All recent comments on applications from Noosa Shire Council, QLD

14 Belmore Tce Sunshine Beach QLD 4567
Dual occupancy

Hi what does this mean Dual Occupancy? is it being demolished? thanks

russell gehling
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
100 Cooyar St Noosa Heads QLD 4567

With reference to and in support of Kay’s comment as above - Council must ensure zero damage is done to existing Black Cocky food trees. And wouldn’t it be smart to include an approval condition that requires many additional BC food trees be included in any new landscaping?

Joelle C
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
100 Cooyar St Noosa Heads QLD 4567

It is imperative that the Glossy Back Food trees on and around the perimeter of the Ozcare site be protected and not impinged upon during the landscaping process. Yours sincerely ..Kay

Kay Southam
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
7 Maximillian Rd Noosa North Shore QLD 4565
Shed (Biodiversity)

Is there information available on what specific “biodiversity” is going to be affected by this development, in order for members of the community to make adequately informed comments?

Peter Hunnam
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
45A Pavilion St Pomona QLD 4568

Another disaster from our careless council. Have you seen the messy and disgraceful buildings currently being constructed in Church street? Of course not. None of you ever bother to come to Pomona. So now lets make a complete mess of beautiful Pavilion street! The area is NOT geared for more traffic and people. The base framework necessary for the operation of a society is nonexistent. Please stop messing around with Pomona.
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
45A Pavilion St Pomona QLD 4568

Will the covenants on 45a remain?
Will the shared driveway to 45a be used for the new properties as well?

Aurora Daniels
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
45A Pavilion St Pomona QLD 4568

This will create too many people in the area. Too much traffic. The inrastructure is not set up for it. Modern buildings will not suit the area.

Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
100 Cooyar St Noosa Heads QLD 4567
Clearing Vegetation under planning scheme, Drainage Works, Earthworks, Roadworks, Stormwater

Many of the trees surrounding the Ozcare site are known favourite Glossy Black Cockatoo feed trees... They must be protected at all costs! Any earthworks need to take these trees into account so that they are not damaged or removed. The Sunrise Beach Glossy population has been decimated since the Grasstree Crt clearing... We must protect what is left!

Linda Ruth Shaw
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
1 Grasstree Ct Sunrise Beach QLD 4567

I noticed that this application includes plans for the proposed Pickleball Court that backs directly onto homes in Columbia Drive.

If you would please review the 12 comments on application RAB24/0100 as residents were under the impression that this application was for the Pickleball Court. You can clearly see that it is unanimous that a Pickleball court on the boundary of our homes is completely unacceptable and not welcome in our neighbourhood.

Please consider the residents that live, work and contribute to our community and please refuse an application for a Pickleball court in our backyards!

Angela Gamlin
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
186 Cooroy Noosa Rd Tewantin QLD 4565
Change to Development Approval

"Re: H Walsh comments
Finally, buying residential properties in a residential development on a residential street and quietly rezoning the title to Community Services to avoid any legal obligation to the neighbouring properties is poor practice and not the highest moral standard reflective of a Community Service."

Noosa Care Incorporated has privately and silently bought 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 & 14 Carramar Street to expand NoosaCare Carramar. As part of the development application for 4 Carramar St and 186 Cooroy Noosa Road, no building or maintenance works were to be accessed via the residential Carramar Street. However, every day, workers in golf carts are shuttling back and forth on pedestrian walk ways from Cooroy Noosa Road, to Carramar Street as part of their building works. This is a nuisance to an otherwise quiet street. It also poses as a danger for pedestrians.

Noosa Council must stipulate that all access into NoosaCare Carramar for all workers and employees, must be from 186 Cooroy Noosa Road and not via Carramar Street. Noosa Council must enforce this to reduce the nuisance caused to residential areas.

Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
186 Cooroy Noosa Rd Tewantin QLD 4565
Change to Development Approval

Unable to view details.
If Minor Alterations means building to double storeys again, neighbours in the residential street in this very residential area should be notified directly.
Also, if building to two storeys there must not be any overlooking into neighbouring private areas, rooms or outdoor spaces.
Previous minor alterations stipulated landscaping planting of mature trees to obscure the new buildings built higher than the Noosa Plan in order for the alterations to be approved.

They have never been planted.

This would appear that the stipulations have never been enforced by Noosa Council.

Other requirements were also not monitored by Council and it fell to the neighbours to ensure that they were followed through.

To this end, any minor alterations to building and landscaping of the Carramar extensions should be forwarded to the direct neighbours for their consideration so that this cannot happen again.

Finally, buying residential properties in a residential development on a residential street and quietly rezoning the title to Community Services to avoid any legal obligation to the neighbouring properties is poor practice and not the highest moral standard reflective of a Community Service.

H Walsh
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
1 Grasstree Ct Sunrise Beach QLD 4567
Building over or near relevant infrastructure

I strongly object to this application.

