The height, scale, massing, and built form of the proposal together with the extent of hardstand areas will dominate the surroundings and respond negatively to the surrounding context.
Due to the local topography and context being structures that are subservient to the streetscape, the Proposal will be unacceptably visually prominent, and dominate the streetscape in a manner responding negatively to the surrounding context.
The height and scale of illuminated facades, carpark lighting, business identification and wayfinding signs associated with the Proposal will dominate the streetscape, cast excessive light spill, glare, and skyglow, and at night negatively and unreasonably impact the amenity of the public realm and surrounding residential uses.
The coastal context, biodiversity and local wildlife and bird populations are threatened by the excessive lighting involved in the proposal, the height of lighting fixtures, colour and colour temperature of lighting fixtures, scale and size of illuminated areas, and the hours in which the Applicant proposes that the external areas of the site will be illuminated and in which that light will be visible from outside of the premises.
The proposal will generate unreasonable amenity impacts to surrounding residential uses at night, through acoustic, light, glare, offensive odour, additional motor traffic on not just Main Road but also surrounding streets likely to be used in order to access the premises.
The Applicant has not demonstrated that lighting associated with the proposal will not threaten biodiversity, bird and other wildlife through its contribution to skyglow and its placement upon typical pathways for bird movement and migration.
The Applicant has not demonstrated suitable measures to screen the premises so that lighting in the premises does not illuminate neighbouring lands or structures.
The Applicant has not demonstrated suitable measures to prevent the emission of offensive odour from the premises.
The Proposal will create unacceptable discharge of stormwater due to the extent of its hardstand areas and lack of sufficient and acceptable systems for onsite stormwater detention.
The plantings in gardens associated with the Proposal include non-native vegetation that is at high risk of invasiveness due to spread of seed and self-propagation by spread of cuttings and prunings and the entry to the local waste system of the same.
The lack of sufficiently high screening for the site, of dark low reflective finish and lack of an acoustic tunnel for the drive through section will contribute to the propagation and spread of noise and light beyond the subject site particularly at night and significantly late at night.
The use of electronic ordering devices including loudspeaker type systems upon the Premises past the hours of 8pm daily and prior to 6am in a low density residential district will create unreasonable acoustic and amenity impacts upon the public realm and surrounding residential populations.
The Applicant has not demonstrated by reports of light, acoustic, environmental and social impact consultants that the Proposal will not generate unreasonable amenity impacts upon the public realm and the surrounding residential uses.
The Proposal will create unreasonable amenity impact upon the school site, public realm and surrounding residential uses due to the emission and dispersal of offensive odour particularly during peak trading periods.
The Proposal will create unreasonable amenity impact due to the encouragement of birds and vermin to congregate upon the subject site and surrounding areas seeking to consume litter abandoned by patrons of the premises.
The Proposal will create unreasonable social impact through the promotion of energy dense and nutrient poor foods directly to children via its display of images of food and beverage offerings and prices on billboards or banners hung or otherwise erected upon the site.
The Proposal will create unreasonable local traffic impacts and potential for vehicle conflicts due to significant volumes of vehicles entering and exiting the site and the impacts extending to surrounding local streets, impact pedestrian safety, and increase noise associated with the traffic.
I Urge that Council refuse to grant approval for this proposal.