All recent comments on applications from South Gippsland Shire Council, VIC

2 Old Waratah Road Fish Creek VIC 3959
Amendment to Condition 7 to increase number of patrons from 24 to 80 and amend Condition 12 to increase in hours of operation

This is the address of Long John Pickle. Your file image is well out of date.

Anyway: here is my comment:

Great people. A real plus for the village of Fish Creek.

I wish them well and a speedy approval of their plans

Kind regards

Jack Pearce

John William Pearce known as "Jack"
Delivered to South Gippsland Shire Council
75 Restlee Drive Nyora VIC 3987
Develop land with an agricultural shed

Can I please have a copy of this application.

Delivered to South Gippsland Shire Council
79 Atherton Drive Venus Bay VIC 3956
Develop land with a dwelling

I object to the proposed dwelling on the basis that it is significantly out of character with existing homes in Atherton Drive and the second estate of Venus Bay.

I welcome development but it needs to be sympathetic to existing structures and complement the environment rather than dominate it. What is proposed seems more appropriate for heavily built up areas and towns and not in an area that has sought to preserve its green spaces and the natural environment.

Tim Best
Delivered to South Gippsland Shire Council
79 Atherton Drive Venus Bay VIC 3956
Develop land with a dwelling

Having read all the objections so far I am in agreement solely to keep the character, peace and serenity of Venus bay. I will be building soon in second estate to live permanently in a single storey very modest home amongst the existing vegetation. I have seen many double storey monstrosities going up in venus bay and it worries me that it will turn into another inverloch. As a new council with new and fresh ideas especially ENVIRONMENTAL ones, you need to reconsider what you are allowing through. Read your new visions for the future that were recently implemented and heed them. There may only be a few objections here. They are all valid and all need to be considered. Allowing money to talk will get a sensitive and fragile environment in a a lot of trouble down the track. The time to act for the environment in every aspect is NOW.

Kirsty parini
Delivered to South Gippsland Shire Council
79 Atherton Drive Venus Bay VIC 3956
Develop land with a dwelling

I strongly object to the proposed development for 79 Atherton Drive Venus Bay.
This building, along with too many others, are totally out of character with the area they are detrimental to wildlife and vegetation, and most likely only holiday homes.
As a permanent resident I'm seeing this all too often.
Re design and re consider what is being built, for this building and others, will be destroying the very reason why people come to Venus Bay.

Delivered to South Gippsland Shire Council
79 Atherton Drive Venus Bay VIC 3956
Develop land with a dwelling

We urge council to reject the current planning and building approvals for 79 Atherton Drive. To be clear we along with most other moved to that local to enjoy the country, environmental and wild life aspects. We built, added and constructed with the environment and our neighbours in mind. Also to support the longevity of same and preserve our coastal parkland and the aesthetics of Venus Bay. More and more we are witnessing city life monstrosities with suburban fencing and removal of the vegetation that we are collectively trying to maintain.
Another sky scraper spanning the entire block, removing everything important to local wild life - really! What are we doing.
Please say no, redesign your single story and respect our environment.
Michael and Jackie Davey

Michael Davey
Delivered to South Gippsland Shire Council
79 Atherton Drive Venus Bay VIC 3956
Develop land with a dwelling

As a permanent resident of 22 Atherton Dr, Venus Bay , I strongly urge council to consider rejecting building approval of no 79 Atherton Drive.
Venus Bay has developed into a small quiet coastal village. Planning should only be approved with a view to maintain the character of our town.
We should try to only approve buildings that will respect , enhance and reinforce our beach atmosphere of “ single story weekender homes “, fitting in and respecting our coastal environment, especially maintaining indigenous vegetation. To maintain the character of Venus Bay, I would like to ask council to reconsider the approval of a “ large double story house on the small block at no 79 Atherton Drive.
Marie-Louise Schaefer

Marie-Louise Schaefer
Delivered to South Gippsland Shire Council
79 Atherton Drive Venus Bay VIC 3956
Develop land with a dwelling

I object to the proposed development on the following grounds: proposed size and height of dwelling is way too big for the block, making it maligned to the character of the area, as well as the general low scale vegetation of Venus Bay second estate; this block is situated at the entry point to Beach 5 which is quite a dangerous intersection already especially at peak times - the scale of the proposed dwelling would significantly narrow the road, and create increased danger to pedestrians and wildlife; it is imperative to avoid over development of Venus Bay, it is a beautiful, natural place, and there are other areas of Victoria where big developments like this are better suited.

