All recent comments on applications from Noosa Shire Council, QLD

1 Grasstree Ct Sunrise Beach QLD 4567
Change to Development Approval

I am writing to express my very strong objection to any further approvals of the development of lot 9 at 1Grasstree Crt. We have already suffered the devastating destruction of lot 6. We have seen a huge reduction in the number of Glossies feeding and drinking at Sunrise Beach since the development started. We need to halt any further clearing of their rapidly diminishing habitat before they become locally extinct... or extinct full stop! Especially with climate change already impacting the survival of many threatened species. It has been distressing to observe the Glossies flying over the construction site looking for their favoured feed trees that are no longer there.
I understand that the Church are proposing to repair the cap at the offset dump site This is an unacceptable proposition. Planting offset trees there will likely result in further damage of the cap from tree roots. There is a good chance many of the offset trees will be blown over due to shallow root systems, just after they finally become big enough to support the Glossies.... and long after the Church's 5 year period of responsibility for this site ends. I implore the council to use this obstacle to refuse approval of the development of lot 9 and to once again offer a land swap as the only viable option.
The Uniting Church has already refused to consider a landswap for reasons that do not stack up in my opininion. Yes they have already spent a lot of money on this project... but they will recoup this lost money when they sell retirement units at today's inflated prices. They say they want to look after their congregation...I say 76000+ signatures on a petition asking for a land swap and the mental health of a whole community is more important than the wishes of such a small number of churchgoers!
Please refuse this change and find a way to stop the development of lot 9. You have a chance to fix this and right the wrongs of the past. Please do not let us down!!
Yours Sincerely,
Linda Shaw,
Anguished ratepayer!

Linda Ruth Shaw
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
1 Grasstree Ct Sunrise Beach QLD 4567
Change to Development Approval

Dear Council,
Please do not allow the destruction of the beautiful vital area of natural forest that is Lot 9, 1 Grasstree Crt., Sunrise Beach for a nursing home. The community is vehemently opposed to this development including 12 year old Spencer who along with his family has been fighting to save this area since 2021. Spencer and his family as well as the majority of the community love wildlife and can see the need to maintain what little good quality habitat that is left for them. This area is home to a vast array of wildlife-at-risk who are struggling to survive against climate change and human encroachment. Specifically, the area has a good number of Casuarina trees, which is the sole food source of the iconic and endangered Glossy black cockatoo. This beautiful bird, the smallest of the black cockatoo species, is particularly vulnerable to extinction because of its unusually restricted diet, therefore intact areas of Casuarina forest such as this one should be considered precious and preserved at all costs. I think it is immoral, irreligious and hypocritical of the Uniting church to proceed with this development considering what is at stake and the amount of community opposition and in addition it would be an immoral act by Council to give approval for this development. Please do not allow the development of this area to proceed, it must remain completely untouched.

Rachel Mary Cassidy
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
305 Lake Macdonald Dr Lake Macdonald QLD 4563
Medium impact industry

I don't believe Council should allow the Material Change Of Use on this application. This business was run from premises in the Noosaville Industrial estate for over a decade. Rural land was purchased, and the business along with staff moved to the property. Now the request for the property to have a zone change some 2 years after the move. There is no benefit to the business being moved. It seemed only that the proprietor wished to work from home on a rural property. The neighboring properties should not have to deal with noise from the business or traffic from staff, when it is perfectly suited to a factory in the industrial estate.

Glenn Ellis
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
1 Grasstree Ct Sunrise Beach QLD 4567
Change to Development Approval

The magnitude of these comments sends a significant message from your ratepayers. If, by your actions, you degrade the natural and unique environment enjoyed by both visitors and the community, then you fail us and the goal of sustainability. The economics of aged care has changed since this Blue Care development was approved. The number of elderly Australians being looked after in their own home with government support is now greater than those in nursing homes. The government has flagged that the nursing home economic model is broken and that major change is on the way. There are now moves to review the transparency of funding to charitable organisations. It is imperative that the councillors implement an analysis and review of the historical approval for a nursing home on this site.

Janet Caffin
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
1 Grasstree Ct Sunrise Beach QLD 4567
Change to Development Approval

I moved to a lovely area surrounded by bushland in SEQ with interconnecting greenspace to allow fauna to move around more safely. Enter the powerful lobby group of developers. Vast areas have already been destroyed. More are currently being destroyed. I guess it will save the council money, they will no longer have to place signs along the roadsides warning of animal sightings. There won't be any animals left.

