2-26 Hotz Road Logan Village 4207, QLD

Childcare Centre, Food and Drink Outlet x2 & Service Station
Planning Authority
Logan City Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 2 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
29 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
5 comments made here on Planning Alerts

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Logan City Council. Add your own comment.

Unfortunately, we live directly across the road from this proposed development and disagree with the need for another service station. I have two children, one with special needs who already doesn’t like going outside, I can already imagine the smell of petrol wafting through the air, the service station lit up like Christmas all night right outside our bedroom windows, the traffic in an already built up area. Please consider the residents who purchased in this area as we all disagree with this and will all be putting in an objection.

Tiana Puglisi
Delivered to Logan City Council

Don’t need another service station. There’s 4 within 5 min plus a 5th yet to be built just down the road.

Delivered to Logan City Council

Will live across the road from this and I dont think we are in need of another servo when it's clear we already have enough in the area .

P clarkson
Delivered to Logan City Council

I live across the road and have the biggest frontage facing this development.I have no objections and fully support the application. It is on the correct side of the road for parents leaving Yarrabilba in the morning to drop of children to daycare and pick up a coffee conveniently on the way to work towards the city.

Katherina Seidler
Delivered to Logan City Council

I live across the road and have the biggest frontage facing this development.I have no objections and fully support the application. It is on the correct side of the road for parents leaving Yarrabilba in the morning to drop of children to daycare and pick up a coffee conveniently on the way to work towards the city.

Katherina Seidler
Delivered to Logan City Council

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