186 Cooroy Noosa Rd Tewantin QLD 4565

Change to Development Approval
Planning Authority
Noosa Shire Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , 7 months ago. It was received by them earlier.
23 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Noosa Shire Council. Add your own comment.

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If Minor Alterations means building to double storeys again, neighbours in the residential street in this very residential area should be notified directly.
Also, if building to two storeys there must not be any overlooking into neighbouring private areas, rooms or outdoor spaces.
Previous minor alterations stipulated landscaping planting of mature trees to obscure the new buildings built higher than the Noosa Plan in order for the alterations to be approved.

They have never been planted.

This would appear that the stipulations have never been enforced by Noosa Council.

Other requirements were also not monitored by Council and it fell to the neighbours to ensure that they were followed through.

To this end, any minor alterations to building and landscaping of the Carramar extensions should be forwarded to the direct neighbours for their consideration so that this cannot happen again.

Finally, buying residential properties in a residential development on a residential street and quietly rezoning the title to Community Services to avoid any legal obligation to the neighbouring properties is poor practice and not the highest moral standard reflective of a Community Service.

H Walsh
Delivered to Noosa Shire Council

"Re: H Walsh comments
Finally, buying residential properties in a residential development on a residential street and quietly rezoning the title to Community Services to avoid any legal obligation to the neighbouring properties is poor practice and not the highest moral standard reflective of a Community Service."

Noosa Care Incorporated has privately and silently bought 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 & 14 Carramar Street to expand NoosaCare Carramar. As part of the development application for 4 Carramar St and 186 Cooroy Noosa Road, no building or maintenance works were to be accessed via the residential Carramar Street. However, every day, workers in golf carts are shuttling back and forth on pedestrian walk ways from Cooroy Noosa Road, to Carramar Street as part of their building works. This is a nuisance to an otherwise quiet street. It also poses as a danger for pedestrians.

Noosa Council must stipulate that all access into NoosaCare Carramar for all workers and employees, must be from 186 Cooroy Noosa Road and not via Carramar Street. Noosa Council must enforce this to reduce the nuisance caused to residential areas.

Delivered to Noosa Shire Council

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