All recent comments on applications from Northern Beaches Council, NSW

5 Lauderdale Avenue Fairlight NSW 2094
Demolition works and construction of a residential flat building including strata subdivision

We were shocked to see the gross overdevelopment proposed for this block.

It entails;
Impact on Foreshore, Park and Pool Heritage areas, due to bulk and scale;
Overshadowing of grassy parklands;
Removal of all trees in specified Biodiversity Zone, reduces already low tree canopy;
Building height is over 50% higher than allowed for the site;
Floor space is also significantly larger than allowed under MLEP 2013;
Density and size is greater than permitted as above;
Number of stories (4, plus one below ground) exceeds the 2 storey limit as above.

we call upon Council to reject this application as it currently stands, on the grounds of general overdevelopment

Jeffery Arthur Lea
Delivered to Northern Beaches Council
7 Valley Close Bayview NSW 2104
Subdivision of one lot into two including demolition works and construction of a dwelling including inclinator and detached garage

The street is not designed for multiple constructions on a single block. Parking is currently difficult even with garages and this construction would not allow for parking of potentially multiple vehicles.
How much destruction of trees would be needed for this development? Heavy rain over recent years has already caused land slippage in that region. There is potential for land slide with heavy rain during construction. Construction would change the natural water course flow causing damage to other properties. We disapprove of this construction in its entirety.

Roberto veronesi
Delivered to Northern Beaches Council
433 Pittwater Road North Manly NSW 2100
Use of part of the building as a restaurant

I live directly opposite the bowling club and Nolan's reserve. At present the residents on the left hand side towards manly of Pittwater road have issues with visitors particularly on game days, and golfers who wish to not deal with the getting out of car parks after games and park often over our driveways, as well as resident parking facilities already very limited at times.

Parents park outside our house and then run across three lanes of traffic with the children to get to the grounds. As well as having to cope with the multiple e bikes parking on the premise means we cannot get out when visitors park across our driveways which are historically already narrow and backing out onto Pittwater road requires care and timing with the traffic lights and now of course the multiple e bikes doing high speeds, with no warning and silent on approach.

A simple solution would be to erect a barrier down the median strip of Pittwater road as well as putting in resident parking permits limiting visitor parking to 1 hour parking, either way once a recreation centre is put in the parking load on this area will be unsustainable.

With a new recreation centre planned for the now defunct bowling club, without due consideration both kentwell road and entry to Pittwater road is going to be a traffic jam, this area is also prone to flooding which totally blocked access in 2022 so more care more be taken to forward plan these situations.

The current plans do not indicate any real thought to the parking problem.

This is already congested in peak hour and at weekends.

Please detail more in this area.

Thank you

Maxine White
Delivered to Northern Beaches Council
10 Fitzroy Road Cromer NSW 2099
Demolition works and construction of a new dwelling house including a swimming pool.

I'm concerned about traffic and being able to get out of my drive way for a number of months to a year.

I'm also concerned that the applicant who seems to be building a four storey house may be splitting the houses into apartments adding to the already scarce parking resources.

Additionally, the plans look vague and difficult to understand. Drilling into bedrock may cause flood issues is also a concern. I'm wary that my view of the lake will be impacted if the structure is built hight than stated.
Plans need to be clearer...

Alan Bain
Delivered to Northern Beaches Council
120 Hudson Parade Clareville NSW 2107
Demolition works and construction of a dwelling house including swimming pool

We live next-door to the proposed development at 122 Hudson Parade, Clareville and would respectfully request an inspection of the trees on our side of the boundary as they are close to the shared fence line. The roots of these old and established trees extend into 120 Hudson and would be vulnerable to the extensive demolition and construction plan seeking approval.

The following is a partial inventory of the major trees we believe to be vulnerable:

Spotted gum (very large) - approx. 2 m from fence
Eucaplyptus radiata (very large) - approx. 2 m from fence
Magnolia grandiflora (very large) - approx. 2 m from fence
Tipouchina (medium size but old) - <1 m. from fence
Jacaranda mimosifolia (very large) - <1 m. from fence
Lilypillies (4 very tall trees) - <1m. from fence

We would be grateful if the Council could arrange for an arborist to conduct a root mapping on the Southern boundary line of 120 Hudson Pde (a.k.a 3 Delecta Ave) prior to finalising the plans on demolition and construction to ensure they are protected.

