The WWF says this: "Australia has the worst mammal extinction rate of any country in the world, and the catastrophic bushfires of 2019-20 impacted nearly 3 billion animals and have pushed many more of our precious wildlife on the fast-track towards extinction. Now more than ever, our wildlife needs our protection."
Why make things worse? Surely you can find a resolution that suits everyone without sending yet another species to extinction? How hard can it be?
All recent comments on applications from Noosa Shire Council, QLD
This development should absolutely NOT go ahead. This is crucial habitat for the critically endangered Glossy Black Cockatoo. None of this land should be allowed to be developed on. A more suitable location for an aged care facility needs to be found that does not push a species to extinction.
To the Councillors at Noosa Shire Council,
I wish to express my disappointment that the Uniting Church has a proposal before Council to develop Lot 9 Grasstree Court Sunrise Beach and urge you to oppose this proposal on the grounds of environmental destruction. At the moment this area is home to a number of endangered animals and birds, including the glossy black cockatoo. Animals such as these cockatoos are reliant on this type of habitat for feed and shelter. Once areas such as these are destroyed, it is forever and places further stress on the future of such birds. Surely, there are other areas the Uniting Church could use to build an aged care facility. Areas such as Lot 9 which have remnant bushland should actually be preserved as areas of natural and national importance. Later this year, I will be touring around your area and would like to think that I will be able to visit this area and find the bushland has been retained for its environmental significance.
The continued blatant disregard for critically endangered native Australian animal habitat is abhorrent.
This approval for the Uniting Church should NOT receive the go ahead. The extinction of the Glossy Black cockatoo will be your fault. You will have an extinction of a species on your hands. Please listen to your community. We are begging and pleading for you to listen and do the right thing.
We desperately need to do what we can for what little is left.
Please do the right thing.
To Whom it may concern
I am writing in regards to 1 Grasstree Court, Sunrise Beach and the proposed development by the Uniting Church. I am unequivocally opposed to this development. This five acres of land is habitat for the endangered Glossy Black Cockatoo. We are so fortunate to have these iconic birds that call our local area home. If these precious fragments of their unique feeding grounds continue to be destroyed, the end result will be another step towards the extinction of a species. This special piece of habitat is also home to many other species enriching the biodiversity of our shire.
Please do not let this development go ahead. There are other places that could be utilised but, little to no remaining fragments of crucial habitat like this.
Yours sincerely
I do not support clearing the site that the Uniting Church want to redevelop at the cost of the CRITICALLY ENDANGERED GLOSSY BLACK COCKATOO. Noosa council has already grossly overdeveloped existing vegetation and should be aggressively protecting what is left. Rampant development must be stopped. Our wildlife are in critical decline from multiple convergent threats.
I strongly recommend rejecting once and for all this and other sensitive development proposals.
Yours sincerely
To whom it may concern,
I strongly object to the development of the land located at 1 Grasstree Ct Sunrise Beach QLD 4567.
It is absolutely disgraceful and heartbreaking that the council is even considering this development proposal. It is of international concern that Australia is destroying the native habitat of our most special animals and driving these creatures to extinction. We are losing the very things that make our country unique and brings tourists to the region.
I oppose this development as this area is important to endangered native animals and therefore no part of the land should be permitted to be cleared. A more suitable location for an aged care facility needs to be found.
I don’t understand why you would want to ruin what you have at Noosa. Don’t become a Gold Coast over run with high rise and devoid of character. Altering the planning in my opinion is just a Band-Aid disguising the scab underneath
As already suggested, there are other sites which do not have irreplaceable flora and fauna.
Perhaps a review of the tax free status of the church is required since it would appear they have lots of money.
How can the Noosa Shire Council continue to ignore the voices and pleas of Australians? Is a council's responsibility not to benefit the community and space? It's abhorrent to imagine that this council is so selfish and self-absorbed, that it will not take sustainable action to protect this lot of land. Many species depend on this space for survival, and you are driving them further and further into extinction. Our black cockatoos need help, and you are not helping. Do better.
How can the Noosa Shire Council continue to ignore the voices and pleas of Australians? Is a council's responsibility not to benefit the community and space? It's abhorrent to imagine that this council is so selfish and self-absorbed, that it will not take sustainable action to protect this lot of land. Many species depend on this space for survival, and you are driving them further and further into extinction. Our black cockatoos need help, and you are not helping. Do better.
