All recent comments on applications from Dubbo Regional Council, NSW

15 Allandale Dr, Dubbo 2830 NSW
Erection of freestanding garage, new attached carport and verandah; removal of existing carport and freestanding awning

As a neighbour At 17 Allandale Drive I would like to know the visual impact it will have from our property and the future of the trees in this area.

Rod Klaassens
Delivered to Dubbo Regional Council
35 Elizabeth St, Dubbo, NSW 2830
Boarding house

To Whom It May Concern, as a resident a few houses from the proposed Boarding House I have deep concerns about the effect of a such dwelling could have on our residential area.
We are a small pocket of residential home owners with children able to play in the street and neighbours whom all know each other.
Elizabeth Street has already been known as being a 'bad' street for drug use and anti social behaviour. This has recently started to change with new families and house proud owners moving into the area. It would be a backward step to now allow the development of a Boarding House.
The development of a Boarding House would see the increase of traffic, a high turnover of residents and unfamiliar faces in our quiet street. If approved the clients that will reside in the Boarding House their history and character will always be an unknown to our community. Who are we inviting into our neighbourhood? Will our children be safe to ride their bikes two doors down anymore? Will our quiet street become somewhere we see Police cars regularly? Increased noise and disruption?
There has to be a more suitable place for a business to run then in the middle of a residential street full of families.
I implore you to decline the development application for the good of our community. We have many families wanting to buy homes in Dubbo's real estate market. Let them and let the businessmen find a more suitable property to run a commercial business.

Kareena Vincent
Delivered to Dubbo Regional Council
Palmer St, Dubbo, NSW 2830
Hardware and building supplies (Bunnings Warehouse)

To Whom it may concern,

My name is Nicole Baggott and I am writing to advise my opposition to the building of this Bunnings Warehouse in such close proximity to residential homes. Palmer Street is in a residential area, with a Community Health Centre on one corner of Cobra and Palmer Streets and a childcare centre on the other. Local school buses drop children off on Palmer Street. I would have no objections to a Bunnings Warehouse being built on the other side of the site with access via Hawthorn Street, but strongly object to such a major commercial/industrial amenity being built across the road from homes and facilities used by families and small children, especially children with a range of special needs.

I am aware that previous development applications for commercial/industrial premises for this site have not been approved, and wonder why approval would be considered now? This is a residential area and a Bunnings Warehouse would increase the road traffic, thereby increasing the danger to children in the area.

I have already been angered at the removal of most of the trees on the site, especially in the destruction of the habitats of a range of birds and wildlife. I live in Taylor Street and am now finding a number of bats electrocuted on the powerlines on our street, something which I have never noticed in the 4 years I have lived here. I am also aware of the increase in injured wildlife being found in The Good Guys/Spotlight car park - a direct result of the clearing of the trees in the former RAAF base site. Could you please advise details of any environmental impact study that may have been conducted that allowed such clearing? Such habitat loss would be further exacerbated with a massive building, car park and increased traffic. On the other hand, a residential area - with homes with gardens, green spaces and street trees would provide shelter and habitat for native birds and bats.

I am deeply disappointed that the current Mayor would put commercial interests above the health, safety and well-being of the community and hope that other Councillors and the Council would seriously reconsider this development application before them. Whatever the current zoning of the land in question, I would hope that the Council will consider the risks and potential harm to the residential neighbourhood that such a large commercial/industrial site such as Bunnings poses, if built near Palmer Street.

I thank you for your time and hope you will give due consideration to my objections concerns.

Yours sincerely,
Nicole Baggott

Nicole Baggott
Delivered to Dubbo Regional Council
29L Whitewood Rd, Dubbo, NSW 2830
Home Industry - Refrigerated storage facility

My husband and I own a block of land on Whitewood Rd and we are concerned regarding this application for a 'Home Industry - Refrigerated Storage Facility' being so close to residential homes. We have resided in Dubbo for 24 years and are in the process of drawing up plans for a home on Whitewood Rd. We are concerned about the value of our property and the quality of life as from our understanding and information gathered this refrigerated storage facility would be for roo shooters to store their kill. An industrial area may be a better fit with so many people coming and going rather than an area surrounded by so many residential homes. A lot of traffic already commutes on Whitewood Rd. It is a road in need of maintenance not more traffic - particularly traffic of this kind. Please take these points into consideration regarding the approval of this building application. Many thanks.

Evelyne Clark
Delivered to Dubbo Regional Council
28 Muller St, Dubbo, NSW 2830
Transport depot (alterations and additions)

just driving by and seeing the amount of traffic in the gutter that got to cleared only worry i can see knowing of car train accident s in the passed on the crossing thank you

mark semmler
Sent to Dubbo Regional Council