This will be an eyesore building a 5m tower in a battle axe block is going to leave surrounding residences in darkness
The is a large block they could build a large single storey
I hope the council acts quickly to block this
19 McGeachie Drive, Hamlyn Terrace, NSW
- Description
- Two Storey Dwelling
- Planning Authority
Central Coast Council
- Reference number
Date sourced
- We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 1 year ago. It was received by them earlier.
- 8 comments made here on Planning Alerts
Public comments on this application
Comments made here were sent to Central Coast Council. Add your own comment.
Plus the privacy issue I’ve seen the plans balcony higher than maximum fence height looking into 23 Mcgeachie’s backyard
Surely this is not legal
This is also not legal
You require 8m set back
From the proposed property
U only allow 2m
2 storey house will create a major privacy issue
From the proposed design the balcony would look straight into proposed house
They would be able watch the new home owners in 23 Mcgeachie
eat breakfast
Please use common sense and decline this invasion of privacy
Is the council aware on the western side of this dwelling there are 2 single story houses which will have yards with infinite darkness
solar that won’t work and
compromised privacy
You must complete a shade study
And effect on solar
I object to this development.
The statement of environmental effects does not address privacy, overshadowing and amenity impacts on the surrounding residential lots. The SEE refers to the adjoining land as vacant lots, which does not represent the intent of the land for houses by the same developer. These dwellings are single storey dwellings.
The development should be considered in context of the broader residential development, not separate to the houses which have yet to be built. These are not hypothetical dwellings, but part of this same subdivision.
The proposed two storey dwelling does not meet the zone objectives to maintain and enhance the residential amenity of the area, which will be largely single storey dwellings.
The statement of environmental effects states that the development will not result in overshadowing. However, the SEE does not include shadow diagrams so it is not possible to consider what the impact on the adjoining lots are, and if there is any overshadowing of the adjoining lots, and private open space on the adjoining lots.
The SEE acknowledges that the proposed second floor balcony could cause privacy issues with the adjoining land. With the location of the balcony, there is a high likelihood of privacy impacts on the private open space of the residential lots to the west of the balcony. Privacy screening on the balcony should be insufficient to address privacy and amenity impacts on the adjoining land.
The development application does not consider the proposed development in context with the surrounding area, and should be refused. Without this necessary information it is not possible to assess the relevant matters under section 4.15(1)(b), (c) and (e).
I am building a single storey home on Lot 126/23 McGeachie Drive, Hamlyn Terrace. I dispute this two storey home being built right behind my lot as it will take away sunlight which will effect the solar panels that are being installed on my roof. It is a complete invasion of privacy, they will look right into my backyard from the second storey balcony.
It’s stated on the plan that Lot 126 is vacant land this not correct as this will be my dwelling which is currently going through the building process.
Please don’t let this property be approved they enough room to build a big single storey home.
I Object this development and this is totally unfair by council letting a two storey and put other residents in shade…it will take the sunshine away from the neighbours…
Council should not let them build a double storey as the proposed two storey dwelling does not meet the zone objectives to maintain and enhance the residential amenity of the area, which will be largely single storey dwellings.