All recent comments on applications from Blue Mountains City Council, NSW

6 East View Avenue Leura NSW 2780
An eco-tourist facility comprising 13 individual cabins operated in association with approved guest house on site.

Light pollution and parking/street traffic chaos are the usual problems with these places. Another major concern is noise and racket from the inevitable weekend and holiday party groups, which will destroy the harmony of the otherwise peaceful neighbourhood.
Also, it seems somewhat a paradox to cut down large numbers of trees to construct an “eco lodge”!

Catherine Le Breton
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council
6 East View Avenue Leura NSW 2780
An eco-tourist facility comprising 13 individual cabins operated in association with approved guest house on site.

We are particularly alarmed to see in the Traffic & Parking Assessment Report under point 5.4 Proposed Car Parking Provisions, the 6th dot pint - the “general availability of on-street parking along the Eastview Avenue site frontage”. As has been previously pointed out in responses to this DA proposal, this is one of the major issues of concern for residents. As residents of Eastview Avenue, we have experienced first hand the impact of increased parking outside of Brightlands. Recently we turned off the highway into Eastview Avenue, cars were parked at the front of Brightlands on either side of the driveway and a car came out of the driveway and the driver either did not look or could not see our car approaching and came very close to hitting us. Despite the good intentions of Brightlands to discourage their customers from driving to the site, it is highly unlikely many customers staying in the proposed pods will catch the train and agree to be picked up. It can also be concluded that most customers will be driving from the east (from the city and surrounds) and so will be approaching Brightlands down Den Hogan Drive and through Mount Street and East Parade both very narrow streets, both streets are already dangerous to drive on and so an increase in traffic (particularly drivers unused to the area) will result in accidents. We note the DA includes a carpark for a total of 24 spaces however, it is unlikely this will prevent cars parking on the street unless the staff of Brightlands are vigilant in making sure customers park in the carpark. The street front in Brightlands could be made a no parking/standing zone however, our concern there would be the Brightland’s customers would park on the other side of the street or further down Eastview Avenue further obstructing traffic. We look forward to a review from Council regarding the DA and particularly to see residents’ concerns and objections taken into account

Lindsay Beresford & Heather Manley
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council
6 East View Avenue Leura NSW 2780
An eco-tourist facility comprising 13 individual cabins operated in association with approved guest house on site.

What is the point of Leura being described as a charming mountains village if unsightly and inappropriate development is allowed to take place anywhere anyone with a view to making money is allowed to take place? Modern tourist 'pods' would look totally out of place on East View Road which is a narrow road with bends and sharp corners. If it's 'eco' why the need for so much parking? We don't need any more traffic coming into Leura especially on the quiet narrow lanes of North Leura. Will the next need be to widen the Mall on the North side to allow for all the extra traffic? What about exterior lighting, we have so much already to spoil the night sky. The building is an attractive one as it it, why not become an hotel if it has to be changed, with as little intrusion into the neighbourhood as possible.

Mavis Roberts
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council
6 East View Avenue Leura NSW 2780
An eco-tourist facility comprising 13 individual cabins operated in association with approved guest house on site.

I have inspected the site plans and I strongly object to this development. By their own admission the car parking provided for on site is manifestly inadequate for the staff and guests. Car parking in Eastview Avenue has already become problematic since this establishment opened despite previously voiced concerns. Notwithstanding parking, traffic will increase dramatically in this very quiet street with an increased number of guests and associated staff to cater for them. Realistically people will still want to park nearby and won't use a shuttlebus. The development provides for roof decks on these so-called pods which will overlook neighbouring properties. I am also concerned about the increased lighting that will be generated. There has already been a significant increased use of powerful outdoor lighting in use 24/7 which detracts from the tranquility of the area. I also note a number of large established trees will be removed, which currently act as windbreaks. There is absolutely nothing eco about these pods which more resemble crashed UFOs.

Rob McFadden
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council
6 East View Avenue Leura NSW 2780
An eco-tourist facility comprising 13 individual cabins operated in association with approved guest house on site.

The construction of 13 new cabins cannot be supported safely without, at the very least, the addition of an on-site carpark.

There are no footpaths, no kerbs and 2 blind corners at this juncture, already jeopardising the safety of pedestrians, residents (including many families with small children) and drivers alike. Risk will only be amplified unless concrete action (pun intended) is taken to implement preventative measures.

