All recent comments on applications from Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council, NSW

47 Shinglehouse Road Bywong NSW 2621
Change of use to be an event venue for weddings and other events. The property, including house, will be hired out for the weekend. Food and drink will not provided by the venue, only the space for the gathering. Portaloos will be used, so there is no change to sewage requirements. The maximum number of cars to be allowed at the venue is 25. Noise rules will be written into the contract to ensure all amplified music occur only indoors, and will be turned off by 10:30pm. A new deck will be constructed.

We share a boundary with this property and are very much against the proposal for a larger event site. We moved from the city to the country because of our son who has a palliative condition and very complex medical needs. Having noises at night (where it travels very quickly and loudly across the open paddocks) would be detrimental for his health as sleep is so important to him. As we have heard music and so on from this property before we are very concerned about what a larger group might do. Also, we value our privacy and do not want people coming near our boundary lines. We have friendly farm pets who do not need to be fed by strangers or approached at our fence line. We, like many others out here, moved here for the quiet and the natural qualities of the bush. To develop it goes against what we believe is right in preserving the natural countryside and what this lifestyle is about.

Megan Beit
Delivered to Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council
42 Nummerak Close Carwoola NSW 2620
Two Lot Torrens Title Subdivision

This application cannot be approved under the averaging lot provision. This property has already been subdivided and cannot be subdivided any further. Others in the area have been denied the opportunity to further subdivide their land.

Paul Bradshaw
Delivered to Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council
122 Henderson Road Crestwood NSW 2620

Given these trees are evergreen and although they provide amenity they appear to be interfering with solar passive access.

If approved and subject to above and below ground services approval should be granted subject to replacement (one for one) medium (+8m mature) deciduous, non invasive deciduous tree species such as claret or desert ash, Chinese elm or similar. These species do well in the Queanbeyan district.

Delivered to Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council
10 Speargrass Road Tralee NSW 2620
This is seeking approval for retaining walls to sit beneath fencing on the boundaries of our block. Specifically, we are seeking a cement sleeper retaining walls to range from 10cm-110cm on the north side of the block, and 50cm-110cm on the West side.

We are seeking clarification, preferably by way of drawing that the proposed retaining wall will be wholly within 10 Speargrass boundary. In order for the wall to be exactly on the boundary the drill holes will need to intrude in our boundary which we don't agree with. Our concerns are that damage could be caused to the already built retaining wall on our block if the 10 Speargrass drill holes are not contained within their boundary.

Cvetko Stojkoski
Delivered to Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council
23 Campbell Street Queanbeyan NSW 2620
Clearing of site, construction of a single storey dwelling, garage and associated landscaping.

Can you please check the heritage status of this block.

From memory the original dwelling was burnt down and the then owners were intending to rebuild and that this was refused (by the then Council).

My recollection is that the house had to be re-built to the previous (heritage) built form.

Things may have changed, could you please check tho.

Many thanks.

Delivered to Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council
4 Nomchong Street Braidwood NSW 2622
Construction of a two storey dwelling and secondary dwelling

According to section 4.5 of the Braidwood DCP 2006 'No house shall exceed one storey plus pitched roof with dormer windows.....', in the area of Nomchong street. As this rule has been applied to other buildings in the area, surely it must apply to this intended build as well.

Sarah Leheny
Delivered to Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council
41 Birriwa Road Bywong NSW 2621
2 lot Torrens title subdivision

Development application for integrated development
DA 2022.1600

Nicolas J. van Oyen
41 Birriwa Road Bywong NSW 2621

Lot 178 DP754873 2 Lot Torrens Title subdivison

Please let me respond positively to the call for submission by neighbours about this proposed subdivision with access to the additional block and dwelling via the Greenways.

As a neighbour across the Greenways I have no in principle objection, as long as the requirements of the local zoning and the amenities provided by the Greenways to the community are maintained.

The access road could be a costly solution given the difficult drainage situation of the Greenways and I trust that the cost is to be carried by the developer of the subdivision.

Greenways provide valuable access for walkers, horse riders, cyclists. At the same time access to motorised vehicle is not permitted, for obvious reasons of safety, noise and maintenance. This needs to continue and can be incorporated into the design and construction of the short access road.