Many thanks!

Gregory & Sheonagh Coops
Delivered to Northern Beaches Council
8 Alma Street Clontarf NSW 2093
Alterations and additions to a dwelling house including a swimming pool

The plan shows a shadow at 3pm which engulfs the front of my home at 6 Alma Street. This then shadows and blocks natural light into the afternoon. The front of my home only receives direct sunlight in late afternoon. The height of the proposed extended development will block the late afternoon sun from the front of my home. All our living space: kitchen, dinning room, living room rely on natural light from the front of my home. My objection is that this development being 2 storey and moving forward so far, will shadow my the front of my home. Is there a law or code that prevents a home from being deprived of natural light? Also the property will move forward so far that I will be facing a wall of property that blocks out my view to the right, when viewed from my home. This will impact on my 3 bedrooms, which face the front of the home, the living room, dining room and kitchen. This represents a substantial impact to my outlook and exposure to sunlight. I object to this proposal on this basis.

Robert Salisbury
Delivered to Northern Beaches Council
7 Lower Beach Street Balgowlah NSW 2093
Alterations and additions to a semi

The Google photos are of a cafe to the immediate west of the subject alteration and could cause unnecessary confusion...

Michael Peters
Delivered to Northern Beaches Council
77 Bassett Street Mona Vale NSW 2103
Use of Premises as a hardware and building supplies facility and associated internal alterations

As a semi-residential street (something that appears to be frequently overlooked by council) there should be strict time constraints placed on the operational hours of all businesses in the street. Similar to what hours a builder may operate when building in residential areas.
What also needs to happen to alleviate the parking on Bassett street, is 4 hrs max parking excluding residents (including trailers registered to our addresses) between the hours of 8pm - 8am. This would end the practice of vehicle storage on the streets by G Brothers and other various mechanics not to mention residents from elsewhere who don't to clutter their own street with their excess vehicles. This would help with the ridiculous overcrowding of parked vehicles during business hours, and allow residents to get somewhere to park after hours.
Bassett st west is already overloaded, ad in the unit development at the end of the street (totally out of character with the area) and we are up for nothing but constant mayhem.
This will result in more deaths on Bassett street very soon I have no doubt.

Matt Pitcher
Delivered to Northern Beaches Council
77 Bassett Street Mona Vale NSW 2103
Use of Premises as a hardware and building supplies facility and associated internal alterations

Most likely this has already been approved like any other application lately.we the residents and rate payers seem to have no rights anymore.allowing mitre 10 to operate changed the whole street.traffic is chaotic and very dangerous for us residents with driveways.nobody will slow down or stop to let us enter the street.both sides of Bassett street are blocked with employees from mitre 10 parking.and now we will get an other retail outlet which will only add to the parking and traffic issue.the noise is bad enough from all the businesses is zoned light industrial which comes with strict rules.but those are not enforced nor looked at.we are having to deal with 20 and 40 foot containers being unloaded sometimes 2 or 3 am.then we have a gym which starts at 4.30am six days a week with music so loud it is sometimes hardly bearable.and now we are burdened yet with an other business which can operate as they please.we are living in one of the least populated countries in the world.and instead of coming up with a long term plan more and more people are being crammed into the same I said in the beginning this is a done deal regarding the approval and the council will not listen to any of us wonder why our concerns are even requested..kind of sad when we criticise other countries for the lack of citizens rights and concerns .

