2853 Round Hill Road, Agnes Water QLD 4677

1 into 153 Lots (5 Stages)
Planning Authority
Gladstone Regional Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 2 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
17 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Gladstone Regional Council. Add your own comment.

This going to far ahead, there are already so many new housing going in already, the town does not need more. We don't have enough drs to sustain who is already here. The traffic through sun lover will be ridiculous as it already is going past food works. Most people that will buy will buy to air bnb. We don't have enough grocery stores, the town is trying to grow to soon without proper infosctructor.
Apart from the above this will decimate more wildlife and is just not Agnes Water to clear everything to make way for small lots. We are already seeing such a mass loss of kangaroo and birds and wild life from the devastation of the new shops and servo - which I don't know who will work there when businesses already cannot find staff.

Jacqui Thomson
Delivered to Gladstone Regional Council

Good day, the government says we are all about moving forward. A lot of people do not agree, I certainly don’t. This area is an important area for a lot of species of wildlife. Because of the developments around town a lot of wildlife already has been displaced. People start complaining about too much wildlife around there homes, but the animals have no where else to go. This part of Agnes Water is an important birding habitat and resting place for macropods.

It takes 2 months to get an appointment with a doctor. The dentist about the same. We do not have the infrastructure (look at the marina parking in 1770 on a long weekend). And I do not want to see this change as it ruins the character of being a small town. The whole reason I came here in the first place many years ago.
In stead of making the real estate agents richer, put the money towards proper roads, a proper medical centre, a decent library, good internet accessible to everyone (not just the ones right in town), proper walking or bicycle lanes around town.
These are just a few things needed for the current population, look after them first . Our population has already doubled since Covid, this is more than our current facilities can handle. More people is not going to make this better, more people is going to make things worse for a lot of people and especially for the environment. If we cut down all the trees, there will be no oxygen left for us to breath.
Please reconsider. The money can be very well spend to look after the people who live her NOW.
Kind regards,
Wyanda Lublink

Wyanda Lublink
Delivered to Gladstone Regional Council

The rate of development in Agnes has already accelerated to a point where natural resources are being depleted, as wild flora and fauna are removed. What attracts people to Agnes Water is fast disappearing due to the rapid changes. The hill entering town has already been razed and there is more to come (signs such as PRDs new lots).

Given there are already multiple developments in place and going ahead in the area, 154 new lots is untenable. The ecosystem will unbalance, the area will begin to overpopulated, roads will require widening, then we'll have the years and years of works that made Byron, Gold Coast and roads into Noosa a traffic nightmare.

Slow down. This application should not be approved.

Delivered to Gladstone Regional Council

Water!! Where will this come from to supply a growing residential base as current infrastructure is at capacity and the reedy creek aquifer supplementing desal is unsustainable at current extraction levels.
New aquifers and infrastructure identified and budgeted to supply a growing community??

Chris Wilson
Delivered to Gladstone Regional Council

When we first moved to Agnes Water in 2017 we loved the drive, full of wildlife and nature surrounded by the beautiful coastline of the Discovery Coast. In the five years we lived here, we have seen more changes then other residents in the last 30 years. We have to wait to turn onto Round Hill Road, there are no overtaking lanes on Round Hill Road and pollution is often seen along the main road into Agnes Water. Subdivisions are going up everywhere, locals cannot go to the shops during peak hours as there is simply no car parking. I agree with previous comments, there are no age care facilities, doctor wait times are horrendous, midwife's or birth centres are none existing and there is only one ambulance to cater for triple the amount then five years ago. We see school aged children walking along the main roads, rather then on safe footpaths as there aren't enough around. The beaches are inaccessible in peak periods and fishing will soon be non existing. Already, we are getting so many subdivisions. Another sub divisions will surely increase the councils income on Development Application fees and rates of future property buyers, but don't forget the invaluable and priceless space of nature...the environment needs nature to exist. The human needs nature to relax. Please don't spoil our beautiful paradise just make an extra dollar on a holiday home! Keep the natural beauty of Agnes Water and Seventeen Seventy. This is why we all fell in love with this place, because we don't want a second Gold or Sunshine Coast! Not everything is about money, soem things are about the quality of life so let's protect what's already here!

Michaela Oliver
Delivered to Gladstone Regional Council

I am in huge agreement with some points already made.

I am an owner occupier for the last 4 years and while my rates have tripled in that time I have not seen any infrastructure upgrades let alone timely maintenance works carried out when needed.

I am also a owner occupier of Noosa and agree Agnes is not the same and is definitely not managed by council well enough for these developments.

If anymore development is go ahead we would along with what is already started we would at the very least need urgent road upgrades including roundabouts at major intersections, more footpaths for our youth, car parking upgrades at popular areas, an aged care facility, minor hospital and at least a biodiversity overlay to keep green spaces in tact for our wildlife. As I see it there is nothing in place atm and developers can do as they please.

We would also need to see a cap in place for air bnb housing to create affordable houses in these areas and the opportunity for affordable permanent rentals.

We have seen a lot over the years pumped into 1770 but Agnes is being left behind, Council and Qld government have a lot do before we see anymore major land developments.

Donovan Biss
Delivered to Gladstone Regional Council

No more development approvals, please.
This must not go ahead.
The infrastructure can't sustain the growth, and the environment cannot take another single blow. All of the things that make Agnes special are being destroyed. Our once pristine bushland appeoach to the town being raped and plundered before our eyes. Let's not even begin to talk about where the water is going to come from to sustain the growth.
Populations of wildlife are being forced into suburbia, and onto the roads. I've never seen so much dead and injured wildlife on the roads in over 20 years as I have seen in the last 2 years.
Any more development must be halted, lest we lose Agnes Water forever.

Tina Sanderson
Delivered to Gladstone Regional Council

There are already too many barren housing estates in Agnes. Desolate, weed-ridden, treeless estates with bad erosion issues, sitting unsold. This development site is simply levelling trees and removing wildlife, without proper consideration. Our town does not receive enough attention from council to support our current needs, let alone the needs of an extra 150 families. We don’t need more housing here! We first need to protect wild spaces, improve roads, community healthcare, beach access and focus more strongly on our national parks. We are an environmentally and historically significant area that desperately needs council’s help to set aside more “no development” zones to preserve what’s left of history. These areas are coastal forest, incredibly delicate ecosystems that are becoming few and far between up the Eastern coast.

Rebecca Willis
Delivered to Gladstone Regional Council

Agnes Water’s beauty and attraction is stunning natural beaches, nearby National Parks and wildlife and open spaces in abundance. This development will add further traffic and access issues onto Heights Crescent and local streets. The focus for Ages Water should be on building infrastructure to support the town’s population, not approving developments that will put pressure on the already stretched resources like doctors, dentists etc.

Delivered to Gladstone Regional Council

The new road is definitely needed due to the extra traffic now in town.
This new road needs to join up with Fitzroy Crescent to spread the traffic load otherwise your just creating new traffic issues at the proposed new entrances.
Also bike lanes & footpaths are needed on the new roads.

Jason Blackett
Delivered to Gladstone Regional Council

I would like to see a full independent environmental impact study BEFORE this proposed development goes ahead.
It needs to be sustainable and offer green spaces to value add to the future of this beautiful area.

I am not as yet seeing any of this occurring. I am extremely concerned about this development and the resulting destruction of natural areas, and lack of infrastructure for increased traffic. There seems to be very little long term thought going into this development decision.

Peta Swan
Delivered to Gladstone Regional Council

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