I support such upgrading of existing heritage housing stock in this, and every local government area across the state/country.
It is the ONLY offset we have to the construction of over developed high rise apartments all over Sydney - history tells us such apartment constructions deliver us the slums of the future.
The state government MANDATES this local government area MUST accommodate an additional 15,000 residents, or grants will be cut. "Slum building" is the mantra of politicians (local, state & federal) and their developer backers - NOT the residents of this local government area.
Allowing, nae, encouraging small, individual upgrading and upsizing of the existing stock in this local government area will encourage and support the current and sustainable character of OUR commUNITY into the future for our children and their children. Our local government area doesn't belong to the politicians, it doesn't belong to the developers, it is OURS*.
*Our Universal Right of Sustainability.
This application for 27 Edwards Street is applauded and supported by me.