Jens frei
Delivered to Northern Beaches Council
77 Bassett Street Mona Vale NSW 2103
Use of Premises as a hardware and building supplies facility and associated internal alterations

I strongly object to this DA, traffic along Bassett Street West is already dangerous, consistently travelling too fast, with people having to stick the nose of their car out of the side streets to get visibility of traffic, further developments of this type will increase traffic movement and therefore increase probability of an accident. Perhaps there should be some consideration of traffic calming devices - if you can manage to do this at one point in non-residential Darley Street, then semi residential Bassett Street would warrant strong consideration. There is already truck unloading activity occurring at Johnson Bros in the early hours, does this application mean to increase this antisocial activity? There also needs to be consideration of Council's own plan to increase the foot and cycle traffic along Bassett Street on the same side of the road as this DA, this will increase vehicular access across Council's proposed new pathway, and given the amount of school aged footpath traffic along the road, it sounds to me that a wholistic view is not being taken.

Neil McAully
Delivered to Northern Beaches Council
4 Delmar Parade, Dee Why NSW 2099
Demolition works and construction of a mixed-use development comprising a residential flat building and shop top housing, basement parking, lot consolidation and torrens title subdivision

I am concerned the current road network is not prepared for these additional high rise developments in Dee Why, particularly the roads to the city which are very congested and stretching out everybody’s commute times.

Kind regards,

Michael Murphy
Delivered to Northern Beaches Council
24 A Beatty Street Balgowlah Heights NSW 2093
Alterations and additions to a dwelling house

We are owners of 24B Beatty street and would like to know the extent of these proposed developments to our adjoining property and the proposed timeline of works as this would impact us directly. Thank you

Valerie Froome
Delivered to Northern Beaches Council
56 - 58 Glen Street Belrose NSW 2085
Use of Premises as a licensed liquor store.

There are already two locations at the Glenrose shopping centre that sell alcohol (along with some restaurants) - it is hard to justify that of all the potential goods and services that could be provided to the members of the local community who regularly shop at Glenrose, that a third outlet selling alcohol is the best option. Please consider what is in the very best interest of the local community.

A Streeter
Delivered to Northern Beaches Council
14 / 54 Wattle Road Brookvale NSW 2100
Temporary use of land for the purposes of a fundraiser event with a capacity of 400 people on Saturday, 5 November 2022

Support 100%. Brookvale is becoming a bustling arts and social hub for all of the Northern Beaches to enjoy - the constraints council is putting on capacity of venues in a non residential area are ludicrous and venues really shouldn’t have to put in special requests such as this for events within capacity and safety limits

Will Duckworth
Delivered to Northern Beaches Council
12 Gladys Avenue Frenchs Forest NSW 2086
Demolition works, subdivision of two (2) Lots into four (4) Lots with associated driveway and construction of four (4) dwelling houses.

Buildings on these plots have the potential to block our views, impact our bedroom privacy and property value. We ask that the any new buildings are not greater than the height of the existing properties.

Alice Magniac
Delivered to Northern Beaches Council
12 Gladys Avenue Frenchs Forest NSW 2086
Demolition works, subdivision of two (2) Lots into four (4) Lots with associated driveway and construction of four (4) dwelling houses.

The comments passed by Alice Magniac are very reasonable.
Existing homes should not be impacted by new developments. There will always be numerous design options for a new built home.
Consideration for existing neighbours is how good communities work.
Northern Beaches Council should give serious consideration when assessing planning applications.
Privacy and amenity are every resident's right.

Delivered to Northern Beaches Council
12 Gladys Avenue Frenchs Forest NSW 2086
Demolition works, subdivision of two (2) Lots into four (4) Lots with associated driveway and construction of four (4) dwelling houses.

Buildings on these plots have the potential to block our views, impact our bedroom privacy and property value. We ask that the any new buildings are not greater than the height of the existing properties.

Alice Magniac
Delivered to Northern Beaches Council
917 Barrenjoey Road, Palm Beach NSW 2108
Demolition works and construction of a dwelling house including a swimming pool

Posts have just gone up on this site, to show the outline of the proposed house. Three beautiful, healthy trees will need to be removed, and the height of the planned dwelling is ridiculous. There is no need to build so high to get a view from the new house, and all the houses on the other side of Barrenjoey Road will be able to see, is a wall.

The northern beaches are changing so much, the canopy is shrinking, and proposals like this are going to make it a really unpleasant place to live soon. Please turn this down.

