Unfortunately, we live directly across the road from this proposed development and disagree with the need for another service station. I have two children, one with special needs who already doesn’t like going outside, I can already imagine the smell of petrol wafting through the air, the service station lit up like Christmas all night right outside our bedroom windows, the traffic in an already built up area. Please consider the residents who purchased in this area as we all disagree with this and will all be putting in an objection.
All recent comments on applications from Logan City Council, QLD
Please get this development under way. Logan Reserve needs infastructure badly. Not a single shopping center is currently in the suburb and there is massive housing development. Now is the time!
Dear Sir/ Madam
I am greatly concerned about the ammount of townhouses that are being developed in the Marsden area and we who live here already deal with the prejudices of others about where we live and I feel this will impact negatively on our area due to high density housing and low income rentals. I also feel that the traffic on Browns Plains Rd is already suffering from high congestion and this also will impact negatively on our area.
I ask please that you review the planning of these townhouses and maybe compromise on a lower density form.
We do have possums and other native animals and with this type of development there is no hope for them.
Yours Sincerely
Debra Butt
Long term Marsden resident.
The the size of shed shed appears to be completely inappropriate, something this size belongs on a farm or a large property. It takes up the entire width of the block with extremely close setbacks to the sides of the block. The driveway that is obviously intended to be used with this shed is clearly not approved and comes out into a public car park. I am surprised this got approved by council.
Lexington st construction in underwood is completely unplanned and confusing. Disgusting plan to take take turn towards shops .
Hi, when will the roads be upgraded to handle all these new lots. I live on Randle Rd and traffic is ridiculous. Hours to get home some days. These tiny back roads are not designed to handle hundreds of extra homes! Lonanlea Rd can’t even handle it.
You seriously need to think about the infrastructure of a suburb before you approve these developments.
Kind Regards
The stormwater plan appears to expect to discharge to the retention basin in Scotland Crescent. This retention basin is already overwhelmed considering the amount of subdivisions already approved. The limited number of landowners within the Cornubia Grove CTS can't be expected to maintain facilities for the enormous increase in density approved by Council.
Thanks for your reply. I am an owner of one of the houses on Clermont Street and we already have a 2tier retaining wall up to that land. We were told that this bush land is a firebreak and will never be removed and yes we have 3 koalas from there that regularly visit us. If the firebreak remains and the new lots are a good distance away that’s not so bad, but I do not approve of them backing directly onto our boundaries. The land is already very high, I do not want our privacy invaded by other residents looking down onto our property, neither do I want to be enclosed in with the addition of a fence from somebody else’s property on top of what is already a 2m high wall up to the land. This would also further restrict the natural light into our home. Can you please send me the proposed layout of the development including boundary measurements from the closest proposed dwellings up to the boundary retaining walls of Clermont Street lots.
How close are these lots going to be to the existing houses of Clermont Street? When I purchased my property I was told that the area was going to remain nature reserve and not built on. I’m not happy having houses backing onto us!
Hi, can you please advise what this planning application is for.
Hi , just want to know what’s happening on the approval , we live across the road and would love to have a shopping center in the region
That land is an eyesore. More money and jobs to boost the economy and the region. Council should approve more sites like this.
That looks great, only big concern is the traffic congestion which is already there, with the added shops it’s only going to get worse. Where will the entrance be? With the new shops that have been opened recently, Service Station, KFC, Zarraffa’s etc, there has been numerous accidents and with the new shops it’s only going to get worse. SO if this is approved WHY hasn’t the extension to Holmview Shopping Centre been given approval for the extensions that are certainly needed. Considering the number of new housing estates that have been approved and developed in the last few years.
I disagree with splitting, if building a duplex was approved at the onset of construction why wasnt a subdivision sought and allowed then. Are the covenants of the estate in breach by doing so, or what impacts will rise if the split is allowed? Frontages under 10mtrs had restrictions, so how will this apply to a subdivide. Overall my response is NO to subdividing, dont need start a precedent for this estate.
This street is already dangerous to drive down with vehicles parked on both sides of the street.
Waterford West Primary School has access near the T intersection with Short Street and that area is just waiting for an accident to happen.
The sooner this is built the better. We need lots more of these to ease the current housing crisis.
This council is a slum lord, with no regard for current residents or wild life.
Can't get parks in usable state or Streets swept.
We don't have the ability to accommodate more high density slums.
I live with my mum, the owner of 10 Parkway Road. This is the first I’ve heard of this Reconfiguring 8 Parkway Road. We at no 10 receive all of number 6 and 8 water when it rains wash into our yard as I’m guessing they have no drainage and im concerned having an extra 4 dwellings will cause us to have major issues.
We also have our pool and living area out the back and feel this will lower the value of our property and remove all the current privacy we have especially when in the pool. Also the access to the back of his property if he’s allowed to put so many dwellings on no 8, will add a lot more noise as we have two bedrooms very close to no 8 only meters away to the 1 bedroom side.
Another sub division already passed .The ability for community power to stop, long gone . Ask the ICC and especially the planners to explain "CODE ASSESSABLE" to you. If you look this up on the net before your eyes glaze over and hands up who other than me, has read it and notice , hard to miss the ubiquitous "Back to the top" when answers are avoided to frequently asked questions [FAQs] ? Explain this to the community please. We are entitled to know. The community MUST be made aware of this and therefore how futile any in depth objection is entirely useless. I had this explained to me 3 years ago .Council and planners comments please. The request below needs to be justified immediately with regard to the above. That's the reason why they will never get a donation or gift from me. No Sub divisions and give the community the first council and planners reply.
LCC please do not accept the development application. There has been a lot of deforestation in this area in the last few years and the wildlife population is greatly affected.
It is LCC’s moral and legal obligation to the people and its residents, to ensure that it meets its legal and moral obligations under the Environmental Protection Act 1994 (EP Act) and should uphold the Biodiversity Areas Overlay provisions of the Logan Planning Scheme 2015 by keeping the Environmental Management and Conservation corridor that runs adjacent and along the full length of Davidson Circuit to enable the Environmental Management and Conservation corridor to remain.
This is not Greenbank.
Please do not accept the current development application. If the current plan was to be approved, LCC will be responsible for allowing the decimation of precious bush land that is currently zoned under the Biodiversity Areas Overlay provisions of the Logan Planning Scheme 2015 as “Environmental Management and Conservation” zone that provides a biodiversity corridor for fauna and flora.
It is LCC’s moral and legal obligation to the people and its residents, to ensure that it meets its legal and moral obligations under the Environmental Protection Act 1994 (EP Act) and should uphold the Biodiversity Areas Overlay provisions of the Logan Planning Scheme 2015 by keeping the Environmental Management and Conservation corridor that runs adjacent and along the full length of Davidson Circuit to enable the Environmental Management and Conservation corridor to remain.
It’s a rural residential area and no place for a child care centre its also 70km rural road on a blind corner.
And I wish to lodge my objections to this application. On the grounds of t being rural residential and average blocks. No commercial business should be permitted.
The property already has a large shed at the front of the property visible from the road, that has not been finished in two years or more and is an eyesore to look at everyday.
Before this application is approved the shed should be completed first.
If you have the money it is absolutely astounding at what you can get 'approved.'