13 Eden Street, North Sydney NSW 2060

Change of use to Motel accommodation (G01 - G06).
Planning Authority
North Sydney Council
View source
Reference number
DA 200/21
Date sourced
We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 3 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
547 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
4 comments made here on Planning Alerts

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to North Sydney Council. Add your own comment.

This is a residential area. Motels, which generally are accessible 24x7, are not appropriate for this predominantly residential. There's plenty of vacant office space with suitable off street parking in the North Sydney CBD for such a development.

If per chance you don't see the light on this matter then scrap the name of Eden Street and replace it with Hell Drive.

Delivered to North Sydney Council

Here we go again. DA number 12.

This is not an area for a motel, this is high residential. The design of 13 Eden street does not accommodate a 24 hour operation on the ground floor. The central courtyard is a void where any minor noise is heightened by the design. As a resident that faces the courtyard I hear everything. Doors, conversations, walking on the tiled floor, I can imagine what a 24/7 operation would be like, unbearable.

The stress and mental health that goes along with every DA is a factor in our lives now.


Amanda Judd
Delivered to North Sydney Council

I object to this. The street is not the place for a motel and can you imagine how bad the noise will carry if this is set as 24 hours - the poor residents above! It's a quiet residential neighbourhood so let's be sensible and keep it this way instead of appeasing greedy developers.

Anna Lynch
Delivered to North Sydney Council

We object to this DA and request that it be refused, again.
There haven’t been any remedial works carried out to address the reasons for its previous refusal by council. The incompatibility of a motel operating out of a building not designed for this purpose remains. Those Owners who purchased their apartments in good faith and in the belief they would enjoy a new home with some 9 - 5 offices on their ground floor have endured DA after DA. It’s time this ill conceived project was finally put to rest and the Envi residents allowed to enjoy their properties in peace,

David and Bronwyn Wilson
Delivered to North Sydney Council

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