The address of this block falls within a wildlife corridor of Bolwarra, which contains endangered spotted gums and endangered squirrel gliders. This area should be protected at all costs. I strongly object to the development of this site in order to protect endangered squirrel gliders and their endangered spotted gum habitat, since development would increase risk of their decline or extinction in our area and set a precedence for further development. Our human population can live anywhere, the squirrel gliders can't.
All recent comments on applications from Maitland City Council, NSW
I find this very disappointing. We will soon settle on the purchase of 8 Wilton Drive and at no time during the negotiations for our purchase was there any mention of the possibility of this subdivision. We thought we were purchasing a home with paddocks behind us and a view, which was one of the main attractions for us. Feeling stunned
I’d like to know what additions will be applied to Benhome and where please?
What 2 trees exactly will be removed? Are these historical trees that have been here for a long time. I think there needs to be an historical heritage committee that sits in on council approvals to give their professional opinions.
We cannot keep tearing out the old for new or this town will lose its historical appeal and uniqueness. I’ll be going to have a look as I live in this street.
Thank you
I, Thomas Moad, strongly disagree and oppose this Multi Dwelling housing (5 units), DA /2023/1142 development at 63 Burg Street East Maitland.
Burg Street is a tiny, narrow street with only enough space for one-way traffic with the number of vehicles parked on the street at the moment. To having the potential to have a further 5 to 10 cars residing on the street due to this development would cause major congestion and potentially and dangerous situation, especially as the children are riding bikes up down this little quiet street. There is no footpath for pedestrians to walk down the street either, so they walk down the side of the road as well.
This high density development would also cause extra noise to the surrounding residents by having so many families crammed into such a small space.
I have concerns that this high density development will also cause privacy issues due to the new residents having the ability to see into all of the surrounding backyards. This could also create a security issue.
Please do not approve this development at 63 Burg Street East Maitland.
Kind regards
Tom Moad
What part of this premises will be ‘partially’ demolished exactly?
I strongly object to this development. The view from Maitland to Lorn and Lorn to Maitland needs to be unobstructed by high rise buildings by greedy developers and investors.
The view to our river that is owned by ALL residents of Maitland and surrounding areas, should not be blocked by ridiculously intrusive developments. This town is historic in appearance and history and I do not want its history erased by out of town investors who only care about lining their pockets at the expense of our views.
The Hunter River belongs to the citizens of our town who’s ancestors helped carve its very existence. It belongs to those who reside here, exercise there, picnic there, walk dogs there and celebrate our traditions here like New Year Eve. It doesn’t belong to Council to hand over to those who do not respect our history and who will use it to redesign the area. It must be kept as original as possible. So many of our historical buildings have been erased and it’s imperative we protect what’s left.
We do NOT want Maitland turning into high rise dwellings that dominate the view from town or from Lorn. The river is for all of us to admire and own.
Introducing apartments that allow up to 80 more people to peer out at us is intrusive and unwanted.
Traffic congestion is a major concern. Our city is already grid locked and parking a nightmare yet you want to invite more people here to live and use what little parking we already have?????? Ludicrous.
We do NOT want Maitland turning into another Newcastle or Sydney. We are an idyllic country town and we want to protect our heritage. Allowing high rises like down the end of town does not blend with the historical architecture at all.
This is exactly why we need a heritage committee to have a say on future developments in and around our town, to protect her future from those who don’t respect the past.
I object to this proposal and will instruct others to do so. If you really care about our town and it’s future. you would stop allowing these developers to influence you and start listening to your own residents.
Thank you for your time and please take my objection seriously and under strong consideration.
The mosque is in an industrial area . No one will be within earshot on Fridays and anyway all calls to prayer are inside and can't be heard except by muslims in the immediate vicinity. Muslims are good people and should not have to put up with hate campaigns by trouble makers. Wallsend mosque is overflowing every Friday as a lot of (paying) students go there. Foreign students bring a lot on income into this country. Mayfield is pretty full too. People from this area have to travel to Mayfield. Opening the mosque at Rutherford should not inconvenience people in any way whatsoever. It's a quiet area. It has it's own car park. Workers have donated part of their own income to fund this project. They are not trying to convert anybody. They just want to be left in peace. Nobody CHOOSES to be born in a Muslim country or chooses to have a certain faith any more than Australians choose their own origins.
When I travelled to Canada I was treated with disrespect because I was Australian. Australians have a worldwide reputation for racism. I had to write and explain that not all Australians are racist.
Disregard Donna please
Why is this building being demolished? Looks like a solid looking structure????
As long as no admittance is being charged who could possibly object.