Samantha Chapman
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council
6 East View Avenue Leura NSW 2780
An eco-tourist facility comprising 13 individual cabins operated in association with approved guest house on site.

I find it ironic that an eco-type tourist facility encourages the use of motor vehicles at all.

Seraphina Paschen
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council
6 East View Avenue Leura NSW 2780
An eco-tourist facility comprising 13 individual cabins operated in association with approved guest house on site.

Since the aquisition of #6 Eastview Ave by Brightlands, the road is dangerously over crowded with cars parked OUTSIDE the property. There are two blind bends on either side of the property resulting in cars approaching each other directly and unable to move to either side as the cars parked on both sides box approaching traffic in. It is dangerous for residents, traffic and pedestrians. There is NO footpath after #6 & walkers, pedestrians and the like have to cross the road just after a blind corner - then face oncoming traffic. The road in that section of the street is disintegrating rapidly. There is space on the property to park vehicles however no signage or "carparking" has been delineated. A carpark is needed urgently to prevent a tragedy - and a full length footpath would not go unused either!

Louisa Forrest
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council
6 East View Avenue Leura NSW 2780
An eco-tourist facility comprising 13 individual cabins operated in association with approved guest house on site.

This is in a totally unsuitable area for tourist accomodation. Parking is already very difficult for residents and visitors.

Andrea O’Doherty
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council
6 East View Avenue Leura NSW 2780
An eco-tourist facility comprising 13 individual cabins operated in association with approved guest house on site.

With the current Leura traffic Plan yet to be fully implemented to satisfy current problems for tourists and LOCALS I emphatically object to this development in our Leura precinct. It will just add more chaos to our current problems not yet formalised by Council.

John Hockney
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council
6 East View Avenue Leura NSW 2780
An eco-tourist facility comprising 13 individual cabins operated in association with approved guest house on site.

A number of us have made numerous objections to the property owner and the council about parking over the past year. The claim is that a carpark is being constructed. There have been no signs of a carpark being constructed. This application is why we objected to the original DA, allowing an unspecified "hotel and motel", which was approved, despite many objections. They have not lived up to their promise to build a carpark. They do not insist that cars park in the many vacant spaces they have available onsite. There is already something badly delayed in the current approvals for the carpark. Could this DA be the reason for the delays in the carpark? A matter of considerable concern. And, the road gets worse, having almost disappeared at the corner next to number 6.

John Leaney
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council
6 East View Avenue Leura NSW 2780
An eco-tourist facility comprising 13 individual cabins operated in association with approved guest house on site.

This resort ,was a drug and alcohol treatment centre previously , this is a residential area. People need to be able to drive past and park near their homes . We don’t need more “ eco accommodation” the centre already has some accommodation available . This site and the area around won’t support another 13 cabins with more cars and more people . Enough !!! We don’t have enough housing and infrastructure to support our residents let alone building more tourist accommodation . This is insanity .

Kim Townes
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council
6 East View Avenue Leura NSW 2780
An eco-tourist facility comprising 13 individual cabins operated in association with approved guest house on site.

Unless there is parking on the premises I object to this. There are too many cars parked on Eastview Ave from this premises as it is. Eastview Ave is narrow with several sharp doglegs and no kerbs. Up to 13 more cars would be cause complete congestion, accidents and take parking away from residents. This establishment must provide adequate parking on site.

Rob McFadden
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council
8 Lovel Street Katoomba NSW 2780
Reconstruct and extend driveway, and new parking spaces, retaining wall & drainage works - as modified

I request the following consent conditions be added.

That no concentrated discharge of stormwater may be discharged from the premises or the paved areas to either adjacent lands, the road reservation or stormwater network.

That gradients of 2.5% on any otherwise area to be paved, to be provided within, to divert stormwater to drains.

That a stormwater detention system and gross pollutant screening be fitted across all new and existing stormwater drains within, to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority.

That no washing of motor vehicles nor bins be allowed upon the paved areas at anytime except if in a specially bunded and marked area and the resultant waste is discharged to the sewer network only and also if acceptance approval for that waste has been obtained by the relevant referral and responsible authorities.

