All recent comments on applications from Livingstone Shire Council, QLD

181 Taranganba Road, Taroomball QLD 4703
Material Change of Use for a Shopping centre Reconfiguring a Lot (one lot into two lots and access ease Operational Works for Native vegetation clearing and Waterway barrier works

It would be better to spend money on increasing road capacity first. Once road capacity has increased, then the town is ready to accept more shopping areas. Doing it the other way around, i.e. building the shopping centre first, thereby creating more lengthy traffic jams is not a sustainable way of going about things.

Woolworths and Coles are not selling at full capacity. Their hours reflect a small town usage: weekdays 8 am - 9 pm and weekends 9 am to 6 pm.

The intersection of Taranganba road turning onto Tanby Rd needs to be improved by adding a turn left lane only so that the traffic turning right doesn't create such a backlog of cars.

Adding a new shopping centre there would also severely affect the small shops in town and could contribute to some of them going bankrupt. We don't need more places for people to spend money. If anything we need to spend money on education and on creating safe roads, ensuring that speed limits on the Rocky/Yeppoon Rd are enforced to prevent the recurring accidents. We should spend more money on creating more dirt paths in nature (not concrete) like the beautiful path at Kemp Hill. We need to provide more beauty, not take the beauty away.

Lorraine Manifold
Delivered to Livingstone Shire Council
181 Taranganba Road, Taroomball QLD 4703
Material Change of Use for a Shopping centre Reconfiguring a Lot (one lot into two lots and access ease Operational Works for Native vegetation clearing and Waterway barrier works

This development is unwarranted and completely unnecessary. All this will do is spread an all ready limited customer base and put other businesses in jepody. The population does not warrant such a complex when there are already two major shopping centres in the area.

Robert Pacey
Delivered to Livingstone Shire Council
10 Burnett Street, Yeppoon QLD 4703
Utility Installation (Recycling Community Drop-Off Facility)

As a resident within 100m of the proposed new Cash for Containers depot in Burnett Street I am concerned that the application does not address the constant noise that would be generated by the proposed Cash for Containers recycling depot. I regularly visited the depot in McBean Street and am aware of the noise level at that site that the activity creates. I note there is an RFI request for the developers to provide a Noise Impact Assessment - due by 28/11/2024 - the wording in the application draws a comparison with the noise of a nearby bus depot. This comparison is like comparing apples with bananas! The facility intends to be open on weekends as well. I feel the noise level if not managed properly will impact the value of my property. I ask that you seriously consider this in any approval or conditioning that council is able to apply as part of this development application. I am sure I will not be the only resident complaining should the facility be approved and create noise pollution.

Sara Hillman
Delivered to Livingstone Shire Council
181 Taranganba Road, Taroomball QLD 4703
Material Change of Use for a Shopping centre Reconfiguring a Lot (one lot into two lots and access ease Operational Works for Native vegetation clearing and Waterway barrier works

I am writing to put forward my thoughts against the proposed development of a new Woolworths Metro by Lancini on Tanby Road/Taranganba Road Yeppoon.

I have lived in Yeppoon for 16 years and believe Yeppoon is nowhere near ready for this to go ahead. I am a local business owner, and my children all go to school here. We support many of the local sporting clubs and charities on the coast.

If this center were to go ahead it would destroy the town as we know it and cause business suicide to most current business owners. Those businesses owners are locals, Mums and Dads. They are people who support the community. As a business owner, I can tell you now that businesses in Yeppoon Central Centre, Keppel Bay Centre, Stackies and town center are all struggling as it is. There are some days that both major centers are ghost towns. Some say they are struggling to pay their rent. There are already too many vacant shops in town, why add to the town's demise by opening another centre and dragging people away from the town that needs them?

Lancini will tell you their foot traffic in their Yeppoon Central Centre is enough to open another store: their foot traffic counters are not an indication of spending by the foot count. Also, foot counters have been proven to be inaccurate up to 30%. If both major centers in town already have empty stores and some businesses are struggling to pay rent, why would you allow a Woolworths Metro to open 2.8km from the current Yeppoon Central Centre and drag what Lancini claims will be 10000 people away from town?

We have asked customers their thoughts and they have agreed they would simply not have a need to come to town as much nor at all for groceries. This is utterly horrific.

I urge you as real locals to please not allow this to go ahead. We as business owners are already facing unprecedented stressors as it is, why would you allow a large city company to come in and ruin us?

Going back to my opening statement: local business owners support the Yeppoon community. If you allow this center to open, the butterfly effect that the town will see will be disastrous and impacts will be felt across the community. There won’t be any more supporting sporting clubs and charities; the money just won't be there anymore. It will be in Woolworths and Lancini’s pockets, both major companies who are based in major cities.

