2853 Round Hill Road, Agnes Water QLD 4677
1 into 153 Lots (5 Stages)
I am in huge agreement with some points already made.
I am an owner occupier for the last 4 years and while my rates have tripled in that time I have not seen any infrastructure upgrades let alone timely maintenance works carried out when needed.
I am also a owner occupier of Noosa and agree Agnes is not the same and is definitely not managed by council well enough for these developments.
If anymore development is go ahead we would along with what is already started we would at the very least need urgent road upgrades including roundabouts at major intersections, more footpaths for our youth, car parking upgrades at popular areas, an aged care facility, minor hospital and at least a biodiversity overlay to keep green spaces in tact for our wildlife. As I see it there is nothing in place atm and developers can do as they please.
We would also need to see a cap in place for air bnb housing to create affordable houses in these areas and the opportunity for affordable permanent rentals.
We have seen a lot over the years pumped into 1770 but Agnes is being left behind, Council and Qld government have a lot do before we see anymore major land developments.