I strongly object to this development. The view from Maitland to Lorn and Lorn to Maitland needs to be unobstructed by high rise buildings by greedy developers and investors.
The view to our river that is owned by ALL residents of Maitland and surrounding areas, should not be blocked by ridiculously intrusive developments. This town is historic in appearance and history and I do not want its history erased by out of town investors who only care about lining their pockets at the expense of our views.
The Hunter River belongs to the citizens of our town who’s ancestors helped carve its very existence. It belongs to those who reside here, exercise there, picnic there, walk dogs there and celebrate our traditions here like New Year Eve. It doesn’t belong to Council to hand over to those who do not respect our history and who will use it to redesign the area. It must be kept as original as possible. So many of our historical buildings have been erased and it’s imperative we protect what’s left.
We do NOT want Maitland turning into high rise dwellings that dominate the view from town or from Lorn. The river is for all of us to admire and own.
Introducing apartments that allow up to 80 more people to peer out at us is intrusive and unwanted.
Traffic congestion is a major concern. Our city is already grid locked and parking a nightmare yet you want to invite more people here to live and use what little parking we already have?????? Ludicrous.
We do NOT want Maitland turning into another Newcastle or Sydney. We are an idyllic country town and we want to protect our heritage. Allowing high rises like down the end of town does not blend with the historical architecture at all.
This is exactly why we need a heritage committee to have a say on future developments in and around our town, to protect her future from those who don’t respect the past.
I object to this proposal and will instruct others to do so. If you really care about our town and it’s future. you would stop allowing these developers to influence you and start listening to your own residents.
Thank you for your time and please take my objection seriously and under strong consideration.
373 High Street Maitland NSW 2320
- Description
- Fifty (50) Serviced Apartments (76 dual-key units), Thirty-Seven (37) Car Parking, Two (2) Retail Tenancies, Demolition of Existing Structures and Landscaping
- Planning Authority
Maitland City Council
- Reference number
Date sourced
- We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 2 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
- 52 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
- 1 comment made here on Planning Alerts
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Donna Garland
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Maitland City Council