Tracey Muggleton
Delivered to Northern Beaches Council
68 - 90 Evans Street Freshwater NSW 2096
Use of a premises as a health services facility

A wonderful addition to Freshwater & Health Services are so important to our Community

Pam Hansen
Delivered to Northern Beaches Council
16 Wyatt Avenue Belrose NSW 2085
New - Construction of a Boarding house with 27 rooms including a managers residence.

I have to agree with the majority of the statements made here regarding the original application made several years ago. I doubt that the sentient of those that have commented will have changed as a result of an amended submission. The original application was refused on very sensible grounds and I can't see how the principals of that refusal should change. I live in the area and previously lived only a few streets away from the proposed site. A development of this nature would be in complete contrast to the nature, character and value of the area. I am against the application and share the views of most others here.

Brett Sonemann
Delivered to Northern Beaches Council
16 Wyatt Avenue Belrose NSW 2085
New - Construction of a Boarding house with 27 rooms including a managers residence.

The proposed height, setbacks, massing and design of the building will dominate the surrounds and will not positively respond to the surrounding context.

The proposed setbacks design and massing of the building will unreasonably impact upon the character of the area.

The proposal fails to respond to off site amenity of surrounding properties, resulting in unreasonable visual bulk and overshadowing impacts.

The proposal would result in unacceptable internal amenity.

The use and buildings are of a scale and intensity which will result in unreasonable amenity impacts on the neighbouring properties.

The scale, lack of setbacks and lack of landscaping all contribute to an overdevelopment of the site.

The proposal fails to provide adequate landscaping opportunities and ensure suitable maintenance of native vegetation.

The proposed use and development, having regard to the site and surrounding area, would represent an inappropriate planning outcome.

The proposal has not dealt adequately with best practice environmentally sustainable outcomes in context of energy use, internal amenity, solar access, water use and runoff of precipitation from the site.

The proposal has not dealt adequately with proper parking provision for residents and visitors to avoid unacceptable amenity impacts to its occupants and surrounding area residents.

The proposal has not dealt adequately with contemporary best practice environmentally sustainable outcomes in context of energy use, rainwater capture in context of local annual precipitation, preventing entry of litter to stormwater drains through suitable pollutant traps and screens, internal amenity, light pollution and spill from the development and protecting residents from off site sources of light spill, solar access, water use and runoff of precipitation from the site.

The proposal has not dealt adequately with the management of vehicle and bin washing upon the site and the impacts of the discharge of associated waste into the stormwater network.

The proposal has not adequately dealt with the separation of pedestrian entry from motor vehicle entry routes.

Insufficient information has been provided to enable a comprehensive assessment of the proposals impact on internal amenity and neighbouring dwelling amenity through the creation of light, noise, odour, access of non-resident a, birds and vermin to waste stored in site areas and litter as well as contamination risks and impacts on existing and neighbouring vegetation.

Insufficient information has been provided on vegetation types for landscaping and the maintenance of suitable native vegetation of local provenance.

The proposal fails to respect the existing and preferred neighbourhood character of the area, and the location of the site does not offer appropriate access to necessary services and transport.

The proposal fails to respect the existing and preferred neighbourhood character of the area, fails to demonstrate integration with the surrounding urban environment, and fails to protect significant vegetation on the site.

The proposal fails to respond to and achieve local planning and environmental objectives as it does not seek to retain any existing canopy tree, and the building envelope location, scale and setbacks do not provide sufficient space in its surrounds to enable the planting of canopy trees, or provide adequate opportunities for meaningful landscaping or canopy tree planting between the front, side and rear of the building envelope and the boundaries.

The proposal must be met with a determination of refusal as it's my view that the issues of concern cannot be properly mitigated by suitable conditions.

