All recent comments on applications from City of Cockburn, WA

34 Romeo Road Coolbellup WA 6163
9. Public Work - 9. Public Work - Demolition of Existing Dwelling

I live close by and happy to see what’s happening. Just wondering how many dwellings and how many bedroom units. Is it also only for pensioners. Cheers Ian.

Ian Marriner
Sent to City of Cockburn
27/52 Rollinson Road North Coogee WA 6163
Change of Use from Office to Consulting Rooms

This site is not suitable for Consulting Rooms. There is very little visitor parking for the 7 storey apartment block without having to provide parking for patients/clients and staff of the Consulting Rooms.
Extra traffic is also a problem with one road in and one road out and a terribly dangerous intersection onto Cockburn Road.
Are you able to tell me when a decision will be made on this?

Cathy Eisenhut
Sent to City of Cockburn
203 Acourt Road Jandakot WA 6164
Noxious Industry - Soil Blending & compost manufacturing & Anaerobic digestate plant

I have been advised that this application is a retrospective building application, please can I request further information in relation to this submission as I was under the impression that all submissions for Richgro had been dealt with back in 2018, including the office and laboratory. I am concerned that this is a new building and has been developed since the last building applications and licences were agreed through Council.

Andrea Carter
Sent to City of Cockburn
15 Tamarind Road Treeby WA 6164
Building Permit Application - Certified - Residential dwelling

Hi City of Cockburn, Could you please send through any Nighbourhood notification letter for 15 Tamarind road, Treeby to our email address?

I know they're currently proposing a double storey, if youcan please provide Statement of Environmental Effects, addressing Privacy, Overshadowing and Sun Access for your neighbors.

Thank you.

Sharon Chia
Sent to City of Cockburn
9002L Cockburn Road North Coogee WA 6163
Restaurant - Restaurant/Cafe, Community facilities and Sales Centre

Where is this address?

It doesn’t show on Google maps

Sent to City of Cockburn
42 Freycinet Circuit Aubin Grove WA 6164
Building Permit Application - Certified - Patio

No plastic roof sheets as there at present. No gutters hanging over my property .No extension to the workshop we have had dust problems in the past and no barking dog housed under patio

Dave Edwards
Sent to City of Cockburn
6/14 Biscayne Way Jandakot WA 6164
Modification to Retrospective Mezzanine and Change of Use to Health Studio

I am a neighbouring owner of this unit and have not received any advertising about this application.

neighbouring owner
Sent to City of Cockburn
60 Conigrave Road Yangebup WA 6164
Building Approval Certificate- Retaining Wall & Patio

Hi my name is matavaine, I am 17 and have just finished year 11 at Lakeland senior high school and would like to gain more work experience. My availability is very flexible as I am free whenever at whatever time, I hope you would consider me to work for you. From having played rugby and been a team leader and I have gained strong communication and leadership skills. My referees would say that I am always motivated and I’ll always be there to cover anyone’s shifts or pick up the slack. Please call me on 0432766707 as Iam very desperate for work experience and I’d be more than happy to work for you! Please consider me.

Matavaine Iongi
Sent to City of Cockburn
81L McLaren Avenue Beeliar WA 6164
Building Permit Application (Cert) Retaining Walls - Atop Beeliar Stage 1

Planning Department

Has the WAPC approved this 'rehabilitated' quarry for residential development?
A week or so ago, WAPC was awaiting advice from DWER as to whether or not the Certificates of Title are to contain a warning about the hazards posed by the nearby Cockburn Cement factory.
If no decision has yet been made by the WAPC why is City of Cockburn entertaining the present application to build a retaining wall?

Gregory Hocking
Sent to City of Cockburn
119 Hammond Road Success WA 6164
Demolition - Full House

Hi, can you tell me what is happening on this site at 119 Hammond Road , Success? I am interested in removing the large pine trees that are there if they are getting removed. Thanks

Sent to City of Cockburn
9001L Yangebup Road, Beeliar, WA
Flag pole & Banner signage for McDonalds

The duplication of Spearwood Avenue has already affected the wellbeing of the residents of Yangebup, I hear the truckslouder than ever since rhe clearing of the natural buffee along Spearwood Avenue. The last thing I want ro see when I go out into my yard is a tacky large Maca's sign promoting further ill health and wellbeing.