That the deep soil and landscaped areas of the site be increased.

That any kerbs or barriers between the paved areas and landscaped areas of same or lower elevation have gaps implemented so that rainwater may be discharged from the paved area into the landscaping area, and appropriate gradients on the paved area nearby implemented.

That the works proposed including any amendment forthcoming from the applicant, be certified by the City's engineer as being compliant with the best contemporary practices in water sensitive urban design before any consent is granted.

That external lighting be shielded, selected, and installed at appropriate height in order that there is no amenity impact upon the public realm and neighbouring sites.

Shauna-Marie Wilson
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council
198-204 Leura Mall Leura NSW 2780
Retain existing dwelling and construct new tourist and visitor accommodation with 36 rooms, basement car parking and landscaping

It seems to me to be an inappropriate development which will destroy the village atmosphere of Leura. It seems a stark building with a metal clad exterior quite out of keeping with the other buildings in the Mall. Does Leura need a 31 suite motel which will further put pressure on the crowds already visiting the village? I think not. I oppose the development.

David Millons
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council
48 Whitton Street Katoomba NSW 2780
Retain Existing Dwelling and a new attached dual occupancy, a new detached dual occupancy and a new dwelling as well as a two into four lot torrens title subdivisionon

Just another example of developers intent on making fast bucks from subdividing the land into ever decreasing parcels and building homes in mirror image of the disasters of Windsor and Oran Park.
Council doesnt have the backbone or resources to resist this. In a few years the character of the Blue Mountains will be lost - for good.

Verity Anliegen
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council
48 Whitton Street Katoomba NSW 2780
Retain Existing Dwelling and a new attached dual occupancy, a new detached dual occupancy and a new dwelling as well as a two into four lot torrens title subdivisionon

I walk my dogs down Jubilee street every day,it is very narrow and only one car can safely drive down it at a time it will be very dangerous for me with extra traffic.i am a aged pensioner I am also concerned about removal of 64 trees that block is a natural habitat for birds and small animals and blue tongue lizards and most of all the buildings that are to be built there will be like having the western suburbs moved to that beautiful quite little street! In our wonderful Blue Mountains and I pity the neighbours for all the noise and destruction it will cause them, I live around the corner and am sure I will hear chainsaws and chippers continuous noise for days possibly weeks! Not happy at all . Regards Margaret Sweetnam .

Margaret Sweetnam
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council
Lomatia Park (Part) 32-44 Bland Road Springwood NSW 2777
Demolition of existing clubhouse and two ancillary buildings, construction of a new clubhouse, shed, and associated landscaping

The two ancillary buildings are presumably the two shelter sheds built to the eastern side of the existing clubhouse. Despite their somewhat dilapidated appearance they are well used public amenities which give shelter and seating to general public users of the park.

They do not appear to being replaced.

The sheds offer all weather protection to park users. There is no other seating in the park,

During the early days of the current pandemic the sheds provided a safe outdoor space, protected from weather, in which people could meet and still observe recommend distancing measures.

Please give consideration to a suitable replacement so that members of the general public who are not cricket club members can continue to enjoy a similar amenity

Wilma Norris
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council
13 Clarence Street Leura NSW 2780
A two storey dwelling with garage, deck, and water tanks and construction of a formed road

I am writing to express my concern at the environmental impacts this development will have. 9 trees are documented as being removed. This is significant in an environmentally sensitive area like the Blue Mountains, not to mention the importance of keeping trees to absorb carbon as the climate changes for the worse.

Paul Luker
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council
32 Barnet Street Glenbrook NSW 2773
Demolition of existing dwelling, construction of a two storey dwelling with garage, deck, in-ground pool and cabana

New property looks good and in keeping with the character of the new builds in the are. A few points to address and clarity

* There has been no formal notification received by the owners of the adjoining property
* White gum at back of property has severe lean and is a risk to the new construction and neighbours property
* DA does not include an erosion plan included
* Please advise of controls applied for Asbestos (as eaves are Asbestos)
* Provide engineering certificate for removal of shared carport, as this has a common wall, to include any remediation required to ensure stability or remaining all and carport.

