All recent comments on applications from Bathurst Regional Council, NSW

11 Kemp St, Eglinton, NSW 2795
Construction of a shed

Where on the plans is the shed to be constructed? Is it an extension of the already existing shed?

Elizabeth A
Delivered to Bathurst Regional Council
177 Seymour St, Bathurst, NSW 2795
Demolish existing dwelling, erect 6 new dwellings, 6 lot strata subdivision

Retain large elm tree at rear of property

Joyette Swane -Fitzpatrick
Delivered to Bathurst Regional Council
24 Bolton St, Kelso, NSW 2795
Dual occupancy second dwelling

Why have so many dual occupancy dwellings been approved in this estate?
I have not seen many dual occupancy dwellings in any other estates.
This increases traffic to the area. The streets are all crowded with cars on the street which looks terrible and makes it difficult to drive through.
Some streets in this estate look like a housing commission area with several dual occupancy dwellings in numerous streets. I feel that this decreases the value of surrounding properties.

B Barnes
Delivered to Bathurst Regional Council
8 Kirkcaldy St, South Bathurst, NSW 2795
MOD - sex services premises

This is not beaded in this location it is in a place where families have to come and get car servicing buy farm products ECT I don't believe this will b a good Business for this aeria

Mark Hudson
Delivered to Bathurst Regional Council
3 Beavis Pl, Llanarth, NSW 2795
Freestanding fibreglass swimming pool

The application seems to have changed to an above ground pool now. For it to be a Complying Development an above ground pool must sit a maximum 1.4 metres above the existing ground level. The plans show this pool will sit 1.95 metres above ground level, which means it should have gone through the Development Application process.

Bhakti Manning
Delivered to Bathurst Regional Council
3 Beavis Pl, Llanarth, NSW 2795
Freestanding fibreglass swimming pool

There is nothing in the plan of where the sound-insulated pump house is to be built. Pool filtration position is marked. The description of ‘decking and fencing to comply’ gives no idea of what is going to be built. The plan should really show the details of decking width and the height of the pool and decking in relation to existing ground levels, otherwise how can it be known that it complies with the Complying Development requirements? The contour of the land is also not shown.

Bhakti Manning
Delivered to Bathurst Regional Council
3 Beavis Pl, Llanarth, NSW 2795
Freestanding fibreglass swimming pool

The application states this is for an inground swimming pool. The engineering details are for an above ground swimming pool. There are no plans to show the elevation of the pool in relation to the existing ground levels. The builder and the certifier are the same people who lodged incomplete and inadequate plans for an inground swimming pool at 9 McKell Street Bathurst - a develpment which was challenged in court costing the ratepayers of Bathurst a huge amount of money as Council lost - partially due to the failure to provide plans that accurately showed exactly what was to be built. That development was carried out by the same builder with the same private certifier named in this application. In one document it states that it is a freestanding fibreglass pool. In the application description, it is called an inground swimming pool. Which is it? Where are the plans for the re-inforced concrete components referred to? Hasn't Council learnt anything?

Bhakti Manning
Delivered to Bathurst Regional Council
221 Peel St, Bathurst, NSW 2795
Demolish sheds, construct 2 x single storey & 3 x two storey dwellings

Hello BRC,
We would like to object to this development.
We live directly opposite 221 Peel Street. We foresee a huge increase in traffic. There will be many more car trips going and coming from this property. At night that will mean headlights directly affecting our front bedrooms. It seems that there will be too many houses on a tight block. They will have to cut down a grand, mature tree that is part of the beauty of the streetscape here. The development will not be in keeping with the heritage-style houses of late victorian style. Trying to mix western suburbs style mac-mansions with authentic, old, country-style dwellings. Please limit the number of proposed dwelling to be added on this block.
Along with the huge development of 12 high rise-types of dwellings already proposed right next door to this block. It will damage the lifestyle for our living here.

Kind regards,
Claire Newlyn

Mr and Mrs Gordon Newlyn
Delivered to Bathurst Regional Council
131 Mitre St, West Bathurst, NSW 2795
1. Partial demolition, alterations and two storey addition to existing dwelling 2. Dual occupancy (second dwelling) 3. Two lot subdivision

I live at 22 Mooney Valley Place Bathurst and am objecting to the planned development at Mitre St.

We have lived in this house for 40 years and have rarely been disturbed by light and traffic noise.

The bedroom windows at my house overlook the property, and the room I sleep in look straight up the proposed driveway.

I live at 22 Mooney Valley Place and am objecting to the planned development at Mitre St.

We have lived in this house for 40 years and have rarely been disturbed by light and traffic noise.

The bedroom windows at my house overlook the property, and the room I sleep in look straight up the proposed driveway.

1 Noise and light: With this development, I will get the light, and noise from every car that goes up and down the new driveway

2. Odour/dust: A big concern is that every time an reverses in or out of the garage at the bottom of the drive, the rooms of our house will get a lot of toxic car exhaust fumes. I am asthmatic and this has the potential to negatively impact my health, especially in the warmer months when we have the windows of the house open.

While I understand that the developer will be installing a new 10foot fence, I do not believe that it will address the above concerns.

Thank you,
Helen Domaracki
22 Mooney Valley Place Bathurst

Helen Domaracki
Delivered to Bathurst Regional Council
7 Twynam Ave, Windradyne, NSW 2795
Two storey dwelling with attached garage and detached shed

Good morning Just wondering if 7 Twynam Ave is to be 2 story. I saw in an earlier post it was rejected. Thank you Keith Burnett 0408169211

Keith Burnett
Delivered to Bathurst Regional Council
7 Twynam Ave, Windradyne, NSW 2795
REJECTED APPLICATION - Construct a new two-storey residential dwelling with shed

Good morning .Thankyou for rejecting a two story resident at 7 Twynam ave . We live at 5 Twynam Ave . Could you please send us more details of the building which will be built at 7 Twynam Ave. I would appreciate if we could have a copy of the plans as we were never notified of the building proposal. Thankyou Keith & Ingrid Burnett

Keith Burnett
Delivered to Bathurst Regional Council
34 William St, Bathurst, NSW 2795
Three business identification signs and two directional signs

Is this a conflict of interest? Am i correct in saying council own scallywags and the building the business is in? Also how do 5 signs cost nothing?

Mick Whittaker
Sent to Bathurst Regional Council
27 Commonwealth St, West Bathurst, NSW 2795
Detached habitable additions

Why are there no documents posted here for this DA?

Bhakti Manning
Sent to Bathurst Regional Council
2 Parnham St, West Bathurst, NSW 2795
Two storey alterations and additions to dwelling

Hi, I'm the neighbour across the road of this project at 2 Parham st and I have just become aware of these ridiculous plans to build two stories and development, I have had no input from these people doing this and it has given me some major concerns on the project for which it will cause me to lose my view of sight to the view I already have, it will also develop bad relations with each other, I urge the Bathurst council to look more into this matter please.

Sent to Bathurst Regional Council