Queensland already has the worst record in this country for deforestation and land clearing. Please don't add to this. Stop the development of this crucial wildlife site and let the church go elsewhere.

Lee Jeffery
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
1 Grasstree Ct Sunrise Beach QLD 4567
Change to Development Approval

Dear Planning staff,

We all realise you have a difficult job especially with regard to this development by Lendlease in conjunction with Uniting Church.
However, as Noosa Council CEO wrote to me last September - Council has withdrawn approval for land clearing due to fact Offset site isn’t suitable.
If money is to be paid instead - we as ratepayers need a say in what is appropriate amount if any.
As stated clearly by everyone we do not accept the destruction of habitat and remnant vegetation on this site.
We’ve also been assured previously that any application to change this DA would be presented to full Council - for approval by our elected representatives.
Therefore my point is:
please ensure whatever changes have been applied for - regarding this Retirement Village in Grasstree Crt - go before Council for approval.
We as ratepayers do not accept the idea that planning staff have the delegated authority in respect of this application - given staff history of rubber stamping extensions previously. A new Environmental study should have been carried out due to time lapsing. The State Government gave too many extensions due to Covid when builders have not stopped working and Ecological studies are now out of date.
As you know 75,000 people are actively involved in this outcome as per Petition.
Monitoring of this process will flow onto next Council elections and Councillors now have the opportunity to become involved directly - as assured by CEO and Cr Brian Stockwell would be the case.
Please ensure any Change/s to this application form part of Agenda for a full Council meeting - whenever it’s ready to proceed.
We are all watching closely.
Thank you
Barbara McPhee

Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
1 Grasstree Ct Sunrise Beach QLD 4567
Change to Development Approval

Please stop the destruction of precious wildlife habitat! The land clearing in Queensland is non-stop. We need to protect our plants, animals and ecosystems. The Glossy Black Cockatoo is already endangered - we need to stop animal extinction now! Think of all the animals that are killed when bulldozing their homes, and the ones that survive - where do they go? Ecosystems are gone, plants gone and native animals gone.

Please reconsider developing Lot 9!

Barbara Newton
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
1 Grasstree Ct Sunrise Beach QLD 4567
Change to Development Approval

Lot 8 has been lost forever with the Aged Care Village rising out of the ground to swallow its habitat.
Now the Uniting Church wants to swallow Lot 9 also and steal that habitat for a Retirement Village. Imagine if we were to leave this homeland untouched for our wildlife and future generations.
To the Church, please rethink this action before a great mistake has been made with a great cost to the environment and the greater Community.
It is unfair and unjust and we speak for those that do not have a voice.
Thank you
Kay Southam

Kay Southam
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
1 Grasstree Ct Sunrise Beach QLD 4567
Change to Development Approval

Dear Noosa Shire Council,
I am writing in regards to 1 Grasstree Court, Sunrise Beach and the proposed development by the Uniting Church and I implore the councillors to reconsider developing Lot 9 as this will likely lead to the collapse of the wallum ecosystem which in and of itself is an extremely rare and precious environment. The wallum woodland is a most extraordinary place and to destroy any more of what remains will bring about the extinction of Glossy Black Cockatoos in the area and render countless other species homeless and without a food source. What shall they do once they are displaced by further development? Will you allow them to simply slip into extinction? I have seen the offset site and as valiant an effort the plants may be making to grow, these trees will not provide food nor shelter for any animals for at least 10 years. I came up from Sydney just last week to visit the site as this development and the plight of the Glossies and other wildlife has concerned me for quite some time. I had the opportunity to meet some of the incredible people in the community who strive to see Noosa remain a beautiful place and one that can co-exist with nature in harmony. They have collected over 75,000 signatures seeking to protect this area. Please heed their call and secure a future for our precious, irreplaceable wildlife and our diverse and dynamic flora species which have established themselves over millennia. This biodiversity is what makes the region so incredibly special and it must be protected at all costs. Please save it.

Heidi Lincoln
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
1 Grasstree Ct Sunrise Beach QLD 4567
Change to Development Approval

Please don't approve the application to clear and build on Lot 9. This area supports the local Glossy Black-cockatoo population by providing their highly specialised food source. Trying to replant this habitat elsewhere via offsets will not work as it will take too long to provide food for these birds.

