooftop bar to Level 48.

47 floors not enough and no bar on the roof,it's noisy enough around North Sydney thank you.

Philip Newnham
Sent to North Sydney Council
13 Eden Street, North Sydney NSW 2060
Change of use from business / retail use to motel use of six (6) ground floor tenancies

I will walk up to Eden Street today,this DA suggests to me that something is going on somewhere without the knowledge of anyone other than the 2 parties the Applicant and North Sydney Council.

Philip Newnham
Sent to North Sydney Council
13 Eden Street, North Sydney NSW 2060
Change of use from business / retail use to motel use of six (6) ground floor tenancies

I object Modog Pty Ltd's application for a 24/7 motel in a predominantly residential area and within 100 meters from a school.

Parking and the amount of traffic in the area is already a safety concern.

We request council to object to this latest application by Modog Pty Ltd to circumvent the rule in getting their 24/7 business operations.

Sent to North Sydney Council
11 Balls Head Road, Waverton NSW 2060
Demolition of the existing dwelling and associated structures and the construction of a part 3 storey dwelling above a basement level, new swimming pool and associated landscaping works

Another grand looking building with a verandah to be raised,i often wonder the new owners of these gems are standing on firm ground,and councils who let this to continue....

Philip Newnham
Sent to North Sydney Council
13 Eden Street, North Sydney NSW 2060
Change of use from business / retail use to motel use of six (6) ground floor tenancies

We object to this DA whereby ground floor offices at 13 Eden Street are proposed to be converted into a motel business with 24/7 hours of operation.
Previous DA’s requesting 24/7 operations for the same offices have been refused by council.
A motel business with 24/7 hours is not a suitable fit in Eden Street which is now predominantly residential and we request council to reject this latest proposal.

David and Bronwyn Wilson
Sent to North Sydney Council
13 Eden Street, North Sydney NSW 2060
Change of use from business / retail use to motel use of six (6) ground floor tenancies

The owner of this property is very desperate to do something with it,how many ideas can they come up with,what kind of a motel,this could mean anything. I will walk up today and have my ideas on how to stop this.

Philip Newnham
Sent to North Sydney Council
13 Eden Street, North Sydney NSW 2060
Change of use from business / retail use to motel use of six (6) ground floor tenancies

I again object to this. MODOG are just trying to get 24/7 usage under the disguise of a motel application. This is an absurd location for a motel. This street is the wrong spot for a motel.

Anna Lynch
Sent to North Sydney Council
13 Eden Street, North Sydney NSW 2060
Change of use from business / retail use to motel use of six (6) ground floor tenancies

I find this quite amazing that MODOG have submitted this DA.
The last DA for a change to 24/7 was submitted in March and was rejected.
Nothing has changed.
As a resident of 13 Eden Street this will directly affect my personal amenity.
All previous objections remain the same.

Amanda Judd
Sent to North Sydney Council
53 Belgrave Street, Cremorne NSW 2090
Proposed studio above existing free-standing garage with access from rear lane

I live directly behind this property and the extention will remove what little view left from my balcony. It appears to be the same height as the extension to the property next to it and that has removed the view to the north east.
Subject to the windows it could also result in the people looking straight into my lounge room.

Louise Thomson
Sent to North Sydney Council
74 Merlin Street, Neutral Bay NSW 2089
To modify Consent No 331/18 including a reduction in the number of units, less basement car parking and reduced excavation.

Further information on application search was not available: "Your search - 74 Merlin Street, Neutral Bay NSW 2089 - did not find any applications." Please advise how to access this information.

Notwithstanding the consideration of such detailed information concerning this DA; in general, I am opposed to such major developments which have negative impacts to surrounding neighbourhoods: negative impact on the distinctive character, cultural/heritage of the area; the health and wellbeing of affected neighbours by such a major project (noise, dust, nuisance); the proposed elevated building which will impact on privacy of surrounding neighbours.

Christopher Brown
Sent to North Sydney Council
22 Spruson Street, Neutral Bay NSW 2089
Demolition of existing building and construction of a 5 storey residential flat building with 20 units with 47 car space + tree removal

