13 Eden Street, North Sydney NSW 2060

To extend operating hours of ground floor tenancies G01 to G07 (inclusive) to 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Planning Authority
North Sydney Council
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Reference number
DA 287/20
Date sourced
We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 4 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
542 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
12 comments made here on Planning Alerts

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to North Sydney Council. Add your own comment.

I object to the 24 houts operating lodged by the applicant. The premise is located in a quiet residential area and side street, the proposed 24 hours operation doesn't fit into the neighborhood.

It will cause inconvenience to the residents and significant disruption to the rights snd enjoyments of locals.

I strongly object to the application.

Robert Lin
Delivered to North Sydney Council

I totally object to this application. There is zero need for 24 hour operation at such premises. The only reason this would be required is for further brothels in the area. There are no such other businesses that would require these hours. There are schools near by and it is a quiet residential street, so this would not be appropriate at all!

A Lynch
Delivered to North Sydney Council

We object to both DA 287/20 and DA 288/20 that both relate to the 6 commercial Lots within 13 Eden Street.
If there has been a commercial miscalculation by the applicant in regards to these commercial Lots then local residents should not have to be penalised by their reclassification into residential.
In our view, these DA’s are requesting a contravention of the North Sydney development standard with little or no justification provided. Moreover 24 operation is not warranted with the availability of the internet. If these DA’s are approved then any mixed use building in our area may be similarly affected by the precedent.
Incidentally, the removal of the 3 beautiful Glendistdia Tricanthos trees in Eden Street by the same developer back in 2015 is still felt, we lost our summer shade and the beautiful canopy they provided.

David and Bronwyn Wilson
Delivered to North Sydney Council

This submission should not even be considered. This area is residential and densely populated. 24-hour business creates disturbance when residents are at home and infringes on their right to their peaceful enjoyment at home.

Entertaining such a proposal is a waste of local ratepayer resources and only gives the applicant hope. If this applicant is a firm such as Modog this business makes a habit of submitting and re-submitting such applications numerous times in the hope of success. There is no valid reason for ratepayers to support Council efforts to consider such an application which is against the local interests.

C. Brunck
Delivered to North Sydney Council

This is an objection to both DA 287/20 and DA 288/20.
I am a resident of 13 Eden Street and this is the second time Modog have blindsided the OC without prior discussion as they agreed in our recent AGM. I am the Secretary of the OC at 13 Eden Street.
North Sydney council did not approve these changes last time and there has been no changes toward this application in relation to the noise that would invade the units which face the courtyard. These include bedrooms and balconies with the only windows of the apartments facing the courtyard.

Amanda Judd
Delivered to North Sydney Council

This is an objection to both DA 287/20 and DA 288/20.
I own a unit at 13 Eden Street. This is the second time Modog have applied for a change to use for their unit without prior discussion, despite agreeing to enter into discussions at our recent AGM.
North Sydney council did not approve these changes last time and there has been no changes in this application in relation to noise management or mitigation and the concerns for the units that face the courtyard. We urge that this application is rejected.

Michael Wolley
Delivered to North Sydney Council

I totally object to this application.
There is absolutely NO need for 24 hour operation at 13 Eden Street.
Residents have purchased into the area for peace, convenience and to enjoy their right to a harmonious lifestyle.

Here we go again.
Irresponsible and inconsiderate wasting of everyones time. (yet again)

Any business that requires 24 hour operation is not required in this area; RESIDENTIAL. With more and more people working from home, there is a priority on peace and quiet to conduct business in the home.

Sally McGrath
Delivered to North Sydney Council

I object this application give the street is already congested as the street is so small. The area has gone through multiple developments over the year so the residents deserve some peace. Nsc should look at how to improve eden precinct amenities and close the questionable massage operation in the area.

Delivered to North Sydney Council

Can see no reason for a 24/7 business to be operating in this primarily residential area, The application is strongly opposed.

Michael Parker
Delivered to North Sydney Council

This is a residential area ! The poor residents of this street have had to put with so many issues , brothels and other dodgy businesses. For heaven’s sake exercise some common sense and deny this application !!

Amanda Smith
Delivered to North Sydney Council

I object to the 24 houts operating lodged by the applicant. This is a quiet residential area

Delivered to North Sydney Council

Obviously, with all the applications arising in Eden Street, we have the equivalent of local government 'vexatious [litigators] applicants'.

Clearly council will need to end the misery, stress and strain they seem to CONTINUALLY put residents through with manifestly inappropriate, non-compliant applications. Far be it for the commUNITY to educate council but there are processes, within the Local Government legislation, practices and procedures for council's to reject such application AT THE LODGEMENT STAGE. Council also has the right, within its prerogative, to charge an applicant for wasting council's time - it isn't a free service it offers to developers/non-resident/businesses! Or are such practices not exercised because of an apparent party-political bias on council? We know you are there, and just because the council elections have been delayed for 12 months, please don't think this commUNITY will not remember your failure to serve the commUNITY interest.

Now please stop wasting everyone's time and stressing our commUNITY (you remember what they are, don't you?). We've chosen to live in this residential commUNITY not in a 24x7 business precinct. How many times do you need to be told?

Delivered to North Sydney Council

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