Emily Kelly
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
1 Grasstree Ct Sunrise Beach QLD 4567
Change to Development Approval

To the Uniting Church, Noosa Shire Council councillors and decision makers,

I strongly object to the Uniting Church’s proposed Bluecare development at 1 Grasstree Court, Sunrise Beach, QLD 4567. (Lot 9 SP 322789). The proposed development will destroy 5 hectares of critical Wallum woodland habitat including 70 identified feed trees that supports one of the few populations of Glossy black-cockatoos on the Sunshine Coast. This historical development approval from 2011 doesn't reflect how community expectations and values have changed over time. The Noosa council must recognise the wishes of the community and show leadership by rejecting the proposed development.

Rejecting the development application is in line with Noosa Councils “Glossy Black-Cockatoo Resilience Plan” which states that the protection of habitat, water and food resources for the Glossy black-cockatoo is a top priority to “secure a future for the glossy-black-cockatoo in the Noosa Biosphere Reserve.” The development should also be rejected as it doesn't align with the intent and principles of the Noosa Biosphere Reserve, nor does it support the Federal governments pledge that Australians will not witness any new species extinctions.

The Uniting Church’s proposal to destroy the glossy black cockatoo’s preferred food trees will result in the local extinction of the species. The Uniting Church recognise the significant harm their proposed development will do and have suggested a variety of ill conceived remedies such as remote offsets, planting of immature food trees and supplying school children with tree seed. However it is plainly obvious that the birds of Grasstree Court will not be able to utilise those resources.

It is very likely that the status of the glossy black-cockatoo will soon be elevated to endangered as the effects of extreme events associated with climate change and habitat clearing continues. Currently there is no Species Management Plans in place to provide them with the consideration and protection they currently deserve. Noosa councillors are asked to take this into consideration, be forward thinking, exercise leadership and demonstrate a duty of care to protect this critical and irreplaceable habitat for the benefit of the wildlife and the well being of the community over time.

Max Fulham
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
1 Grasstree Ct Sunrise Beach QLD 4567
Change to Development Approval

How many voices will it take before elected councils listen to the outcry about this development? Following the devastating impact of the bushfire and flood seasons - extreme weather events attributable to climate change - and the massive impact this has had on our invaluable and unique fauna, leading to many more being declared endangered including koalas, it is beyond comprehension why this application was ever even tabled; why the church felt it was appropriate and why council did not advise them it would never be passed. It's an appalling dereliction of duty to preserving the future biodiversity of the region by both church and council. It must be rejected entirely.

Alexa Wyatt
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
1 Grasstree Ct Sunrise Beach QLD 4567
Change to Development Approval

This proposal is ridiculous and absolutely inappropriate. It is vital that we work to protect our precious wildlife rather than mindlessly working to destroy it.

Rhiannon Fuller-Sandys
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
1 Grasstree Ct Sunrise Beach QLD 4567
Change to Development Approval

This development must not go ahead.
Many others have already covered the many vital reasons for that view.
Please retain what we have.
We are losing the war against the destruction of species and biodiversity and bushland.

Ted Hume
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
1 Grasstree Ct Sunrise Beach QLD 4567
Change to Development Approval

According to The Guardian, Queensland has the highest land clearing rate in Australia, the equivalent of about 567 Melbourne Cricket Grounds a day. How awful that Noosa Council could be contributing to that dreadful statistic. Please take the broader view of the role that nature plays in our mental wellbeing. Do not approve the destruction of this local treasure. I had the pleasure of living in this area for 5 years while our daughter attended highschool there. What you have is so special compared to the nearby Council area where I now live.

Maggie Third
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
1 Grasstree Ct Sunrise Beach QLD 4567
Change to Development Approval

Noosa council as per previous comments I too would like to register my concern over this development. I do not see how it is in line with the council's corporate plan Environment heading that you will "focus conservation and enhancement of natural environment ". In section 1.2 you claim to partner with community and section 1.7 you claim to protect vulnerable species. This development is at odds with your claims especially as the promise of reparation in replanting of trees has sadly not been fulfilled. The destruction of 1 Grasstree Court will tarnish this current Council's reputation and will be remembered come election time

Deborah Oliver
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
1 Grasstree Ct Sunrise Beach QLD 4567
Change to Development Approval

