All recent comments on applications from Noosa Shire Council, QLD

33 Belmore Tce Sunshine Beach QLD 4567
Demolition Class 1 and 10

Where do i go or apply for copy of the building plans

russell gehling
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
4 Grasstree Ct Sunrise Beach QLD 4567

This land should not be destroyed, the remnant landscape is critical to the ‘vulnerably’ listed Black Glossy Cockatoo. I am also extremely concerned of the affect further destruction will have on the community. As Council and the Uniting Church are well aware, this site is of extreme importance to our coastal community. Over 75,000 signatures. I’m concerned of the environmental affect to areas surrounding lot 9 should further destruction at Grasstree Court occur. I strongly object to any further landscaping works at this site.

Bronwyn Hayes
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
4 Grasstree Ct Sunrise Beach QLD 4567

My wife, Angela Whitbread and myself are founding funders of The Biodiversity Council and local neighbours to Sunrise.

We are very concerned that this precious area to the local wildlife especially the endangered Black Glossies and the beautiful surrounding areas including the Wallum marshlands are threatened by this development.

We have joined with concerned others and seeking ways to support council to influence the decisions by the church and the developers made a while back not knowing this area is critical to the biodiversity sustainability in the whole Noosa area.

The actual plan is not online so we can’t see the plans but we understand the removal of the precious Casuarinas forms part of this “landscaping”.

These trees form a critical component to biodiversity as they offer both a filter to correct the acidity/alkanity of the soil and a fine balance to the ground water flowing down to the wallum heathland.

As well, the Casurinas seeds are a key component of the Black Glossies diet.

These trees’ seeds take years to grow so it’s simplistic and impractical to just “replant” new seedlings in an old nearby dump.

One of my hero’s in the natural science arena was Dr David Suzuki who stressed the importance of witnessing, experiencing and understanding an area. He went onto to say, the first step, and once experienced and understood, we will then learn to care for, love and preserve an area.

I encourage council, neighbours, in fact all stakeholders to go for a walk around this lot 9 as Angela and I have regularly to better understand the critical role these lots play in the biodiversity of the surrounding flora and fauna

If you would like a guide - we can arrange this? Please email:

Tim Rossi
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
4 Grasstree Ct Sunrise Beach QLD 4567

Cleared land is abundant and close to Sunrise beach, allowing the Church to avoid destruction of the significant wildlife and unique coastal habitat of the identified site. The Church at anytime is fully empowered to make more community minded choices that respect the Noosa peoples wish for the land to be conserved.

Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
4 Grasstree Ct Sunrise Beach QLD 4567

If this is any clearing of Lot 9 the council should intervene to stop this - the habitat is critical for retention of black cockatoos and rare threatened species. This development should not go ahead and the lack of transparency of the documents for this current application is a sign of something to hide. The council voted in 2022 to open this Lot 9 again to public comment make your comments now. It is not landscaping it is destruction of the landscape.

Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
33 Belmore Tce Sunshine Beach QLD 4567
Demolition Class 1 and 10

I hope the Norfolk Pines will be left as they are.

Rhonda Stringer
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
2 Arakoon Cres Sunshine Beach QLD 4567
Change to Development Approval

Thank you for your input S King. So is this property seeking to operate as an STA? And operating against council STA local laws currently by not having approval & not being registered?
If they are seeking STA approval I vehemently oppose. Sunshine Beach is inundated with STAs taking housing stock & destroying residential amenity. There is a housing crisis for heavens sake. Let people live in it!

Natasha Fabulic
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
2 Arakoon Cres Sunshine Beach QLD 4567
Change to Development Approval

This lot functions as a STA advertised extensively online. With up to
8 guests, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, 2 carparks it is already a big operation. What change is being applied?

S King
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
2 Arakoon Cres Sunshine Beach QLD 4567
Change to Development Approval

Thank you for sending me the alert regarding this property however the available information makes me no more informed as to what the application is actually for. The information available states "Material Change of Use". This is currently a home. What is the change? A hotel??? Another STA?

Natasha Fabulic
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
11 Paul St Noosa Heads QLD 4567
Additions (enclosed), Carport, Secondary Dwelling

My comment would be - is there parking space on the property for additional cars? Paul Street can be quite busy as the access to this residential area and cars parked here would not help.

Marilynne Cahn
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
11 Paul St Noosa Heads QLD 4567
Additions (enclosed), Carport, Secondary Dwelling

11 Paul Street, Noosa Heads is a very small section of land which is zoned for residential low density. Council should respect this is a low density zone, almost devoid of tourists (airbnb) and not allow garage conversions into secondary dwellings. Moreover Paul Street, if allowed a secondary dwelling, will then have multiple cars for two households parked out on the narrow road, which will make this section, especially by number 11, difficult to navigate and potentially dangerous for other vehicles using the road.
Weyba Estate is not on the tourist strip and owners do not require two houses on the one property. Please refuse this application on density zoning and lack of on site car parking for two dwellings.

