I wish to object to the current proposal by Flower Power to extend their operations within the area and as depicted in their DA 2022/0456. This is due to their likely overall effects on Terry Hills traffic flows within the immediate and outer surrounding streets causing further gridlocking of the exit and entry points. Pedestrian traffic will also be put at risk due to proximity of the local school.
Existing traffic planning for the whole of the Terrey Hills suburb is some 20 years behind that required by the existing approved development. Past planning has not foreseen the recent State Government shift in population growth in this area.
Hence Myoora Rd is not wide enough to cater for existing two-way traffic at peak and near-peak periods. This results in traffic having to stop and take refuge in order to allow buses and transports to pass when coming from the opposite direction. Hence this road has no capacity to take any designed increased traffic volume.
When Mona Vale Rd was made 2 lanes each way, some 30 years ago, it catered to mostly farm land and the occasional pedestrian / horse rider along the western road verge. In fact, the underpass at Cooyong Rd. was specifically installed for the use of horse riders to gain access to the J.J. Hills horse arena. Cooyong Rd was provided with a left-hand-turn only exit to the east, and all other exit traffic was diverted down Myoora and Booralie Rds. Unfortunately, the complex of traffic roundabout and lights at Booralie and McCarrs Ck Rds. Is now loaded to capacity at morning and evening peaks. So, any further traffic contributions already-approved developments in Myoora Rd will increase driver frustration outbursts, near misses and collision rates.
At that same time the Flower Power site was protected from speeding traffic on Mona Vale Rd with a reduction in speed to 70k/h some 100m west of the site. However, Roads and Maritime (Formerly RTA) shifted the sign to the east so that the subject site is now unprotected. There is no valid reason for an that 80kph speed limit to exist and the 70kpa should be reinstated.
In fact, the whole of the length of Mona Vale Rd from Forest Way to past Booralie Rd could be lowered from 80 to 70. This would significantly assist in access and egress from the site as is and, with modified planning, the site could continue to be serviced by Mona Vale Rd alone by removing the Cooyong exit. Such a speed reduction would assist the Aumuna Rd exit, resulting in less pressure on all the exits.
Overall, my significant issues are:
1. The DA relies too much on generated traffic entering and dispersing via Myoora Rd, when Mona Vale Rd requires a far-better management plan than exists to handle our traffic.
2. Children’s lives are being put at risk even further by providing entry / exit immediately opposite and school gate. This is not required, as other means involving Roads and Maritime input could be provided.
3. Council have a responsibility to ensure that all proposed developments have accurate traffic studies over the whole of Terrey Hills. Council should carry out a proper traffic management study, in conjunction with Roads and Maritime if necessary. This would ensure any further development applications are properly assessed and not ‘rubber stamped’, as it appears that this one may be.
4. It is time for Roads and Maritime to consider widening Mona Vale Rd to 3 lanes on the east-bound carriageway to allow adjacent commercial sites to be serviced and to provide a formal protected footpath to be constructed.