I walk my dogs down Jubilee street every day,it is very narrow and only one car can safely drive down it at a time it will be very dangerous for me with extra traffic.i am a aged pensioner I am also concerned about removal of 64 trees that block is a natural habitat for birds and small animals and blue tongue lizards and most of all the buildings that are to be built there will be like having the western suburbs moved to that beautiful quite little street! In our wonderful Blue Mountains and I pity the neighbours for all the noise and destruction it will cause them, I live around the corner and am sure I will hear chainsaws and chippers continuous noise for days possibly weeks! Not happy at all . Regards Margaret Sweetnam .
48 Whitton Street Katoomba NSW 2780
- Description
- Retain Existing Dwelling and a new attached dual occupancy, a new detached dual occupancy and a new dwelling as well as a two into four lot torrens title subdivisionon
- Planning Authority
Blue Mountains City Council
- Reference number
Date sourced
- We found this application on the planning authority's website on , almost 3 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
- 66 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
- 2 comments made here on Planning Alerts
Public comments on this application
Comments made here were sent to Blue Mountains City Council. Add your own comment.
Margaret Sweetnam
Delivered to
Blue Mountains City Council
Just another example of developers intent on making fast bucks from subdividing the land into ever decreasing parcels and building homes in mirror image of the disasters of Windsor and Oran Park.
Council doesnt have the backbone or resources to resist this. In a few years the character of the Blue Mountains will be lost - for good.
Verity Anliegen
Delivered to
Blue Mountains City Council