As the property owner of a neighboring property on Spruson St, Neutral Bay, I would like to object to the planned development of the combined site 22 - 26 Spruson St Neutral Bay.
There are several concerns with the proposed plans, namely;
- The depth and type of excavation is significant and is highly likely to cause damage to adjoining properties. Our original cottage is approximately 100 years old and is approximately 25 meters from the proposed excavation site. The vibrations caused from such a significant and deep planned excavation is highly likely to cause structural damage to not only our property, but all other similarly constructed and closely located properties. This issue must be addressed via a redesign of the plans to reduce the size of the proposed development and depth & type of excavations required.
- This development in not in keeping with the feel or current design of the street. The planned height of the development significantly is greater than the allowed limits. This will forever change the street feel, cast additional shadows & remove views from properties immediately across the street – devaluing their homes.
- The scale of this development will cause significant logistical access issues. Spruson street is a very narrow street which currently has very limited access to residents and Council bus services. On-street parking is very limited and the immediate area is totally unsuitable for heavy vehicle access, the type of which will be required for a development of this size. This development is significant in size and will cause prolonged hardship for existing residents and any council bus service.
- The existing traditional red-brick apartment blocks are part of the heritage and desirable streetscape of the broader North Sydney area & should be protected. The existing red-brick apartment blocks provide affordable living options for residents, positively contributing to a balanced mix of resident types within the immediate area. If they are not protected & developers are allowed to construct totally unsuitable, multi-million dollar apartments in this immediate area, then lower to middle income workers of the North Sydney area will no longer be able to find suitable housing options.
The proposed development is significantly oversized and totally unsuitable for this location. The construction will cause immediate issues for all residents in relation to access, noise and potential permanent damage to properties during the construction phase. The proposed development will also cause permanent negative impacts to the existing residents and the streetscape due to the unreasonable height of the project & the impacts of a loss of natural light & views.
The proposed development will also negatively impact the existing look, feel and traditional character of this immediate area with the removal of the classic red-brick apartment blocks that are a key feature of the broader North Sydney area.
The removal of the existing three red-brick blocks will limit the availability of affordable residential dwellings within this area and permanently alter the demographic of the area.
This proposed development should not be allowed to proceed as is currently designed.

Daniel Thackray
Sent to North Sydney Council
22 Spruson Street, Neutral Bay NSW 2089
Demolition of existing building and construction of a 5 storey residential flat building with 20 units with 47 car space + tree removal

I support several points made by Chris Bradley:
The 1930s Red Brick apartments of North Sydney are becoming endangered and given they are approaching 100yrs old now, should have art deco heritage considerations or development consistent with their theme (say keeping the façade).

the street will change from the existing affordable accommodation for young workers in North Sydney & Sydney CBD and young families that the present dwellings offer, to something else (perhaps absentee holders) that the multi-million price tags probably >$15,000 per sqm will dictate.

Important and historic fresh water streams run under 26/30 Spruson Street that need to be considered.

Noise & dust management! (A very important point- we are being negatively impacted by these issues as a result of works on Wycombe Rd. Health & well being is being impacted through a long project of 6 mths!)

Christopher Brown
Sent to North Sydney Council
22 Spruson Street, Neutral Bay NSW 2089
Demolition of existing building and construction of a 5 storey residential flat building with 20 units with 47 car space + tree removal

At first glance the structure size seems significantly greater than anything else on western side of the natural course of Spruson Street (running north of the proposed development) and the East-West size impacts (side aspects) of the development are not provided.
Given I am the neighbour to the North, will have to take legal counsel I suppose.
The 1930s Red Brick apartments of North Sydney are becoming endangered and given they are approaching 100yrs old now, should have art deco heritage considerations or development consistent with their theme (say keeping the façade).
Garages in the photo look like WW2 nissen huts...
Also, it is sad the residency of the street will change from the existing affordable accommodation for young workers in North Sydney & Sydney CBD and young families that the present dwellings offer, to something else (perhaps absentee holders) that the multi-million price tags probably >$15,000 per sqm will dictate.
Extremely narrow part of the Street there, and real choke point. Phillips Street runs into the front of the proposed Spruson St development properties (“T” intersection) and is an important turning choke for the busses.
I would like to understand better construction duration and provisions / logistics for large truck deliveries (concrete, steel, yellow gear support heavy vehicles & large materials truck). As well as of course noise & dust management!
Important and historic fresh water streams run under 26/30 Spruson Street that need to be considered.
Car parking proposed seems low. Present off-street parking (upto 12 possible with correct configuration) capacity ratio is of course lower than proposed but the probable sales value of the new dwellings indicate an occupant more likely to have 2-3 vehicles and of course there will be visitors.
In general, many of the claims in the Statement of Environment Report seem ambitious.

Chris Bradley
Sent to North Sydney Council
13 - 15 Ridge Street, North Sydney NSW 2060
For adaptive reuse of an existing 3 storey commercial building to provide for a mixed use development with ground & first floor commercial tennancies amd shop top housing

We object to this application.

We have endured a year-long ‘adaptive re-use’ project next-door to our house in West Street, North Sydney and the experience was appalling: it was months of concrete saws and jackhammers, six days per week.

‘Adaptive Re-use’ is a loophole where developers claim to be preserving a building of special merit in order to create a space larger than they could build without this loophole. The principle of ‘Adaptive Re-use’ has been hijacked by greedy developers and applied to any building, including some with no special merits (note Myrtle Street, North Sydney).
This application is for a building of no special merit.

