It may be meant to confuse or deceive but the photo attached to this application is in fact an office building at 6 Avoca street . The building in question is a half built ruin that has been in that condition for many a year .
All recent comments on applications from City of Stonnington, VIC
Please remember the amenity of Hawksburn Village when considering a renovation which compromises its heritage. This small vibrant shopping strip attracts buyers from all over Melbourne not only because of the quality of goods sold but because of its quaintness. The recent disrespect to the area by a new vendor jars the overall vibe of Hawksburn. Please maintain its uniqueness by disallowing any demolition which will compromise it now and in the future.
After being told by council staff only trees are being removed, concrete truck are now lined up delivering concrete for the huge hole in the ground! I have photos.
This development has been an ongoing sore to the local residents - it must be 10 year since this commenced construction? The issues around drainage alone should mean the development should be razed to the ground. The developer should be ashamed at the way he has treated the neighbours, the flooding, lack of consultation, the overshadowing, and the overall poorly planned (and council should take responsibility for some of this too) 3 townhouse development should never have been given the go ahead in the first place. And on top of that it has taken at least 10 YEARS!!! and it is still an eyesore
20 Harold Avenue is one property central to the master plan currently being developed as agreed at VCAT mid 2019.
On that basis, any amendements to an existing permit should and must be firstly refered to the naster planning group to evaluate compatibility to what is being planned for the entire campus area.
So, this is a formal objection to any amendments to the permit on 20 HAROLD. Ave without prior discussion with the full master planning group which included a number of local residents.
Geoff Oliver
Wattletree Rd. Resident
Unfortunately there is no parking. As it is Waverley road is terribly conjested.
I am supportive of it - the neighbourhood needs a place like this for locals to have some fun as currently there isn't any nearby, especially for evenings. Get together venue with food and drinks makes a perfect sense as long as it's managed properly and respectful of neighbours. It should wake up the village which has been a bit sleepy during covid times.
As a local resident I am concerned that this is going to be a late night venue with the associate noise and traffic movements - there is limited, if any, available parking in and around the area and this would seem to me to be an overuse of the site. I am against it
I’m confused . Is there not a new block of appartments there already ?
Surely this not going to be replaced . If so it’s madness !!
Please don’t allow yet more overdevelopment in Prahran. We are choking with clogged streets, lack of parking and compromised amenity.
Spell check… oops …dispensation instead of dispensating
Again …… car parking dispensating !!!! Just where do the architects and Developers intend the owners of the “Multi Development more than 10”to park? It’s madness to think that the tenants have none or even one car . Most people drive a car each and being most units will be lived in by two ,just were are these cars going to park in a one way street .
It’s amazing how these developers get their ill conceived plans approved .
It’s time to rethink this development
Please explain the reason for losing this tree.
Five storeys far to high for retail shopping area, and without car parking facilities for that level of building.
The car parking in High st is already at the maximum with parking facilities at low level now. How can you can have those facilities in that level building without car parking. The shoppers already attempt to park in Mercer Way which is a no standing area, sometimes blocking the entrances to the residential and commercial Car parks.
It is hard to believe that this council permits huge development projects to proceed without local residents being informed. The construction has started on this location with each moving machinery working constantly to dig a huge hole presumably for a very large building. This building will block afternoon sun for our building but there is no information on it ‘according to the council website’.
As a resident in Glen Iris and only just going to the venue a fortnight ago, I support this and the professional way this establishment operates and how it's been designed to minimise noise and activity off-street. The place seems incredibly soundproof, downhill from nearby residents and meticulously planned and engineered. Being there recently they closed off service early to ensure patrons left quietly. A good quality business, that's sensitive to local needs should be supported, especially for functions and getting communities reconnecting during important dates.
Any covenant on this land needs to be maintained, especially if it states single dwelling on the land. Any erosion of covenants and Heritage overlays adversely affects local properties, ours included.
Geoff Oliver
Please do not further deprive Verdant Ave of trees=we need greenery in Melbourne
Trim the fence and do not obliterate the trees
Please don’t let them build a five-story building here. The buildings next door are single and double storey. Can we try to keep High St Armadale low level wherever possible. Take a look at some of the high rises in Chapel St and near the station in South Yarra - a concrete jungle. Please put limits in place otherwise one by one, the High St buildings will grow and we will lose the essence of this beautiful suburb.
What is the plan for the street level retail and please flesh out the purpose of the rest of the building? It is unclear from the hoardings.
Why is that when ever these planning permits are lodged ,they are advertised with an obscure photo an address made (I’m sure ) to confuse the readers .
It’s is not clear but this is for the Jam Factory.
Just be upfront and “show and tell” the full story .
I’m sure it will be positive in reinventing chapel street , but just be more honest in the planning stage .
As a neighbour that is extremely scared of this gum tree, we want it gone. Over the last 25 or so years it’s caused us misery. Its extremely dangerous and was left unattended by previous owners. It’s not an old tree, it’s just a big tree that’s hardly ever been managed.
This tree did not exist when we moved into our house nearly 60 years ago. Small branches are constantly falling in my backyard, with many near misses to myself and my wife. We love our garden but are too scared some days to even go outside.
After a windy day there is debris everywhere. From my front yard over 15 meters away, to the laneway, where cars cannot pass because of fallen branches.
We have begged the council to help over the years, but nothing has ever been done. Hopefully the new owners submit a plan to have it removed completely or massively tamed so it doesn’t extend over laneway. This tree is not safe.
As for the wattle tree that’s also never been managed, it’s a lovely tree but has gone wild. Extending over the laneway and reaching over our property. Please trim back anything extending over the laneway as passing cars are hit by it. Our neighbours that have to use laneway daily have even tried trimming it themselves so their cars aren’t damaged.
Can we please know what the plan is here for 426-428 Punt Rd. There is currently earth moving equipment and machinery on the lot.
Many residents look into the site and there has been no signs or information on the works.
I hate old homes being demolished but to be honest it doesn't look significant to me? I think its a shame other homes are being demolished but they this land could be used for 20 more homes rather than just one.
Any relaxation of planning regulations by Stonnington Council erodes the amenity and character of the neighbourhood. This adversely impacts our property.
Specifically, height, setbacks, preservation of existing large trees, parking spaces and safe access/egress need to be upheld as regulated.