Heidi Andrews
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
39-41 Picture Point Cres Noosa Heads QLD 4567

Dear Noosa Shire Council,
We own a property within The Lookout Resort which is across the road to 41 Picture Point Crescent, Noosa Heads. We are concerned with the potential obstruction of our exisiting view of the Noosa River and Noosa Beach caused by the proposed building request RAL22/0021. We request visibility to the proposed building height and specifically an assessment on the impact to our existing view.

Talei Acciarito
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
132 Solar Rd Cooroy Mountain QLD 4563
Short-term accommodation

Solar Road is already impacted by new builds which has increased traffic to a dangerous level . Near misses are common and it is now difficult to safely leave some driveways . Having short stay accomodation for up to 10 people will only increase traffic . It will also potentially cause unsociable noise down this quiet road

W Walker
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
12 Gannet St Peregian Beach QLD 4573
Change from 4 x 60 Days to SSL

This part of Peregian Beach is one of the last remaining areas near the beach where you can live amongst a permanent community of families. We were determined to live amongst local families rather than holiday makers and chose to sacrifice other lifestyle factors to purchase in this specific area for that reason alone.

The families in this area have a strong community focus and know each other and respect each other. If the council don't uphold this residential focus then the impacts on the community are felt by all the residents and this has a knock on effect for the whole village vibe long term.

Secondly, the long term housing crisis is a strong indicator that council must uphold the focus on housing families in stable residential accomodation rather than supporting the profit focussed, short term accommodation option.

Keep the community focus, keep our village vibe.

Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
24 Seamount Qy Noosaville QLD 4566
Works within 4.5m of revetment wall

With respect, Dianne’s comment and objection are non factual , incorrect and without due consideration. The rock wall in question has existed for many years, prior to our ownership. It was unstable and we elected to reinstate and make a 30 cm increase in height in the process. As I wasn’t changing layout of the garden I mistakenly assumed I didn’t need a permit - my mistake. The wall is in fact 95cm high (not 1.4m as stated) and covers LESS THAN 50% (not 80% as stated) of our water frontage and is set back 1.2metres from revetment wall. Qualified engineering consulting and subsequent property survey have validated that revetment wall has not been compromised ( in fact it is complimented in wall support thru structural integrity) and our flood relief is in fact higher than council flood tolerance requirements by more than 20 cubic metres as a result of existing flatter levels on the 50% non walled areas in some cases back to the 4.5metre control area.
Resident commentary is an important input to council process but non factual and sometimes emotional feedback is not helpful at all We support controls that enhance and compliment our beautiful canal complex and will comply with reason, logic and fact based decisions. There are many examples of poorly constructed and non compliant water frontages in our complex - ours is not one of them

Ian Farnsworth
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
26 Kestrel Cres Peregian Beach QLD 4573
Home-based business

If this application is for existing use yes BUT if for anything new then my view is NO!

Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
337 David Low Way Peregian Beach QLD 4573
Dwelling House

Q: Is this proposed 3 storey dwelling under the allowable maximum height for the area (potentially 8m)?

Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
82 Patterson Dr Tinbeerwah QLD 4563
Change to Development Approval

Re MCU21/0154.01 -Objection to this application
We wish to restate our opposition to this application.
Twelve months ago we took a petition around local residents and over 90% of those that we were able to collect(who were home at the time) were opposed to the application.
This is an industrial business set up up in a residential area and does not meet the boundary guidelines/parameters as set out in the Noos Planning guidelines. I feel that this only opens up residential areas to unwanted businesses which affect the residents amenity and well-being. Council is at this time trying to sort out the mess of STA's in residential areas and I don't think they need to set a precedence for other businesses to set up in residential areas that affect nearby residents which could have implications for the future.
I am aware that the applicant is not working as a sole operator which was part of the guidelines. We have had our sleep disturbed on occasions when the operator has returned from hunting. And when the wind is heading in the wrong direction for us we can hear a persistent whining like an annoying mosquito during the day when he is processing.
We are the lucky ones and I feel for their direct neighbours which have been severely affected and it shows visibly on them.
This applicant I would of thought would have met and stayed within the guidelines that council set whilst he was on a trial. He has not however done that and as he has done all along in building the facility without any permissions he shows already how it will be and it is not going to be good for this area.
We implore you to do the right thing and have this business relocated to a commercial area where it should have been set up in the first place.

Julie Hughson
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
82 Patterson Dr Tinbeerwah QLD 4563
Change to Development Approval

It is almost 12 months since local people signed a petition objecting to this "home based business" change of use application, yet Council still allowed Development Approval with a number of conditions. With final approval to be determined imminently, it is necessary for Council to seriously consider if those conditions have a) been met and
b) if the residential amenity of those living in the area of this business has been affected.
I believe the operator of the business has expanded the operations, rather than limiting them as was agreed to in the conditional approval and is showing no consideration for neighbouring residents in doing this. I wish to emphasise that Patterson Drive is a residential area, albeit rural, and this business has increased traffic along the street and created much night disturbance around the property.
Thus, not only has the applicant disregarded the conditions upon which the original conditional approval was allowed, but the applicant has also shown lack of consideration for the residential amenity of the area. The location for a commercial business such as this should be in an industrial area not amongst peoples' homes. As a consequence, I wish to voice my objection to MCU21/0154.01.

