Why are you guys pushing for social housing in the area? Are you guys just trying to move the crime over from the other side of the M1?
All recent comments on applications from Logan City Council, QLD
Dear Logan CIty Council,
I have noticed the property has been approved for development. Has the owner secured a successful bone fide builder yet?
Dear Logan City Council,
Was this lot reconfigured (1 to 10 Lots) and what Material CHange of Use was requested and approved?
I believe the council needs to address the concerns of nearby residents regarding the impact of the increased traffic and problems with on street parking making this area even more dangerous than it is. The intersection of Estramina & Vansittart Roads is a currently a very dangerous intersection with many accidents and near misses occurring far too regularly. This development will only make it worse.
This will lead to nearby properties losing value.
The proposed 38 car spots will not be enough to cater for the purpose of this development.
We live behind this land. The developer has this lot raised high. A 2 storey home would be very invasive of our privacy.
I object to the approval for the community residence propsed for 14 Finch Court, Loganlea. The area os not zoned for a community residence. In addition, this area has been saturated with social housing, NDIS residences and community residences. The area does not have the facilities or infastracture needed to support more of these developments and residents.
Roads are not equipped to carry a greater volume of vehicles. Any queueing of vehicles to enter property would be very dangerous.
The road is not suitable for the number of cars that will be accessing the property
Problems have already occurred- When buses have been trying to enter the property cars get backed up. You cannot pull off to the side in this section and it is dangerous to go around cars that have the road backed up.
This needs to be rejected. This land is flood affected. Developers should not get approvals that regular residents cannot. Flood land cannot be built on and developers should not get special privileges or permissions. In addition to that, raising the land above flood heights is going to increase the impact of flooding on other properties, some of which are currently not flood affected. This property cannot be built on so there is no need for subdivision.
Shame on Logan City Council to allow these dwellings to be constructed in such close proximity to boundaries, which can have a huge impact on nearby neighbors.
This work has already been completed. Why has the application only just been submitted?
Would like more clarification on what is being built here. there is a traffic issue in the area and I am worried about increased congestion of traffic.
Dear Planners,
I have no objection to this proposal.
I am requesting, though, that you keep the pathway (cut-through) from the back of property number 1, on Grand Plaza Drive, into the back of the Estramina Rd property.
I had a look at the map and cannot understand if the black dotted line around he property indicates a fence. The long, almost rectangle shape on the left of the property may be a new cut-through. If that is the case then I suppose you may not want to keep the existing path, due to safety reasons.
Living at Hillcrest and catching the 534, I can get off a bus opposite the tyre business, cross at the safe spot on Grand Plaza Drive, use the existing cut-through to access Regents Park shops and the businesses on the corner of Clonmel and Vansittart. I sometimes have mobility issues and the shorter route is great. Having to walk all the way around to Vansittart is longer; and it is unpleasant, due to the high volume of traffic.
In conclusion, thank you for allowing me to express my opinion.
I want to know more about Slack Creek
I object to this application. The developer has barricaded the nature strip and blocked visibility for traffic entering and exiting Wharf Street. No traffic management system has been put in place. All residents of King and Wharf Streets need to use this intersection as there is no alternative access. Pedestrians are forced to walk on the street and are not visible to traffic entering from Tygum Rd. The developer has put lives at risk and is not taking action to improve safety for residents.
We don't need any more cafes or food outlets at this shopping centre. There is enough competition now. Some of these new businesses won't last as the rents are too high and there are only so much people have to spend. Council approval is very irresponsible and not fare to these businesses. More car parking would have been a better improvement. I hope the council reconsiders this application instead of ignoring public complaints
Concerns over the drainage with this heavily sloped block. Water run off will end in the lower lying property which could be problematic.
Please re-post these applications to the correct suburb - should be ROCKLEA so all can view them
It's so good to see the daycare and cafe starting to be built.
Can you let me know when the expected completion date is and who will be running it?
This is information for the Sequana and banks community. Some of our residents are keen to book children into the daycare.
MCUI/27/2019/2 .107 Church Rd Bethania.
45 town houses and 11 duplex units is still 56 dwellings, only 9 short of the original proposed development, now we still won't get any accessible open space , but the town planners office agree that going from acre blocks on the western side of the road to block sizes decidedly under the low density size of 500mt to " over 350mt" but neglects to mention by how much. This is quite the transition, over 350mt to over 4000.
Minimum frontage in low density is ,according to Logan City Council by-law is 15 mt, this has not been achieved. By-law also states that low density is no mre than 20 dwellings per hectare, but 28 in a rail corridor The development has been approved for 31.91, so 32 dwellings per hectare due to:
All of the train commuters walking from Ridgewood Reserve
and for infrastructure upgrades for adjoining properties, sadly the adjoining properties are both vacant properties BUT also have development potential.
2 new power poles, 150mt of footpath and 2 lane road from the existing lanes outside #83 to the southern side of the development only with kerb and channell only on the eastern side of the road, raise verge height also only on the verge of the development and raise said power poles to suit new verge height
Page 7. Relevent matters; There is NO pedestrian access from Ridgewooed Reserve from the south to Church Road
This is all swamp land, private property, signed NO TRESPASSING, the rest is privare school, all entry to property to be approved by school admin upon sign in, nobody is going to sign in at the school to get to the traim station
Where is our open space that should be attached to this development?