I hope this Pool/DA doesn’t prevent/discourage the Ancient Grecian Roman baths proposed next to the boat ramp that I heard from a bloke, who knows a guy, who’s dating a girl, who’s father used to frequent the hot springs in Moree from coming to fruition.
Apparently very medicinal.
Ive been so looking forward to finally having/getting the opportunity to bath with the local elites and gentry.
Imran my post was neither offensive or an uneducated one. I have had conflicts with this culture several occasions regarding the building of mosques in our towns.
As you say prayer time is at 1.00pm on a Friday (that is most certainly NOT the only time you pray so taqueria is clearly at play here. You will also have meetings on social occasions. A call to prayer will also be announced and as for the 1.00 time frame being when most people are at work or school, obviously you haven’t observed the area because most people today work shift work, work from home or home school. Noise travels and traffic congestion is another issue.
As for being ‘islamophobic’, that insinuates I have a fear of the religion/ belief which I do not, on the contrary I challenge it. That’s what you hate, that some question it’s sincerity. Yes you contribute to our society but that is no different than any other human being that has immigrated here and they do not push their faith on the community to erect structures that go against our values or beliefs do they???? They integrate peacefully and equally not look upon those who chose to follow a more traditional faith with contempt. I do not welcome a faith I know is radical in its faith and encourages its followers to strictly abide by a prophet who encouraged torture, violence and death on all non believers. Don’t dare tell me he did not. Your faith believes in allowing the genital mutilation of its young women yes? It allows the male to dominate the female in marriage yes? It encourages arranged marriages that result in older men marrying young girls yes? It condones a Fatwa on those who challenge, blaspheme or publicity condemn your faith yes?
This is not compatible with our western laws or morals so no I don’t want anything in my town that does. I know from many cities in the world who have welcomed it only to be very sorry in the end because they were peaceful in small numbers but in large they started to force their beliefs on the rest and used violence to do so.
You can deny this all you want to Imran, you can call me uneducated to make yourself and the majority feel more superior and you may think they’ll question my criticisms but the evidence is there for all to see if they want to look.
My ancestors as you say ‘what did they contribute to this land’…everything you see today that’s what, the very place you live was carved by the convicts and pioneers you arrogantly scoff at. The Anzacs that defended this nation came from every town in this country so you need to be the one to educate yourself on this country you are extremely lucky to live because it’s on the sweat, blood and sacrifice of my ancestors and many others that you do.
The post or what I refer to as dribble from Donna is factually incorrect and should not have ever been made public given the offensive nature of the post.
Let's break down the concerns raised, ignoring the obvious grammatical errors.
1. The location was to be in an Industrial Estate with the closest residential property approx. 500m away. It is not an Urban area, it is Industrial where many trucks and workers come and go on a regular basis.
2. Praying 5 times a day does not occur at the mosque, particularly when most people have jobs, so your concerns around extra traffic and noise is rubbish, particularly when this traffic is not in your vicinity.
3. Friday prayer time occurs around 1pm. If you are employed you are at work and if you have kids they are at school, please explain how this time would impact most people?
4. It's creates more culture to reside in the area? I take it you only finished year 10 and dropped out based on your your inability to form sentences that make sense. When you have islamophobes such as yourself which is the real reason you opposed the mosque. It is no wonder they don't integrate and stick with those who value/respect their beliefs and culture.
5. A mosque is a place of worship, just like a church, might be worth speaking to someone with knowledge on the subject rather than your misjudged google searches.
6. A mosque has nothing to do with your beliefs, culture, traditions and freedom. After all what traditions do you as an ancestor of convicts to this country have?
7. There are mosques in Newcastle, I don't recall any issues there.
8. Rutherford - vibrant and peaceful? Break and enters, drugs at every corner, people only live their because it is unaffordable for them to live in areas like East Maitland, Ashtonfield, Bolwarra, Lorn etc.
9. Everyone is entitled to their opinion under freedom fo speech, unfortunately some people's opinions are best kept to themselves as they add no value and look to divide instead of bring community together.
The purpose of this post is to highlight their are two sides to every story, most of the Muslims in the community are actually the Doctors and Dentists, run small businesses you visit. They don't live in the suburb however work in the vicinity. They contribute more to the community than you know.
We are all locals in the community regardless of our religious beliefs...
Wondering why you are removing this entrance awning? It gives shelter in summer and winter and at times like voting etc
This is my issue with a LOT of historical properties bought in Maitland both residential and commercial. IF someone buys a property that has historical facade and background they should have to prove they can upkeep it to preserve it for generations to follow., most people just buy them and let them fall into disrepair.
