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All recent comments on applications from North Sydney Council, NSW
I don’t think comments objecting to this on the grounds that it is opposite a school warrant much concern.
The venue has always been there opposite the school I don’t see how an addition of story will affect the school
I don’t think comments objecting to this on the grounds that it is opposite a school warrant much concern.
The venue has always been there opposite the school I don’t see how an addition of story will affect the school
What were you thinking?
Alister Street can at times already create unsafe traffic conditions during school drop-off and pick-up periods, for children and adults alike; I’d hate to imagine the impact our community would experience during this construction phase and beyond. I strongly oppose and suggest Council please reconsider.
North Sydney Council is selling off our beautiful suburb to the highest bidder. They need to stop destroying the history of the area and think more of preservation. With the boarding house going where Seconds World is, congestion and parking will become even worse.
We need to stop the wholesale slaughter of our suburb by developers. It seems North Sydney Council have said to developers, "help yourself".
This plan is not appropriate for the area, we need to preserve the lovely houses for future heritage. This is a busy area with school drop offs yet more cars and people in that area is not appropriate.
There is a current DA (111/21) for the Seconds World site proposing 31 rooms in a boarding house, little parking which will further congest Cranbrook.
It's time to stop.
Elections are next month, so residents need to think carefully about what they want Cremorne to look like for our children and vote accordingly.
Not one night in each week can local residents get to expect they can get to sleep before 10pm. And that's only 1 night in the week (Sunday). 2 nights at 1am and the balance at midnight. That's outrageous. PARTICULARLY GIVE THE NOISE LEVEL PERMITTED BY THE LICENSEE, who do NOTHING to ensure drunken patrons are refused service of alcohol to inebriated patrons. Go through there any night half an hour before closing and the majority of patrons are CLEARLY inebriated, with the closing "swill" a standard practice.
Adding appropriate additional space to existing housing stock in the municipality is a good way to assist with increasing space for some of the 15,000 new residents the state government has mandated for North Sydney. Obviously such changes need to be sympathetic with the existing streetscape and neighbours amenity.
Anything, that's ANYTHING, to remove the need for the multistory 'slumstock' becoming the standard in North Sydney is welcomed.
I support this application.
Three and four stories is too much for the street, and the area. The street has a number of period apartments that are two stories high, this proposal will dominate over them. It’s a relatively quiet street outside of school pick up/drop off, it’s not military rd.
This proposal does not align with the frontal street scape and aesthetic of "Benelong Road" and would appear disjointed and out of place.
It has been brought to our attention that the recent purchase of this property at 124 Benelong Road Cremorne, appears to be for a 4 storey building. This would be the third new boarding house in/near the Brightmore Precinct footprint, which seems quite a lot within a short distance from one another.
Furthermore, whilst it appears that excavation planned is relatively small, the height of the building is a contravention of the Development Control Plan.
I am not in favour of this building construction and hope further consideration is undertaken in this application to really determine if this meets all criteria and regulations accordingly.
Increasing the space in existing residential buildings by adding a floor is a way to spread the load on commUNITY assets and is the pathway to achieving the MANDATED increase of 15,000 new residents imposed on North Sydney by the state government. By increasing accommodation in North Sydney this way, instead of replacing suburbs like Crows Nest with a multitude of high rise towers, we end up with a commUNITY worth living in. Rather than build the "slums of the future", small scale, incremental changes to existing residential stock is the only viable way to go.
I support the application and agree with Peter's comments
I support such upgrading of existing heritage housing stock in this, and every local government area across the state/country.
It is the ONLY offset we have to the construction of over developed high rise apartments all over Sydney - history tells us such apartment constructions deliver us the slums of the future.
The state government MANDATES this local government area MUST accommodate an additional 15,000 residents, or grants will be cut. "Slum building" is the mantra of politicians (local, state & federal) and their developer backers - NOT the residents of this local government area.
Allowing, nae, encouraging small, individual upgrading and upsizing of the existing stock in this local government area will encourage and support the current and sustainable character of OUR commUNITY into the future for our children and their children. Our local government area doesn't belong to the politicians, it doesn't belong to the developers, it is OURS*.
*Our Universal Right of Sustainability.
This application for 27 Edwards Street is applauded and supported by me.
This potentially could ruin my view, is the height limit the exact same as the existing? Please advise
I am objecting to this application for a Boarding House as part of a Mixed Use business at 1 Eden Street North Sydney.
This is an exclusive residential enclave with a small amount of business premises as part of the mix use zone.
This is not the area for a boarding house to be established, I am not objecting to the requirement for more affordable housing, however these need to be developed in appropriate areas not in a small enclave such as Eden Street.
There are no other boarding houses within 1km of this area and it would set a precedent for future development.
The Council needs to consider the existing use of Eden Street and protect the residents that have purchased their homes in this Street.
Thank you.
What is a ‘detached dwelling development’? Is this apartments, and if so how many? If not, please describe the proposed dwelling/s.
We object to the replacement of timber with aluminium or other metal by removing the heritage condition on this property..
As this is a heritage conservation area it seems totally inconsistent to move from timber windows to aluminium ones on a heritage property. Surely the same or very similar structure can be made from timber. Even in non heritage areas of Crows Nest/Cammeray most owners try and use timber on the older cottages and semis - for example the renovations in Ernest Street at Cammeray have generally all used timber for windows and external doors and are not even in the heritage zones. What is the point of heritage controls if appropriate materials are not required? Please leave the condition in place requiring timber to be used.
This DA has the same development of 2 adjoining properties 61 & 63 Ernest Street. It's UTTER over development.
The Council needs to protect its Heritage conservation of the area and not allow Crows Nest to become another North Sydney or St Leonards. This development does NOT comply with many of the development criteria. I think North Sydney Council and the residents should seriously consider the impact of allowing such changes and another attempt at the blatant disregard of the DA criteria, the Heritage impact and over developing the area. Similar over development in Burington Street has not been approved, this should not be approved either!
The Council needs to protect its Heritage conservation of the area and not allow Crows Nest to become another North Sydney or St Leonards. This development does NOT comply with many of the development criteria. I think North Sydney Council and the residents should seriously consider the impact of allowing such changes and another attempt at the blatant disregard of the DA criteria, the Heritage impact and over developing the area. Similar over development in Burington Street has not been approved, this should not be approved either!
Council and the commUNITY need to applause such developments as these. Leveraging existing infrastructure and adding living space for larger families or even separate accommodation for other (families, singles, couples, etc.).
With the state LNP mandating Nth Syd Council area requiring an additional 15,000 residents in the 2130's the only alternative is to build 55 story towers like that proposed in Walker Street North Sydney.
I support this application and would welcome the council encouraging it for the whole of the LGA, where impact on surrounding residents is non-existent or minimal. The alternative is too great a worry for the health of this city.
I absolutely agree with Peter's comments.
I welcome such developments in the NSC area where we provide space for the possibility of more residents in small accommodation above garages. They are SIGNIFICANTLY better for the community than the MONSTEROUS high rise 'prison cell' constructions preferred for our community by developers and contributors to political parties in the local, state and federal sphere.
We object to this DA and request that it be refused, again.
There haven’t been any remedial works carried out to address the reasons for its previous refusal by council. The incompatibility of a motel operating out of a building not designed for this purpose remains. Those Owners who purchased their apartments in good faith and in the belief they would enjoy a new home with some 9 - 5 offices on their ground floor have endured DA after DA. It’s time this ill conceived project was finally put to rest and the Envi residents allowed to enjoy their properties in peace,