All recent comments on applications from Surf Coast Shire Council, VIC

53 Beach Road, Torquay VIC 3228
Construct buildings and works for eight dwellings on a lot, reduce the requirement for one visitor car parking space and remove vegetation

I strongly object to this development on the grounds of not enough off road parking provided for in the application. This is a clear case of overdevelopment for this site. The number of units on this site is opportunistic at the expense of other residents. Traffic along beach road is already a problem for locals. More visitors parking on the street will cause a loss of amenity for residents and other locals needing to drive along Beach Road a residential street.
This development is out of character for the character of Torquay. I strongly urge council not to approve this development as is in the application. Do not allow a reduction in visitor parking on the site. Overflow of parking on the street will be an unacceptable outcome for residents.

Karan Dawson
Delivered to Surf Coast Shire Council
21A Kalkarra Crescent, Mount Duneed VIC 3217
Use of the land for a "store"

this is totally unacceptable, it is not a "store" it is an activity where it should be conducted in an industrial zone, like Crighton Removalists currently have in North Geelong. A look at nearmaps shows how many huge trucks are currently working from there. Residents including me have nearly been run over on several occurrences I know of from employees running late for work. Workers park on the nature strip as there is not enough parking on the front of the residence for their cars. This is very secretive of the owner to state it is just a store, and to apply well after the fact of setting up this activity on the residence. This is rural residential, not industrial. Damage to the road is already bad, let alone these very large trucks charging along the road constantly 6 days per week. I request that council refuse this misleading application.

Susie Baird
Delivered to Surf Coast Shire Council
234 Mountjoy Parade, Lorne VIC 3232

Where can I see details of the proposed fence?

Graham Brawn
Delivered to Surf Coast Shire Council
350 Coombes Road and 1200 Ghazeepore Road, Freshwater Creek, VIC
Use and Development of a Camping and Caravan Park and Removal of Native Vegetation

I cannot locate the current status of this application. Enquiry to Council web site indicates no knowledge of such application.
Planning application number is 19/0292, lodged 27/12/2019

David Schneeberger
Sent to Surf Coast Shire Council
124 Strathmore Drive, Jan Juc, VIC
7 Lot Staged Subdivision

Does this court subdivision have a pathway from Harkin Cl, through to Strathmore Drive? I would hope it has, as this would allow for the natural flow of foot traffic that links the eastern side of Jan Juc, (Inveray to Marner to Seaview etc)through to the pending Christian College at the corner of Great Ocean Road/Strathmore Drive. If not, why? Now you will have to construct an unsightly footpath along the Great Ocean Road to provide a safe access for locals to school.

Daniel Farrar
Sent to Surf Coast Shire Council