We are losing our identity and valuable architectural resources because council do not implement strict guidelines.
there are some beautiful properties in high street, but this rear building looks unsound , every time we go for a coffee next door, it appears that it could be a risk, its been neglected for many years.
It’s quite evident most commenting on here objects to this demolition and disregard of our historical building. Maitland Council obviously need to research the importance of it and it’s place in our past. They also need to be educated in heritage significance as this town is full of it and they are intent on destroying it for progress. We must unite and educate others on why we need to object to this plan and any future plans for other buildings that need protection against their aggressive ‘tear down build over’ process.
Inform others about this and advise them to object in writing. This has to stop !
Rear of 416 High Street Maitland
If ever there was a building still standing in Maitland today that represents the significance of this historic city as an Important settlement for commerce and agriculture and for the key role it played in the greater development of NSW in the early years of colonial settlement,right through to the early 20th century .....then this Bond Store is it , signifies everything historic about our city, its riverside location.and its prominence on the landscape of the Hunter River makes it an icon in many Maitlanders eyes, and rightly so ...not to mention.that it is a rare survivor , an architectural gem.
We can not, and we will not allow this building to be demolished, so please join the fight and rally against this application by contacting Maitland City Council and lodging your objection
If you would like to receive an email outlining the complete history of this important historical building
Receive information about what is being organised to PROTECT it from demolition then please email
Please note that although mMaitkand council are one of the sponsors if Heritage Fest it is not the organiser. Heritage Fest is organised by individual volunteers & groups.
Secondly I think it may be the bond store at the rear of the Hills Chambers and not the buildings on that block facing High Street. The bond store which can be seen from the river does appear to have structural issues, whether this equates with a reason to demolish I don't know but would be worth knowing more, which is hopefully what council will be doing.
If this demolition is allowed to go ahead it shows that Maitland Council and councillors are full of BS. They only use Maitlands heritage when they want to promote themselves. For example Heritage Fest and Stream fest but dont actually care about Maitland's heritage.
The loss of this building will diminish Maitland‘s heritage character and charm.
I believe this is the Hills chamber building.. a beautiful example of period architecture. It would be a terrible loss to destroy this building. Even the back ( or river section) which needs extensive renovations deserves to be restored. The person who bought this building should be aware of its restoration obligations.
I sincerely hope that building was NOT of historical significance because if it is this demolition should not be continued. Developers and council planners are ruining the aesthetic historical feel of this town and turning it into a modern city. You cannot do that with our past. It must be protected and respected.
When I look at photos of our town from the early 1900s the facade is slowly being eroded and erased by eager councils and greedy developers. It will not happen without a fight from those of us who appreciate history and the sacrifices and vision of our past pioneers and architects who built this once envied town.
We are residents of Honeysuckle Drive and are concerned about the lack of privacy in our back yards once this development is complete (and while construction takes place). All of the trees that backed onto the fence line for the properties along Honeysuckle Drive were removed, allowing easy visibility into the back yards and the back rooms of the houses along the length of the block. The same could be said for the homes on Oakhamptom Drive that back onto this block. The installation of a solid high fence would help, however we are concerned that this will not prevent any second storey windows in the development from looking into our back yards and homes. Will there be a provision for some sort of barrier or screen to protect the privacy of the neighbouring houses?
We'd like to know how high will the final building be, and if consideration has been made for the light levels on surrounding properties, if solar panel use will be impacted etc.
We would like to be reassured that measures will be in place to allow for drainage away from the building site and away from neighbouring homes, especially considering the new development is at the peak of a hill, and the surrounding homes are at a lower level, meaning runoff previously captured by the trees and earth on the site would now run onto the surrounding properties.
We are concerned that not enough effort has been made to consider the enormous loss of trees and shrubs and the wildlife that has been displaced as a result. The block was home to a large variety of native birds among other animals, with old growth gums and tree hollows removed. It would be nice to see some provisions on this and future developments in the area to take the wildlife into consideration prior to levelling a block for construction (more thoughtful design processes that work around established trees and so on). We'd like to know if there are plans in place to plant new native trees in and around the new development also.
Lastly, for major construction work involving heavy machinery on a site for mass tree removal, earth works and other heavy construction, it would be prudent (and polite) in the future to notify the neighbouring residents so they can make accommodations for the noise, or at least be prepared for it. Our only notification was the arrival of heavy machinery at the site, with work commencing immediately after.
Thank you for your consideration.
Why can't we have the one that's next door that's been under development for over 3 years now finished landscaped with infrastructure before allowing more unslightly construction going on
The only advantage is to the developer not already residing residents