35 Elizabeth St, Dubbo, NSW 2830

Boarding house
Planning Authority
Dubbo Regional Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 3 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
20 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Dubbo Regional Council. Add your own comment.

To Whom It May Concern, as a resident a few houses from the proposed Boarding House I have deep concerns about the effect of a such dwelling could have on our residential area.
We are a small pocket of residential home owners with children able to play in the street and neighbours whom all know each other.
Elizabeth Street has already been known as being a 'bad' street for drug use and anti social behaviour. This has recently started to change with new families and house proud owners moving into the area. It would be a backward step to now allow the development of a Boarding House.
The development of a Boarding House would see the increase of traffic, a high turnover of residents and unfamiliar faces in our quiet street. If approved the clients that will reside in the Boarding House their history and character will always be an unknown to our community. Who are we inviting into our neighbourhood? Will our children be safe to ride their bikes two doors down anymore? Will our quiet street become somewhere we see Police cars regularly? Increased noise and disruption?
There has to be a more suitable place for a business to run then in the middle of a residential street full of families.
I implore you to decline the development application for the good of our community. We have many families wanting to buy homes in Dubbo's real estate market. Let them and let the businessmen find a more suitable property to run a commercial business.

Kareena Vincent
Delivered to Dubbo Regional Council

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