BlueCare are pushing the scope of this project at every opportunity. Their marketing material promoted a feature of the place as being close to the tennis centre, where pickleball courts are located. However, in their current advertising they are already promoting the fact that they have on site pickleball courts. This has not been approved and Council, so they could be accused/charged with false advertising.

As if already destroying habitat isn't enough, they now want to sacrifice dedicated green space (and a buffer to neighbouring properties) in order to build their own courts. Pickleball is not a quiet sport and the impact on the amenity of the neighbouring properties will be immense. We have a zoned sports area nearby with the NAC, skate bowl, tennis and pickleball courts, and the Girraween fields. Ratepayers fund these and the residents of this facility should use them.

Kerry Finch
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
1 Grasstree Ct Sunrise Beach QLD 4567
Building over or near relevant infrastructure

The pickle ball court was never in the initial application. It will add additional impact to the neighbours - who are already having more than their share of impact from this development. The tennis courts are in easy walking distance, and pickle ball is already played at the Leisure Centre - where new residents can become part of the community. The court area was going to be a green area - so much has already been lost. It isn't OK to keep pushing the boundaries. I say no to this.

Penny Robertson
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
43 Orealla Cres Sunrise Beach QLD 4567
Demolition Class 1 and 10

Need to ensure asbestos removal is done absolutely safely by certified professionals. Then soil samples need to confirm area is cleansed of contamination for the welfare of surrounding residents.

Hanna snd Conrad Becker
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
1 Grasstree Ct Sunrise Beach QLD 4567
Building over or near relevant infrastructure

I strongly oppose this application. The slab to be constructed is for the proposed Pickle Ball Court that backs directly onto the boundary of neighbouring homes in Columbia Drive. A pickle ball court (never shown on any earlier plans) has now appeared directly on the boundary of Columbia Drive homes. A recreational facility of this type will cause noise and lighting disturbances to the neighbouring residents. There is local court facilities available at the Noosa Tennis Club within walking distance. As a resident that will be directly impacted by this Pickle Ball Court, I strongly oppose this application and urge council to reject this application.

Russell Quinn
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
1 Grasstree Ct Sunrise Beach QLD 4567
Building over or near relevant infrastructure

Noosa council please do not accept this change in plans and if allowed to go through really question why and the priorities of the council once again:
1. No community consultation again
2. Disturbing local residents amenity
3. More loss of green space
4. Loss of green space pathway that used to run along back of properties in Columbia Dr which was part of a walking trail
5. Developer already advertising Pickleball court on website including plan prior to approval when original plan was green space
6. Pickleball courts already established at tennis club less than 700m up the road

Hamish Mickle
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
1 Grasstree Ct Sunrise Beach QLD 4567
Building over or near relevant infrastructure

I strongly disagree with this application, particularly as it wasn’t in the original plan. It’s not enough that precious bushland was carved up for this development, but now the peaceful enjoyment and amenity of the residents of Columbia Drive (who have already lost their bush backdrop and the pathway behind their homes) will be severely impacted upon. There are pickleball facilities up the road at the tennis club so there really is no need for this. If you are fit enough to play pickleball, you are fit enough to walk up the road. If it must be built there is plenty of space in this development over near the Uniting Church. It’s funny how Keyton are already advertising this as a done deal on their website. If Noosa Council approves this, it will be just another example of developers’ wants being prioritised over residents’ needs yet again !

Kylie Taylor
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
1 Grasstree Ct Sunrise Beach QLD 4567
Building over or near relevant infrastructure

Objection to Development Application for SUNRISE BEACH VILLAGE at 1 Grasstree Court, Sunrise Beach

I am writing to express my strong objection to the Development Application (DA) for the SUNRISE BEACH VILLAGE project at 1 Grasstree Court, Sunrise Beach, which includes the installation of a concrete slab for a proposed pickleball court.

This proposal is deeply concerning for several reasons:

1. **Lack of Community Consultation:** There has been no meaningful consultation with local residents regarding this significant change. The initial plans indicated this area would be green space, with no mention of a sporting facility. The sudden change to a pickleball court has caught the community off guard and has not allowed for proper input or feedback from affected neighbors.

2. **Impact on Local Environment:** The project has already disrupted the habitat of the black glossy cockatoo, a species that is important to our local ecosystem. The further removal of green space for a pickleball court will exacerbate this environmental impact, diminishing the natural beauty and biodiversity of our area.

3. **Noise and Disturbance:** The proposed pickleball court will back directly onto local residences. The noise from such a facility, especially given its proximity to homes, will significantly disturb the peace and quiet that residents currently enjoy. This is particularly concerning given the lack of any plans to mitigate these impacts.

4. **Deviation from Original Plans:** The original plans for the SUNRISE BEACH VILLAGE project did not include a pickleball court. The space was earmarked as green space, which is vital for the wellbeing of the community. The introduction of a sporting facility is a clear deviation from what was initially proposed and expected by residents.

5. **Misleading Development Application:** The DA mentions the installation of a “concrete slab” with minimal details provided. This lack of transparency is troubling and raises questions about the true intentions behind the application. It feels like an attempt to push through a significant change without full disclosure or proper community engagement.