Eliesha Hems
Sent to City of Cockburn
9 Fairview Street Coogee WA 6166
Building Permit Application (UnCert) Renovations and Additions

Reference Renovation Proposal for 9 Fairview Street Coogee.
I only have a concern that the height and length of the southern boundary wall in conjunction with the building height may cause shadowing to a greater degree than indicated.This possibly could impact on the location and performance of our intended solar system.
I would appreciate confirmation from the Cockburn Shire that this will not occur.

Gary Hancock
Sent to City of Cockburn
9 Fairview Street Coogee WA 6166
Building Permit Application (UnCert) Renovations and Additions

I would like to voice my opinion on the planning of the renovations and additions to the property at 9 Fairview St Coogee.
Can you please keep the build height with in the building regulations.
The proposed height is well over the building regulations, and will have a major impact on the value of our property across the road.
I by no means want to stop the development but please keep to the rules and be fair.

David Behsman
Sent to City of Cockburn
5B Rigby Avenue Spearwood WA 6163
Home Occupation - Therapeutic Massage

needs to tell her clients not to park on verg as it make it diffacult to see when backing out of our drive way. as you know Rigby Ave. is a very busy street.

John Gresley
Sent to City of Cockburn
212 Bartram Road Atwell WA 6164
Building Approval Certificate - Masonry Wall and Low Wall Planter Boxes

This is not a masonry wall with low lying planter boxes, this is an outdoor kitchen, installed before any applications were sought and only after complaint did application go in.

This outdoor kitchen has a twin exhaust leading straight out the back of the set up to the neighbours yard rather than up through the roof, absolutely no legal specifications were adhered to.

The outdoor kitchen has only been completed on the face side of 212 bartram road with no completion date in sight to finish the back side facing 210 bartram road with ducting, unfinished and exposed brick and render on the rear of the project along with exposed beams and pipework.

This project needs to have all the right applications made, rules to be adhered to and a timeframe given to rectify faults already present.

Jeannette Correia
Sent to City of Cockburn
1 Kerry Street, Hamilton Hill, WA
Warehouse & Cafe

Hello, I'm interested to know what type of cafe/warehouse this will be? My husband and I live close to this site and believe it could be our new local venue. We can see that there has been significant work to the building recently and would love any information you could provide.

Warm regards,

Kitty March

Kitty March
Sent to City of Cockburn
19 Purvis Street, Hamilton Hill, WA
Multiple Dwelling

my parents live next door to this property.
Since the construction has begun on this property my parents who live on the property next door to this property and the elderly lady who lives on the other side of this property have become increasingly uneasy with the behaviour of the developer of this property and their employees.
Property lines have been encroached upon by the development and the developer has acted in aggressive and unsafe behaviour towards the adjoining residents to this site.
Heavy vehicles have been driven on my parents property and several parts of the property including security walls and the private driveway have been damaged by heavy vehicles.
There is evidence of consumption of alcohol on the site.

Please act to suspend all activities on this site immediately and carry out a full investigation into breaches of health and safety requirements until the cause of the damage to my parent's property can be thoroughly investigated.

Should Cockburn City Council fail to act upon the public safety issues caused by the activities of the developer and their employees imediately, legal action will be taken against the council and the developer for public endangerment by act or omission.


Iain Platts

Iain Platts
Sent to City of Cockburn
19 Purvis Street, Hamilton Hill, WA
Multiple Dwelling

my parents live next door to this property.
Since the construction has begun on this property my parents who live on the property next door to this property and the elderly lady who lives on the other side of this property have become increasingly uneasy with the behaviour of the developer of this property and their employees.
Property lines have been encroached upon by the development and the developer has acted in aggressive and unsafe behaviour towards the adjoining residents to this site.
Heavy vehicles have been driven on my parents property and several parts of the property including security walls and the private driveway have been damaged by heavy vehicles.
There is evidence of consumption of alcohol on the site.

Please act to suspend all activities on this site immediately and carry out a full investigation into breaches of health and safety requirements until the cause of the damage to my parent's property can be thoroughly investigated.

Should Cockburn City Council fail to act upon the public safety issues caused by the activities of the developer and their employees imediately, legal action will be taken against the council and the developer for public endangerment by act or omission.


Iain Platts

Iain Platts
Sent to City of Cockburn