Due to the topography there is considerable unavoidable crossflow of water after heavy rain, for example from my property north into the property that is subdivided. To date we have attempted to mediate this with a simple design, including logs across the path to divert and spread the flow water. This simple existing solution has been suitable for many years. However, now more material and some work is required.

Such improvements should be carried out when the access road is created, together with relocating the gate that blocks vehicles now. Building material urgently needed for the elimination of erosion along the Greenway about 1-3 km further to the west should be included. This would allow better maintenance of the Greenways by us the neighbours for the amenity for the community.

Thank you Hans Bachor
24 Birchmans Grove
Neighbour across the Greenways

Hans Bachor
Delivered to Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council
11 Buttle Street Queanbeyan East NSW 2620
Demolition of retaining wall, construction of a residential flat building; 63 dwellings

Is there any consideration on the extra traffic that will be using the surrounding roads the roundabout on Yass road which can take up to 10 minutes to go through at peck times

John Graham
Delivered to Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council
34 Wallace Street Braidwood NSW 2622
Construction of a dwelling house – two storey, with attached carport; installation of a shed

I question the planned two-storey dwelling. Two storeys does not seem to be within the bounds of the Braidwood DCP 2006 which states: 'To ensure that new development does not dominate historic character due to height, the following provisions shall apply:
• in general, two storey structures shall not be permitted'
As this rule has limited the building plans of others who have built in this precinct I don't believe this dwelling should have two storeys approved.

Sarah Leheny
Delivered to Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council
104 Walga Close Carwoola NSW 2620
Subdivision - 2 lot Torrens title

This should not go ahead. Many residents in the area have been denied subdividing their land due to the 'averaging lot provision' in the LEP. This application would fall under the land being not eligible to be subdivided any further

Paul Bradshaw
Delivered to Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council
78 Araluen Road Braidwood NSW 2622
Construction of a swimming pool

This land previously owned by Heritage listed property "Bedervale" was a concessional allotment on gazetted RURAL RESIDENTIAL land with HERITAGE COUNCIL RESTRICTIONS : No COMMERCIAL Buildings: No house or other buildings to be in the view cone from Braidwood streets. in the Braidwood curtilage area. A Plan for a house was submitted by RTR Royds for a house on this land and it was was approved by Palerang Council ONLY if located on a site chosen by them near the creek out of the view cone from Ryrie st. Queanbeyan Council has allowed commercial sheds to be erected in the view cone rural view from Araluen st;. and currently it appears a house is being erected and now an application for a swimming pool !!!.??? Braidwood was the first classified Heritage town in NSW. Has the town lost its classification or is QPRC just ignoring the rules. or [something else - removed by site administrators]?

Mrs Margaret Royds OAM
Delivered to Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council
2G Phillip Avenue Queanbeyan East NSW 2620
Subdivision – four Torrens title lots (three for residential purposes & one residual lot); construction of three two storey dwelling houses

Was there any consideration made on traffic flow in an out of the area as Elizabeth Cresant Carwoola Street entrance is off Waroo Street and in an emergency we have one access in an out adding more residents into the area I don’t think it was The correct decision

John Graham
Delivered to Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council
56 Zealie Bend Googong NSW 2620
Construction Certificate - 56 Zealie Bend Googong

Hi I live next door to this build. They have excavated to close to our property, 54 Zealie Bend and upset the footings to the fence. Now the fence is unstable and bent. Additionally the earthed underneath the fence is now falling away which has now caused our yard to be insecure. We were told the fence would be stabilised and straightened before the slab is poured. Well now the slab has been poured the builder has done nothing to stabilise our property to stop the fence falling away or to impede our property eroding away. We have tried to contact the builder with no luck. We have only just settled as of 3rd jul and now this happens. The builder of our property informed us that the builder is supposed to ensure no damage to other properties. The only way this now can be achieved is by means of a retaining wall that should have been considered before pouring the slab.

Sent to Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council
33 Widgiewa Road Carwoola NSW 2620
2 Lot Subdivision

There does not appear to be any supporting documents attached to this DA.
I would like to request more information be made available and time allowed for the information to be viewed and assessed for comment prior to approval.
Plans showing building entitlement, access and lot boundaries as well as the bushfire and ecological reports.
Thank you.

Neil Willis
Sent to Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council