The application states this is for an inground swimming pool. The engineering details are for an above ground swimming pool. There are no plans to show the elevation of the pool in relation to the existing ground levels. The builder and the certifier are the same people who lodged incomplete and inadequate plans for an inground swimming pool at 9 McKell Street Bathurst - a develpment which was challenged in court costing the ratepayers of Bathurst a huge amount of money as Council lost - partially due to the failure to provide plans that accurately showed exactly what was to be built. That development was carried out by the same builder with the same private certifier named in this application. In one document it states that it is a freestanding fibreglass pool. In the application description, it is called an inground swimming pool. Which is it? Where are the plans for the re-inforced concrete components referred to? Hasn't Council learnt anything?
3 Beavis Pl, Llanarth, NSW 2795
- Description
- Freestanding fibreglass swimming pool
- Planning Authority
Bathurst Regional Council
- Reference number
Date sourced
- We found this application on the planning authority's website on , about 3 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
- 28 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
- 3 comments made here on Planning Alerts
Public comments on this application
Comments made here were sent to Bathurst Regional Council. Add your own comment.
There is nothing in the plan of where the sound-insulated pump house is to be built. Pool filtration position is marked. The description of ‘decking and fencing to comply’ gives no idea of what is going to be built. The plan should really show the details of decking width and the height of the pool and decking in relation to existing ground levels, otherwise how can it be known that it complies with the Complying Development requirements? The contour of the land is also not shown.
The application seems to have changed to an above ground pool now. For it to be a Complying Development an above ground pool must sit a maximum 1.4 metres above the existing ground level. The plans show this pool will sit 1.95 metres above ground level, which means it should have gone through the Development Application process.