416 High Street Maitland NSW 2320

Boundary Adjustment, Food and Drink Premises & Alterations and Additions
Planning Authority
Maitland City Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 2 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
61 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
9 comments made here on Planning Alerts

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Maitland City Council. Add your own comment.

I sincerely hope that building was NOT of historical significance because if it is this demolition should not be continued. Developers and council planners are ruining the aesthetic historical feel of this town and turning it into a modern city. You cannot do that with our past. It must be protected and respected.
When I look at photos of our town from the early 1900s the facade is slowly being eroded and erased by eager councils and greedy developers. It will not happen without a fight from those of us who appreciate history and the sacrifices and vision of our past pioneers and architects who built this once envied town.

Donna Garland
Delivered to Maitland City Council

I believe this is the Hills chamber building.. a beautiful example of period architecture. It would be a terrible loss to destroy this building. Even the back ( or river section) which needs extensive renovations deserves to be restored. The person who bought this building should be aware of its restoration obligations.

Sally Anderson
Delivered to Maitland City Council

The loss of this building will diminish Maitland‘s heritage character and charm.

Phil Connolly
Delivered to Maitland City Council

If this demolition is allowed to go ahead it shows that Maitland Council and councillors are full of BS. They only use Maitlands heritage when they want to promote themselves. For example Heritage Fest and Stream fest but dont actually care about Maitland's heritage.

Mark Lantrt
Delivered to Maitland City Council

Please note that although mMaitkand council are one of the sponsors if Heritage Fest it is not the organiser. Heritage Fest is organised by individual volunteers & groups.

Secondly I think it may be the bond store at the rear of the Hills Chambers and not the buildings on that block facing High Street. The bond store which can be seen from the river does appear to have structural issues, whether this equates with a reason to demolish I don't know but would be worth knowing more, which is hopefully what council will be doing.

Lisa Allen
Delivered to Maitland City Council

Rear of 416 High Street Maitland


If ever there was a building still standing in Maitland today that represents the significance of this historic city as an Important settlement for commerce and agriculture and for the key role it played in the greater development of NSW in the early years of colonial settlement,right through to the early 20th century .....then this Bond Store is it , .....it signifies everything historic about our city, its riverside location.and its prominence on the landscape of the Hunter River makes it an icon in many Maitlanders eyes, and rightly so ...not to mention.that it is a rare survivor , an architectural gem.

We can not, and we will not allow this building to be demolished, so please join the fight and rally against this application by contacting Maitland City Council and lodging your objection

If you would like to receive an email outlining the complete history of this important historical building
Receive information about what is being organised to PROTECT it from demolition then please email

Dion Ackland
Delivered to Maitland City Council

It’s quite evident most commenting on here objects to this demolition and disregard of our historical building. Maitland Council obviously need to research the importance of it and it’s place in our past. They also need to be educated in heritage significance as this town is full of it and they are intent on destroying it for progress. We must unite and educate others on why we need to object to this plan and any future plans for other buildings that need protection against their aggressive ‘tear down build over’ process.
Inform others about this and advise them to object in writing. This has to stop !

Donna Garland
Delivered to Maitland City Council

there are some beautiful properties in high street, but this rear building looks unsound , every time we go for a coffee next door, it appears that it could be a risk, its been neglected for many years.

tom lacava
Delivered to Maitland City Council

This is my issue with a LOT of historical properties bought in Maitland both residential and commercial. IF someone buys a property that has historical facade and background they should have to prove they can upkeep it to preserve it for generations to follow., most people just buy them and let them fall into disrepair.
We are losing our identity and valuable architectural resources because council do not implement strict guidelines.

Delivered to Maitland City Council

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