28 Park Street, Yeppoon QLD 4703

Child Care Centre
Planning Authority
Livingstone Shire Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , almost 4 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
4 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
1 comment made here on Planning Alerts

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Livingstone Shire Council. Add your own comment.

The proposed Daycare centre will be of high inconvenience to me as a property owner. This centre will be directly next door and behind my property. I feel as if the noise and traffic on this residential street (adjacent to the main road) will destroy the purpose of this side road for residents. Approving something like this goes against Yeppoon’s values as a community for peaceful living and I urge you to vote against this.

Michael Weir
Delivered to Livingstone Shire Council

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