my parents live next door to this property.
Since the construction has begun on this property my parents who live on the property next door to this property and the elderly lady who lives on the other side of this property have become increasingly uneasy with the behaviour of the developer of this property and their employees.
Property lines have been encroached upon by the development and the developer has acted in aggressive and unsafe behaviour towards the adjoining residents to this site.
Heavy vehicles have been driven on my parents property and several parts of the property including security walls and the private driveway have been damaged by heavy vehicles.
There is evidence of consumption of alcohol on the site.
Please act to suspend all activities on this site immediately and carry out a full investigation into breaches of health and safety requirements until the cause of the damage to my parent's property can be thoroughly investigated.
Should Cockburn City Council fail to act upon the public safety issues caused by the activities of the developer and their employees imediately, legal action will be taken against the council and the developer for public endangerment by act or omission.
Iain Platts