221 Peel St, Bathurst, NSW 2795

Demolish sheds, construct 2 x single storey & 3 x two storey dwellings
Planning Authority
Bathurst Regional Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , about 3 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
50 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Bathurst Regional Council. Add your own comment.

Hello BRC,
We would like to object to this development.
We live directly opposite 221 Peel Street. We foresee a huge increase in traffic. There will be many more car trips going and coming from this property. At night that will mean headlights directly affecting our front bedrooms. It seems that there will be too many houses on a tight block. They will have to cut down a grand, mature tree that is part of the beauty of the streetscape here. The development will not be in keeping with the heritage-style houses of late victorian style. Trying to mix western suburbs style mac-mansions with authentic, old, country-style dwellings. Please limit the number of proposed dwelling to be added on this block.
Along with the huge development of 12 high rise-types of dwellings already proposed right next door to this block. It will damage the lifestyle for our living here.

Kind regards,
Claire Newlyn

Mr and Mrs Gordon Newlyn
Delivered to Bathurst Regional Council

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