Please say no to this development , any habitat loss is critical as well as detrimental to species survival , we cannot do global change but local change and state change are vital if we want our unique flora and fauna to survive . We must protect each and every local space that is confirmed habitat , for both endanger and potentially endangered species without wildlife humans will be extinct . Please don’t ruin what is left of vital habitat due to the churches greed.
Please, think long term and stop this irrevocable damage to valuable habitat at Lot 9 in Noosa, just for short term gain.
To be true leaders and custodians please realise that when genetic diversity is gone, its gone forever and will remain gone long after the short term gain has been forgotten.
Susan Miller
I have been following the progress of this development and I am amazed at the council’s lack of interest in maintaining the local flora and fauna.
I understand the need for retirement villages but the long term affects of such a decision are so detrimental to so many threatened species this area should not have been given any consideration in the first place .
The Glossie black sunrise cockatoo as you would well know is reliant on the leaves of particular tress that exist in this area and in very few other areas. This decision would virtually wipe out a species and as you know Australia’s record for doing this is getting worse and worse.
Please stand up for what you know is right and stop this project in its tracks.
I am deeply distressed to see that the council is considering allowing development on a piece of land critical to the survival of the black cockatoo. Please reject this proposal in the interests of this endangered bird. Clearing of this land would be an immoral act, and result in further decline of this wonderful bird. Surely there are alternatives to this terrible action, and that other land can be found to satisfy the wants of the developers?
This approval should definitely be REFUSED.
This 5 hectare property is irreplaceable!!
It is abundent with unique wildlife that needs this habitat to survive.
We have lost so much of our natural world already on our beautiful Sunshine Coast. This habitat needs to be saved - NOT destroyed.
Please do the right thing and save this valuable habitat for the future.
Thank you.
When scientists find time and time again that we are causing animals to go extinct due to habitat clearing, how is this still being considered? There are threatened and endangered species which absolutely depend on these pockets of land to survive. Humans can find other areas, the animals cannot! They just die out. Please don’t let it happen on your watch. From one bush-filled shire resident to another, save these invaluable birds!
The council should not be giving these plans the go-ahead. Wrecking the habitat of endangered species to build a concrete jungle is not a winning proposition. Councils shouldn't be rewarding vested interests with deep pockets. What they should be doing is looking to the future by maintaining and preserving our incredible natural resources.
I've recently moved away from the Sunshine Coast and Noosa region. While it is a relief to escape the intensity of the land clearing and development in the area I'm so sad that councils are approving the destruction of what makes the region so iconic: its biodiversity. Knowing how vulnerable the wildlife is to habitat fragmentation and dislocation. I strongly disagree with further development on this particular lot and area in general.
I believe a firm NO is required in response to any attempts to allow any part of this development to proceed ... for so many valid reasons that have been clearly and consistently outlined.
Unfortunately no minor change no matter what slight improvement it may make is acceptable.
This development is ripping out the heart of our community. I’m very concerned for the welfare of many people who have witnessed the growth of this remnant woodland over past years. Only this week an echinda has been found nesting in this habitat. Council has had many opportunities to stop this application based on the requested changes as well as the length of time this developer has held the land. Too many rubber stamped extensions with no sensible investigation into the consequences of continued extensions.
75,000 signatures - Council elections are looming … please stop this development now by no more approvals. They have not developed an off site worthy of anything other than a half hearted attempt at trying to appease Council. This is not acceptable.
Thank you Bron Hayes
No amount of minor changes fix the fundamental flaws of this application - it’s on an inappropriate site, overdeveloped plans total destruction of the native environmental despite the rare and endangered species list and recognised significance and community opposition 70000 signatures and still the council is letting it through, we get to vote next year !- voice your concerns once it’s gone it’s gone and the birds will not wait 50 years for the replanting - it will be a revegetated offset site devoid of wildlife and a loss of the last section of rear dune original vegetation . There are plenty of empty sites that are better suited to aged care and this application should be called in before clearing. This is the last chance. Koala signs I Hope they can read ! This does not protect them it’s a joke.
As the next door neighbours we have concerns with noise and privacy from dual occupancy. Can we have contact details for someone to speak to please.
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