6. **Lack of Communication:** There are elderly residents in the area who have little to no knowledge of ongoing developments as they do not have access to technology and there has been no physical mail provided to inform them. This lack of communication further demonstrates the disregard for community involvement and transparency.

Additionally, it should be noted that the project website advertised the availability of local facilities, as “walking distance” including the Noosa Tennis Club (700 meters away). This makes the need for an additional facility in this location questionable.

For these reasons, I strongly urge the council to reject this Development Application. The project should respect the original plans, preserve our green spaces, and engage in proper consultation with the community before making such impactful changes.

Thank you for considering my objections.

Robert Kruk
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
1 Grasstree Ct Sunrise Beach QLD 4567
Building over or near relevant infrastructure

As this was not in the initial planning and within walking distance to a well established tennis and pickel ball court , I am opposed to blue care added a pickel or tennis court to the village. I live in Columbia drive and am concerned about the noise and possibility of lights at this area.

Shirley Zwart
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
1 Grasstree Ct Sunrise Beach QLD 4567
Building over or near relevant infrastructure

We are residents nearby to this facility and our family strongly oppose the pickleball court proposed on the plan. A pickleball court in close proximity to existing residences does align with the quiet, peacefull character of this area. Pickleball is known to generate noise levels with vibrations in a range that can be extremely annoying to humans. The Pickleball court should be excluded from the approval or at the very least moved to a location well away from existing homes.

Rob Stewart
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
43 Orealla Cres Sunrise Beach QLD 4567
Demolition Class 1 and 10

I inspected this property in some detail when it was up for sale. Whilst I have no objection to demolition and/or re-development of the property, I observed that there is asbestos throughout the property and in particular "Super 6" buried in the back garden (used as a retaining wall), which is friable. I am most concerned that asbestos removal needs to be done professionally and testing needs to take place to ensure that there is no soil contamination.
I believe that the house was originally a "cut and fill" arrangement to stop the land from slipping away from adjacent property. As such earthworks and demolition need to consider this and mitigate for any loss that may occur. A degradation report must be carried out on the neighbouring properties to ensure damage or loss does not occur. If the above issues were not mitigated, then liability would rest with the council should they approve this application.

James Nigel Pearson
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
43 Orealla Cres Sunrise Beach QLD 4567
Demolition Class 1 and 10

Re DBW24/0101

There is asbestos throughout the property including but not limited to super 6 buried in the backyard which is friable and used as a retaining wall. Asbestos removal needs to be done professionally and testing needs to occur in case there is soil contamination.

As the house was originally a cut and fill the main lower part of the house is a retaining wall which stops the land from slipping away from adjacent property. Earthworks and demolition works need to consider this and mitigate any loss that may occur. A degradation report must be carried out on neighbouring properties to ensure damage or loss does not occur.

The neighbourhood is aware of the issues in relation to this property.

Liability rests on the council if they approve this application without mitigating the above issues.

Hamish Mickle
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
1 Grasstree Ct Sunrise Beach QLD 4567
Building over or near relevant infrastructure

Please consider the people that reside on Columbia Drive. The elderly, the young families and the community members that will undoubtedly be affected by the construction of a pickleball court directly in their backyard. Surely there is a more suitable space within the 4.7 hectare village to accomodate this facility. A facility that will not only allow the 250+ residents to use but also friends and extended family of those residents. Low density residential areas should be protected from exclusive use recreational amenities that directly impact neighbouring properties. As a long term resident that has already been directly affected by this development, I feel that a pickleball court on my back fence is going to destroy the enjoyment of my outdoor living space and inconvenience all the Columbia Drive residents affected by this application. Once again, please consider us long term locals that contribute to the Noosa Community and do not allow this application to be approved.

Brad G
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
1 Grasstree Ct Sunrise Beach QLD 4567
Building over or near relevant infrastructure

We strongly oppose a pickleball court being built along the back of Columbia Drive residential.
Pickleball will cause excessive noise and will require extensive lighting to be used at night.
A visit to the Noosa Tennis Club just down the road makes it quite evident how loud the game can be.
It is unacceptable to inconvenience local residents to this magnitude when there are plenty of other options of where a pickleball court can be placed on the development.
Please do not approve this application.

Kate Kruk
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council
1 Grasstree Ct Sunrise Beach QLD 4567
Building over or near relevant infrastructure

We strongly oppose the proposed location of the slab as it appears to be very close to our boundary fence which will have an impact on our residence. After viewing recent plans from sunrisecommunity@Keyton, it appears the slab will be used for a pickle ball court. This will have a huge impact to our residence due to the close proximity to our boundary fence. The facility would cause noise disturbance and should lighting be used around the court it will create a bigger disturbance. A pickle ball court should never be approved in such a small residential area and there is a facility 500 metres down the road at the tennis club which is an appropriate place for it. As an owner since 1996 I request you do not approve this application.

Kristen Clare
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council