Apparently due to the large amount of foot traffic that will illeagally tresspass through private property from the southern cul de sac end of Church Road to use the new footpath to get to the train station and the above mentioned power poles and footpath, FAR outweighs any benifit of having an open space attached to this development.
I must ask how this benifits the residents and community. This clearly only benifits the development.
Chuch Road has survived for many, many years with the existing number of power poles. How can the addition of 2 new power poles that will service the development be of any benefit to the community and residents?
Are these not a condition of the development application?. And are these upgrades not part of Logan City Council conditions for the development, as part of the traffic management plan as stated on page 6,
Is this part of the development application or is it for communities benefit, ?
As part of this benifit it is stated that adjoining land parcels will connect to the new infrastructure, these are all empty lots, the lot on the northern side is a vacant Queensland Rail owned property, the residents will not connect to the footpath and will instead get a swale and spoon drain from #101 to at least #87, how is this a benefit?
Wll this have a gross poulutant trap outsied #87 ?
Road will not take traffic volume.
As Logan City Council officers have anticipated future lot size ftrontage towards the cul de sac end of Church Road will be 10mt, lets anticipate what happens when an additional 57 vehicles try to use the intersection at the end of the road with this proposed development.
What is the anticipated traffic flow to be, and where is is anticipated to go when the presently vacant land becomes available for development at a frontage of ten metres, with land for hundreds of additional unit and town houses.
Im sure complaints have been received regarding the new Council Insalled traffic lights on the end of Church Road.
With the rising cost of living, price of fuel and intrest rates everyone will be more than happy to wait at this intersection for long long long periods.
Now lets anticipate what happens when there is an incident at the level crossing at Bethania train Station .
This is what happens.
Queensland Rail open the emergency gate in front of the old Lutheren Church and ALL TRAFFIC from the new and ongoing developments and construction and existing residents on the eastern and northern side of the train tracks , eg Radkie Rd, Clearwater St. etc.
This must mean, an increase of vehicles that MUST use Church Road as the ONLY EXIT is at least in the hundreds.
Now the new traffic lights allow through approximately 4 to 6 vehichles at a time.
With clearance in front and rear of each vehicle and leangth of vehicle at approximately 10 mt.
Lets anticipate, with existing traffic 800 vehicles at 10 mt each. Say 8000 mt. So 8 km
Thats a very very long wait at the traffic lights.
What will Council do when the remaining vacant land opposite #103 and the private land at the end of the road is up for development?
I have spoken to staff from the Lutheren Primary School who have indicated that there has been talks to build a high School towards the rear of their property adjoining Church Road, with a possible entrance and car park neighbouring #103. This would also substantially increase traffic volumes. Food for thought.
Now what happens when an emergency vehicle must use Church Road to access anyone who needs care and the eldely residents in the existing nursing and care homes.
Has this exit and the associated traffic that must use this exit in an emergency been investigated and considered?
I have seen nothing that this has been the case and that this entrance and the massive increase in traffic when it is in use on Church Road has been included in any reports or documents.
Why has this been ommitted from any reports?
But this is anticipated to have no negative impact.
Why has this increase in dwelling numbers above and beyond the low density housing zone been approved by our town planners office when obiously much of the reasoning is either completely false (pedestrian access from the southern end of the road) or poorly considered without all the relevant facts, ie the emergency level crossing.
What will happen to the train line during the expansion for the upcoming 2032 Olympics, is it anticipated that Queensland Rail will resume the existing house and business on the eastern side of the train tracks opposite #107 Church Road on Holtzimer Rd. and fill to existing track heights or,
Will they resume part of the vacant land that is #107 Church Road and expand to the west, meaning a realignment of the sound barrier and eastern boundary of the approved planed development for the rail duplication?
Council must have considered this, surly, as it has anticipated the increased flow of pedestrian traffic to said same train station.
What a shame we dont get to vote our council officers in and out to show displeasure as constitutes at such blatent disregard for public opinion and the truth, as we do for our City Councillors.
With much displeasure
Toni Last
Hi, I believe this development would be detrimental to the street. We already have enough congestion with cars pulling up in the street for school pick up and drop off. Not to mention there are already 2 other child care centers already within 1 km of the proposed site. No notice has been given to neighbours or the community unless people have stumbled on it via the logan council site. I do not believe due process has been followed for a development of this nature. Children walk to school on the paved footpath of Avonmore street and this would force them to cross a busy driveway to a carpark in a residential street which has a capacity for 30 cars. Please let me know what action is required to put an end to the development of this site. I am confident that many would back me up to have this ended. This would have become clear if a notice was placed on the site of the intention to develop the property.
I live across the road and have the biggest frontage facing this development.I have no objections and fully support the application. It is on the correct side of the road for parents leaving Yarrabilba in the morning to drop of children to daycare and pick up a coffee conveniently on the way to work towards the city.
I live across the road and have the biggest frontage facing this development.I have no objections and fully support the application. It is on the correct side of the road for parents leaving Yarrabilba in the morning to drop of children to daycare and pick up a coffee conveniently on the way to work towards the city.
Will live across the road from this and I dont think we are in need of another servo when it's clear we already have enough in the area .
Don’t need another service station. There’s 4 within 5 min plus a 5th yet to be built just down the road.