Jason Rutter
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council
13 Clarence Street Leura NSW 2780
A two storey dwelling with garage, deck, and water tanks and construction of a formed road

Whoever designed this house has no knowledge or empathy for it's environment, and no creativity. Is this really the best design that the architect came up with?
Just having weatherboard cladding doesn't make this a 'mountains' home. Leura is beginning to look like western Sydney. Such a shame.

Dannielle Parisi
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council
13 Clarence Street Leura NSW 2780
A two storey dwelling with garage, deck, and water tanks and construction of a formed road

The architectural plan for this giant, modern two story designer home, just somehow looks like this building belongs in a mass produced "Home World" in Western Sydney, not here in the Blue Mountains. Visually, it feels like it has made no attempt to fit in with the aesthetic of the mountains, visually or ecologically. Personally, if we must have new homes built, I would like to see more modest eco homes, that make an attempt to visually *and* ecologically blend in and *add* something to the mountains in terms of gardens and sustainability. Because I am deeply concerned that if more buildings like this get approved, the Blue Mountains will one day, just look like a mass produced "Home World" in Sydney, and lose what makes it a special place to live. If a home "must" be large, modern and ostentatious in the Mountains, then it should at the very least have a focus on gardens, trees, recycling and sustainability. Thank you for listening to my concerns.

Katie Brae
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council
470 Great Western Highway Faulconbridge NSW 2776
CDC -the replacement of windows and doors to existing dwelling, as part of the RMS Noise Abatement Project

I bought this property in September 2019 and I was told the windows would be replaced and the vendor signed the paperwork and then I did and I submitted the paperwork and I was subsequently knocked back. I was told this was because I had not lived in the premises for 7 years. I went to my local member of parliament with no luck.
I don’t understand what 7 yrs has to do with it. Regardless of how long you live on the Highway the noise pollution is the same.
It was one of the reasons I went ahead with the purchase thinking the noise would be cut down with the installation of the windows but it didn’t happen.
I do feel this is very unfair, I’m paying my rates like every other home owner.

Amanda Stephens
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council
76 Chapman Parade Faulconbridge NSW 2776
A one into ten lot subdivision

As a resident and rate payer within eye shot of this proposed subdivision I cannot stress strongly enough my objection to this application. First the owners of this property I feel are pushing to maximise their estate bequest value without any consideration to the effect on existing residents paying rates to live in a tranquil bush landscape, the vehicle parking overflow onto Chapman Rd, Bill Barnacle St and Bunyip Bluegum St are particularly narrow this is an issue that will undoubtedly eventuate. The ‘bunched’ up lots proposed are not consistent with neighbouring lot size development restrictions such as in recent Uncle Wattleberry Cres development approvals.
Blue Mountain Council must respect current residents, consistent development standards to enhance and not diminish our area.

Michael Evans
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council
76 Chapman Parade Faulconbridge NSW 2776
A one into ten lot subdivision

Dividing this plot into to ten subdivisions is absurd. The size of these plots does not conform to, match or enhance the existing streetscape and any dwellings erected on such cramped plots would be more suited to an urban area. Squeezing in TEN townhouse size plots is simply obnoxious, disrespectful to local residents and insulting to the community who have chosen to live in this beautiful and quiet bushland setting.
I note this is the second application - the first having been for twelve (ridiculous) subdivisions. This second proposal is hardly better and another step in changing our Blue Mountains into unrecognisable suburbia.
I hope Blue Mountains City Council can recognise this submission as destructive avarice and reject the development application.

Fiona Harding
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council
Hillcrest Coachman 117-129 Leura Mall Leura NSW 2780
A hotel including an adaptive reuse of an existing heritage dwelling, construction of a three storey hotel development, including 66 motel keys, two storey basement containing 73 car parking spaces, signage, landscaping and ancillary uses

Leura's attraction is its wonderful atmosphere created by previous century buildings, charming gardens and peaceful and unhurried lifestyle. Certain places must be preserved. In fact many more should be preserved. Setting a precedent by permitting bigger buildings, modern in design or not, will be to the detriment of this beautiful town. No tourist will appreciate bigger buildings, too many cars, and weaving through crowds on the street. If tourists want to visit a busy, overcrowded, teeming with cars, place, surrounded by big buildings, they can always go to Bondi Beach, Darling Harbour and many others. Unfortunately there are too many towns where development has spoilt the atmosphere.

Jenny Perrie
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council