Chris Brunck
Sent to North Sydney Council
13 Eden Street, North Sydney NSW 2060
First Use of 11 non residential - tenancies Amended condtion I1 to allow for 24 hour operation for 3 cottages

We request that this DA be denied. This area is now predominantly residential- there are more residents and families here than commercial offices, the balance has changed. Indeed, the applicant Modog has been instrumental in this change by converting redundant office blocks into apartments, as well as constructing new residential buildings. However Eden Street and Myrtle Streets are not their personal feifdom. Residents’ wishes and their right to enjoy their property should prevail over this application. It took many years to have a brothel closed down in this area. To allow 24 hour operation would seem to be an invitation to more dubious businesses.

Bronwyn Wilson
Sent to North Sydney Council
13 Eden Street, North Sydney NSW 2060
First Use of 11 non residential - tenancies Amended condtion I1 to allow for 24 hour operation for 3 cottages

What an absurd request. This neighbourhood is not the right place for 24 hour operation. It's on a street full of families and right by a school. This will end up being a seedy Crow's Nest Massage location 2.0 once you open it up to 24 hours. Totally unnecessary. Plenty of marketing/design studios/small businesses that are in keeping with the area that could lease this.

Tayla (A Lynch)
Sent to North Sydney Council
13 Eden Street, North Sydney NSW 2060
Modify condition I1 to 24 hour operating hours - suite G01 to G07

Once again we are having to protect our small community.
What type of business is this?
As a resident of Eden Street I object to this application. The noise factor will interrupt the residents facing the courtyard at 13 Eden Street.
Noise is elevated considerably between the hours 1am and 6am. Are we to close all of our windows and doors to protect our ambience.
This application needs to be seriously checked in particular the noise reports provided.
This is not the CBD this is a mixed use area and why should we open up hours for business to 24/7?

Amanda Judd
Sent to North Sydney Council
13 Eden Street, North Sydney NSW 2060
First Use of 11 non residential - tenancies Amended condtion I1 to allow for 24 hour operation for 3 cottages

Once again,could the Council explain to the ratepayers what is a 24 hour business other than a convenience store or a Bordello or a Massage Parlour.

Philip Newnham
Sent to North Sydney Council
168 Walker Street, North Sydney NSW 2060
Rationalise conditions, remove double up of conditions and allow development to be undertaken in 3 stages

Whalen is the Council going to stop allowing our trees to be hacked down.
Please refuse this application unless this tree is a danger.

Jenkins Peter J
Sent to North Sydney Council
168 Walker Street, North Sydney NSW 2060
Rationalise conditions, remove double up of conditions and allow development to be undertaken in 3 stages

Please reconsider the request to remove the tree. Too many trees are being chopped down to the point we’re only left with a concrete jungle. Please stop this .

Amanda smith
Sent to North Sydney Council
168 Walker Street, North Sydney NSW 2060
Rationalise conditions, remove double up of conditions and allow development to be undertaken in 3 stages

Would you kindly speak English in it's correct vocabulary with the conditions so that we may all understand the application.

Philip Newnham
Sent to North Sydney Council
118 Mount Street, North Sydney NSW 2060
Minor internal modifications to approved building layout resulting in an additional 100sqm of GFA. Including ammendment of construction hours.

Leave the construction hours as they are now thanks, no changing anything for any one...

Philip Newnham
Sent to North Sydney Council
69 Pine Street, Cammeray NSW 2062
Rear 2 Storey addition inculding new balcony, new garage

Please note that this address is Pine Street East.

Amanda Judd
Sent to North Sydney Council
13 Eden Street, North Sydney NSW 2060
Modify Condition I1 to 24 Hour operating hours- suites G.01 & G.07

There is no need for a 24/7 business activity in this location.
The area is residential and it would be beneficial for all concerned to have this matter silenced as a matter of urgency.

Continuing to spend time and effort (needless to say money) on these matters is wasteful. We all have lives and livelihoods to get on with and would much prefer to spend time and effort on these (lives and livelihoods) than consistently warding off unnecessary applications such as the ones experienced over the last six months.

Could we please see some support here North Sydney Council?
Perhaps the level of proactivity that is given to parking fines.

Thank you

Sally McGrath
Sent to North Sydney Council
13 Eden Street, North Sydney NSW 2060
Modify Condition I1 to 24 Hour operating hours- suites G.01 & G.07

The silence from Council, the Mayor and in particular local ward councillors is "DEAFENING".

Maybe any, or all of them, might like to share their thoughts with worried and concerned residents and alleviate the overwhelming anxiety this inappropriate application has caused throughout this community.

You remember "communities"?

That's what North Sydney WAS. Our community was more than just a group of people living in a particular area. We WERE a community of people we could lean on when times are tough; our friends, family, and neighbours who are there for us when we need love, support and encouragement.

A 24x7 business operation within our Eden, Myrtle and West Streets community CLEARLY would only detract, disrupt and damage what is left of our community.

I say NO to 24x7 business activity adjacent to this residential community. Nay, adjacent to ALL RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITIES IN NORTH SYDNEY.

What do you say Mayor and Councillors?

Niall d'Christopher
Sent to North Sydney Council