Please reconsider allowing any application for development in this area. Listen to the voices of your community especially those of the young who's future you hold in your hands. They want to enjoy the bio diversity and wildlife that we have. Prioritise saving and protecting what we have left including this area for the black cockatos. Thank you henrietta manning

Henrietta manning
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
1 Grasstree Ct Sunrise Beach QLD 4567
Change to Development Approval

This is a fire prone area, with 4 schools to evacuate before the old folk, in a fire situation.
Wallum supports so much wildlife, from Wallum froglet to Glossy Black Cockatoo.
It can't be successfully recreated else where.
Please reconsider the appropriateness of this development

Penelope Scott
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
1 Grasstree Ct Sunrise Beach QLD 4567
Change to Development Approval


I’m from the United States and so I acknowledge that I can only speak as an outsider. I am commenting only to request that the dire situation of the beautiful Glossy Black Cockatoo be considered as you deliberate on what is best for your community. Australia’s parrots have inspired me since I was a child with their beauty, intelligence, and unique adaptations. It’s saddens me deeply that so many of these special birds face the possibility of extinction. Please do all you can to preserve these birds for the next generation so that they can continue to grace the skies and fill us all with wonder. Halfway around the world these birds still have power to change the way we think and feel about nature and the world around us.

Thank you for listening to the request of a stranger half a world a way. I wish you all the best as you continue your deliberations.

Claire St. Hilaire

Claire St. Hilaire
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
1 Grasstree Ct Sunrise Beach QLD 4567
Change to Development Approval

I have spent many glorious months in Noosa enjoying the special character of the place and all the way in England here, there are many who I can share my experience with. Noosa is much spoken of here, a well known and loved place. One of my favourite birds is the now critically endangered Glossy Black Cockatoo .. I cannot believe what you are putting at risk (biodiversity and a number of endangered species in a highly valued location) by considering this change in the development of Lot 9 and for what? It is a disgrace and there is no excuse for it, its simply financial greed. I am so shocked to hear of this proposal. You have an opportunity to make the right decision here and unanimously vote against the development. Please do so ... with so many representations from the people who pay your wages as well, you should not allow this development to go ahead.
Noosa is a special place, please do your job and keep it that way for all species.

Amanda Holley
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
1 Grasstree Ct Sunrise Beach QLD 4567
Change to Development Approval

Please save the Glossy Black Cockatoo from extinction by protecting its habitat, not by destroying the sheoak trees for development. See the Federal Environment Minister's statement to stop Extinctions in the next ten years 2022 - 2023, we are supposed to be planting thousands of these trees, not cutting them down. Our SA Glossy Blacks are critically endangered and we have massive plantings of sheoaks to help them survive, and it takes 50 years to get them producing. It is ethically and morally wrong to approve the development in the face of this looming extinction event. We could be part of the extinctions, unless we do the right thing.

Joan Gibbs
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
1 Grasstree Ct Sunrise Beach QLD 4567
Change to Development Approval

I do not approve of the development. The development will further endanger local and endemic wildlife by destroying significant habitat, which should instead be protected. No amount of "offsetting" or "revegetation" can replace this valuable habitat for these protected species in Australia.

Liz O'Connor
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
1 Grasstree Ct Sunrise Beach QLD 4567
Change to Development Approval

Dear Noosa Council, Please stand while you read this out in your meeting of responsible members who where placed in a position to think before your act. After hearing that an application to build on Lot 9 , a place of significant collections of rare and endangered species eg the Glossies of Noosa, I find it of utmost urgency that all Councilor's make a stand to vote absolutely NO, against this application by the Uniting Church. Common-sense was given to humans so that harmony of all creatures could be given a right to live without death of rare species. I send this in the form of simple english.......No to this madness...
Please stop all developers who wish to destroy vegetation that is the heart of our ecosystem , that are left in Noosa....
Yours Faithfully Valerie.

Valerie Wilson
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
1 Grasstree Ct Sunrise Beach QLD 4567
Change to Development Approval

Please do not allow the destruction of habitat for the Glossy Black Cockatoo, a critically endangered species, and other iconic Australian species on Lot 9 Grasstree Court, Sunrise Beach. The charm of Noosa to locals and tourists alike is the unique native vegetation and wildlife that still survives there. Support the continued survival of these living species, not their extinction. Without their natural habitat these animals and birds cannot survive. There must be alternative solutions for aged care besides destroying yet another 5 hectares of native habitat.

Anne Maria Masters
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council