Shauna-Marie Wilson
Delivered to Northern Beaches Council
62 Myoora Road, Terrey Hills NSW 2084
Demolition of existing structures and construction of new buildings for the purpose of a retail garden centre, cafe, pet store and fruit store with associated parking and landscaping

I wish to object to the current proposal by Flower Power to extend their operations within the area and as depicted in their DA 2022/0456. This is due to their likely overall effects on Terry Hills traffic flows within the immediate and outer surrounding streets causing further gridlocking of the exit and entry points. Pedestrian traffic will also be put at risk due to proximity of the local school.
Existing traffic planning for the whole of the Terrey Hills suburb is some 20 years behind that required by the existing approved development. Past planning has not foreseen the recent State Government shift in population growth in this area.
Hence Myoora Rd is not wide enough to cater for existing two-way traffic at peak and near-peak periods. This results in traffic having to stop and take refuge in order to allow buses and transports to pass when coming from the opposite direction. Hence this road has no capacity to take any designed increased traffic volume.
When Mona Vale Rd was made 2 lanes each way, some 30 years ago, it catered to mostly farm land and the occasional pedestrian / horse rider along the western road verge. In fact, the underpass at Cooyong Rd. was specifically installed for the use of horse riders to gain access to the J.J. Hills horse arena. Cooyong Rd was provided with a left-hand-turn only exit to the east, and all other exit traffic was diverted down Myoora and Booralie Rds. Unfortunately, the complex of traffic roundabout and lights at Booralie and McCarrs Ck Rds. Is now loaded to capacity at morning and evening peaks. So, any further traffic contributions already-approved developments in Myoora Rd will increase driver frustration outbursts, near misses and collision rates.
At that same time the Flower Power site was protected from speeding traffic on Mona Vale Rd with a reduction in speed to 70k/h some 100m west of the site. However, Roads and Maritime (Formerly RTA) shifted the sign to the east so that the subject site is now unprotected. There is no valid reason for an that 80kph speed limit to exist and the 70kpa should be reinstated.

In fact, the whole of the length of Mona Vale Rd from Forest Way to past Booralie Rd could be lowered from 80 to 70. This would significantly assist in access and egress from the site as is and, with modified planning, the site could continue to be serviced by Mona Vale Rd alone by removing the Cooyong exit. Such a speed reduction would assist the Aumuna Rd exit, resulting in less pressure on all the exits.
Overall, my significant issues are:
1. The DA relies too much on generated traffic entering and dispersing via Myoora Rd, when Mona Vale Rd requires a far-better management plan than exists to handle our traffic.
2. Children’s lives are being put at risk even further by providing entry / exit immediately opposite and school gate. This is not required, as other means involving Roads and Maritime input could be provided.
3. Council have a responsibility to ensure that all proposed developments have accurate traffic studies over the whole of Terrey Hills. Council should carry out a proper traffic management study, in conjunction with Roads and Maritime if necessary. This would ensure any further development applications are properly assessed and not ‘rubber stamped’, as it appears that this one may be.
4. It is time for Roads and Maritime to consider widening Mona Vale Rd to 3 lanes on the east-bound carriageway to allow adjacent commercial sites to be serviced and to provide a formal protected footpath to be constructed.

Roger Andrews
Delivered to Northern Beaches Council
27 Karloo Parade, Newport NSW 2106
Demolition works and construction of a dwelling house including a swimming pool and spa

I am concerned with the size of the project and the fact that it will damage our beautiful landscape. This project is too big and will be another eyesore overlooking our beautiful and preserved beach.

Patricia Michel
Delivered to Northern Beaches Council
158 Wyndora Avenue, Freshwater NSW 2096
Demolition works and construction of a dwelling house

Slowly the freshwater charm is disappearing due to the fact that any house can be demolished… when & where does heritage listing come in.
Qudos to those who renovate & expand & maintain the character, character of the house & character of freshie & it’s past.

J Thomas
Delivered to Northern Beaches Council
78 Chisholm Avenue, Avalon Beach NSW 2107
Alterations and additions to a dwelling house

Looking across from to Chisholm Ave from our home in Bilgola Plateau, we have progressively watched more gaps in the tree canopy, particularly along the ridge line, created from "building alterations and additions". May we respectively request that this development ensures absolutely no loss of canopy trees, and the overall character and size of the structure is in keeping with this very unique environment, built with the very latest in environmentally sustainable design.

Andrew Cameron
Delivered to Northern Beaches Council