Development application for integrated development
DA 2022.1600
Nicolas J. van Oyen
41 Birriwa Road Bywong NSW 2621
Lot 178 DP754873 2 Lot Torrens Title subdivison
Please let me respond positively to the call for submission by neighbours about this proposed subdivision with access to the additional block and dwelling via the Greenways.
As a neighbour across the Greenways I have no in principle objection, as long as the requirements of the local zoning and the amenities provided by the Greenways to the community are maintained.
The access road could be a costly solution given the difficult drainage situation of the Greenways and I trust that the cost is to be carried by the developer of the subdivision.
Greenways provide valuable access for walkers, horse riders, cyclists. At the same time access to motorised vehicle is not permitted, for obvious reasons of safety, noise and maintenance. This needs to continue and can be incorporated into the design and construction of the short access road.
Due to the topography there is considerable unavoidable crossflow of water after heavy rain, for example from my property north into the property that is subdivided. To date we have attempted to mediate this with a simple design, including logs across the path to divert and spread the flow water. This simple existing solution has been suitable for many years. However, now more material and some work is required.
Such improvements should be carried out when the access road is created, together with relocating the gate that blocks vehicles now. Building material urgently needed for the elimination of erosion along the Greenway about 1-3 km further to the west should be included. This would allow better maintenance of the Greenways by us the neighbours for the amenity for the community.
Thank you Hans Bachor
24 Birchmans Grove
Neighbour across the Greenways