It would be better to spend money on increasing road capacity first. Once road capacity has increased, then the town is ready to accept more shopping areas. Doing it the other way around, i.e. building the shopping centre first, thereby creating more lengthy traffic jams is not a sustainable way of going about things.
Woolworths and Coles are not selling at full capacity. Their hours reflect a small town usage: weekdays 8 am - 9 pm and weekends 9 am to 6 pm.
The intersection of Taranganba road turning onto Tanby Rd needs to be improved by adding a turn left lane only so that the traffic turning right doesn't create such a backlog of cars.
Adding a new shopping centre there would also severely affect the small shops in town and could contribute to some of them going bankrupt. We don't need more places for people to spend money. If anything we need to spend money on education and on creating safe roads, ensuring that speed limits on the Rocky/Yeppoon Rd are enforced to prevent the recurring accidents. We should spend more money on creating more dirt paths in nature (not concrete) like the beautiful path at Kemp Hill. We need to provide more beauty, not take the beauty away.