Jeannette Harrison
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
26 Kestrel Cres Peregian Beach QLD 4573
Home-based business

There’s already an air bnb being run from this address. New people constantly. Always been fairly quiet and no parties as yet.
However there is ample accommodation for visitors to the Noosa area and if more and more home’s are turned into holiday accommodation then the village feel and family environment will be lost. When will council adhere to their rules of no more BnB’s and make homeowners adhere to the rules rather than just flaunt them?

D Gilbert
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
3 Serenity Cl Noosa Heads QLD 4567
Resort complex, Shop

As a resident of Serenity Close I have serious reservations regarding the increase of traffic this proposed development will cause. Currently the infrastructure along Grant Street & surrounding areas is not conclusive to this size development. Over the last couple of years STA's have also caused parking & pedestrian concerns and I hope this has been taken into consideration.

Caroline Giles
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
Spey Court Spey Ct Tewantin QLD 4565
Clearing Vegetation under planning scheme

The Koalas in Queensland are listed as ‘ENDANGERED’ under the EPBC Act. This occurred in Feb 2022

The day after Noosa Council removed trees in this location in September, a Koala was filmed in a Paperbark tree in that same area. One can draw the assumption that it was displaced.

The recent destruction of koala habitat with the extension of Carramar Nursing Home and the clearing of forest for the Tewantin Bypass roundabout has put critical pressure on this small pocket of koala habitat that forms part of the corridor to Tewantin National Park on either side of Noosa Parklands.

Every single tree counts to preserve vital koala habitat. Now that Noosa Council is aware through actual sightings and evidence that this population is still trying to survive in this pocket, all further deforestation efforts- no matter how small -should be ceased.

H Walsh
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
38 Wollomia Way Sunrise Beach QLD 4567
Demolition Class 1 and 10

This is why there’s no affordable housing - these small houses on good size blocks are being demolished for no good reason by greed - council should pause these approvals as mcmansions do not provide affordable housing stock. If the owner wanted a bigger house there were others to purchase, this is a good house for affordable rentals.

Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
215 David Low Way Peregian Beach QLD 4573
Change to Development Approval

Whilst it is unfortunate that the Noosa Council planners approved this development, the issue in front of the council planners now is how to best manage all the increased vehicle and foot-based traffic. Currently, within an approximate 150 metre distance along David Low Way (in front of this approved development), there are two pedestrian crossings, two speed humps, a roundabout and another "non-marked" pedestrian crossing. Prior to the occupancy occurring at this approved development, all of these vehicle and pedestrian interfaces and controls are causing traffic chaos and leading to undue risk to pedestrians, vehicles and bike riders. I propose that the council help rectify these risks that have been created through various historical approvals. One potential alleviation option is to remove the current pedestrian crossing in front of the development area and replace it with an underground tunnel crossing. Such a pedestrian tunnel could slope gently up from the lower car park level and emerge on the village side of the road. Besides removing another traffic encumbrance, this would also provide an alternative to the previously approved steep stairs and small lift.

Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
12 Gannet St Peregian Beach QLD 4573
Change from 4 x 60 Days to SSL

How many more STA's is Council going to approve in Peregian Beach and the Eastern Beaches? Will they let every house become an STA? Will the Eastern Beaches become a wasteland of empty houses during the week to then become over-crowded with visitors at the weekend?
Will Council consider the rental housing crisis - how many people are forced into living in their cars just so that interstate visitors can come here and party and inter-State investors can make more money at the expense of us locals.
Council needs to consider the impact that STAs have on the community - with each new STA, a local resident loses a neighbour, a child loses a potential best friend next door, a new family loses the opportunity to move into the neighbourhood and become part of, and contribute to, a community. With each new STA, the community of local residents losses with the only winner being rich investors.
STAs are a rot on the fabric of our community; with each STA we have less and less of a chance at building meaningful connections in our community, which we know is so important to residents. Each new STA is a headache for, not only the immediate neighbours, but the entire street, as visitor come and go and clog the street with cars, have parties in quite streets that keep everyone up at night. STA’s turn friendly neighbourhood streets into zones of conflict and annoyances.
Please stop the spread of STAs. We all want people to live in our community, we want neighbours living next to us, not visitors! We want our children to have friends to play with in the street, not late night party houses. We want friendly conversations over the fence, not constant worries about who will show up this weekend. Our businesses want people to liver here and spend their money where every day of the week, not just weekends.

Delivered to Noosa Shire Council