Please, from all business owners in Yeppoon, do not allow this. The town just isn’t ready yet and won’t be for some time to come.

Kristian Masterson
Delivered to Livingstone Shire Council
181 Taranganba Road, Taroomball QLD 4703
Material Change of Use for a Shopping centre Reconfiguring a Lot (one lot into two lots and access ease Operational Works for Native vegetation clearing and Waterway barrier works

I live on Taranganba Road and work in the major shopping centre located not far up the road from this development. I do not want this at all. This will create traffic chaos, noise, pollution, crime in an already traffic heavy area. Tanby Road and Taranganba Road cannot handle this traffic at all! Especially in peak hour traffic when the cars are banked back for kilometres. I also do NOT want to lose my job in Yeppoon Central Centre when people stop going there and my employer cannot afford to keep me on. My son works in the Stackies complex and I do NOT want him to lose his job for the same reason. There is zero need for 3 shopping centres in Yeppoon. Economically this will kill jobs, not create them and send local businesses to the grave. Local businesses are already hiring workers from overseas as they cannot get staff. Not to mention my house price will plummet if this is allowed to go ahead. Whomever has this idea does not live in Yeppoon and has no idea what it is like to live here. Locals have not even been considered in this.

Kalcie Chapman
Delivered to Livingstone Shire Council
32 Riversleigh Drive, Emu Park QLD 4710
(one lot into four lots)

R.Faith Part ownership. Purchased this property on 13/01/21 officially own it. Council allowed Stewart Dunlop to put a driveway through our property as he signed saying he is the owner of our property 05/10/21 application number D-284-2021.
Stewart Dunlop has an application to sell acres of land to use our driveway and water connection. Number 24 our land is a subdivision block 9 1/4 acres with no easement on one parcel of land, Our water connection FH in case of Bushfires for the public not Stewart Dunlop's housing estate.
PS. Have all copies of the documents regarding this proposal.

robert faith
Delivered to Livingstone Shire Council
Lot 205 Carbeen Drive, Taranganba QLD 4703
(one lot into two lots)

This proposal is of a significant concern. The land is a wildlife corridor and is home to a large number of small native wallabies. There is a gully along with an easement that will no doubt be cleared of all vegetation which will also impact on the large variety of parrots.
As this area has a history of flooding during heavy rain, it would be of a major concern to rate payers that the amount of clearing and storm water runoff will impact their properties along with decreasing the real value of not only their homes, but the unique area in which they choose to live as well.
Carbeen Drive is one of the last remnant rainforest areas of Yeppoon that homeowners are continually improving with removal of introduced weed, and the reintroduction of native plants and trees.

Mick Rodgers
Delivered to Livingstone Shire Council
Lot 4010 Jordy Drive, Hidden Valley QLD 4703
One (1) into fourteen (14) lots, balance lot and roads (The Pines Estate - Stage 21)

I would like a more detailed description of location of proposal please.

Trevor Salmon
Delivered to Livingstone Shire Council
60 Normanby Street, Yeppoon QLD 4703
Food and Drink Outlet

This is a very narrow road with already over full capacity parking and the gutter is not suited for regular traffic as it is a trip hazard.
Improvement on access, more all weather parking to increase the width of the roadway and a safer access to the gutter issue for pedestrians will improve the safety of increased usage of this area for future development.

Maria Kalpaxis
Delivered to Livingstone Shire Council
Lot 550 Sypher Drive, Inverness QLD 4703
One lot into five lots and access & services easement

This 16 hectare block provides important habitat to local fauna, and dividing into 5 lots will likely cause greater impact, firstly when services are linked, and secondly once houses are built.
When we bought our block of land adjacent to lot 550, we asked and were told specifically by the Town Planner that lot 550 had significant environmental value due to the presence of Cycads and therefore was not likely to be approved for subdivision and residential development.

Jillian Neyland
Delivered to Livingstone Shire Council
18 Park Street, Yeppoon QLD 4703
Veterinary Clinic

As a property owner on Park Street my concerns are mostly with my young children and added road traffic to the street. We live on a tiny street and proposed business on the street would create mayhem and added noise to a quiet residential area. Our way of life will be effected by an establishment such as this so please do not wreck our great residential street!

Michael Weir
Delivered to Livingstone Shire Council
28 Park Street, Yeppoon QLD 4703
Child Care Centre

The proposed Daycare centre will be of high inconvenience to me as a property owner. This centre will be directly next door and behind my property. I feel as if the noise and traffic on this residential street (adjacent to the main road) will destroy the purpose of this side road for residents. Approving something like this goes against Yeppoon’s values as a community for peaceful living and I urge you to vote against this.

Michael Weir
Delivered to Livingstone Shire Council