Marnie Cameron
Delivered to South Gippsland Shire Council
79 Atherton Drive Venus Bay VIC 3956
Develop land with a dwelling

I object to this development I cannot see how it would align I with the design or environmental overlays.
It is not aligned with the character of the area and if developments like this are approved it will change the very nature and character of the area

Carolyn Oliver
Delivered to South Gippsland Shire Council
79 Atherton Drive Venus Bay VIC 3956
Develop land with a dwelling

I object to development that takes up all or most of the open space on allotments at Venus Bay. Planning needs to consider visual impact, wildlife habitat and congestion of a holiday destination. Blocks should not be rigidly fenced, wildlife friendly fencing is required here. Over development spoils the natural amenity for residents and visitors.

Mae Adams
Delivered to South Gippsland Shire Council
79 Atherton Drive Venus Bay VIC 3956
Develop land with a dwelling

Objection to this building permission on the basis that the house is just so big and is not sympathetic to the low scale vegetation that surrounds this area. The road to Beach 5 is extremely busy and is shared by cars and pedestrians, if this building was to go ahead, then the road would be significantly narrowed, and poses a massive danger to cars, pedestrians and wildlife. Also current traffic hazard signs would be removed for current drivers down Spring Street, making the intersection where this property sits, very dangerous.

Lyn Ievers
Delivered to South Gippsland Shire Council
79 Atherton Drive Venus Bay VIC 3956
Develop land with a dwelling

I would really like to object to his development, it is definitely not the area for this to happen. Venus Bay is a small coastal village and buildings erected need to be respectful of that and nestled into the indigenous vegetation of which there is a lot in this particular area,. It also appears that this building doesn't seem to be far enough back from the road either. It is on the corner of a road to one of our beaches and needs, in my opinion, to fit in with that. I am sure the purchase of this property was because the area was loved by the purchaser so why come here and do something that just does not fit in.
I am also troubled by the allowance of big timber fences down here, something I thought wasn't allowed, I am very disappointed that they are now, they just do not fit in at all.

Sue Peterson
Delivered to South Gippsland Shire Council
34 Davis Street Nyora VIC 3987
Use and development of land with a supermarket, service station, food and drink premise, sale of liquor and alteration of access to RDZ1

This will help improve the town so much! Looking forward to it :)

Delivered to South Gippsland Shire Council
34 Davis Street Nyora VIC 3987
Use and development of land with a supermarket, service station, food and drink premise, sale of liquor and alteration of access to RDZ1

Exactly what the town needs

Delivered to South Gippsland Shire Council
34 Davis Street Nyora VIC 3987
Use and development of land with a supermarket, service station, food and drink premise, sale of liquor and alteration of access to RDZ1

Great for our little community, make it happen

John Smith
Delivered to South Gippsland Shire Council
34 Davis Street Nyora VIC 3987
Use and development of land with a supermarket, service station, food and drink premise, sale of liquor and alteration of access to RDZ1

I have concerns of development at 34 Davis st that winter shadowing,odour,noise,bright lights and traffic will have a negative impact on our tree change Glenn and Lisa Simkin Will be very disappointed if this goes ahead in this quiet street in Nyora

Glenn Simkin
Delivered to South Gippsland Shire Council
34 Davis Street Nyora VIC 3987
Use and development of land with a supermarket, service station, food and drink premise, sale of liquor and alteration of access to RDZ1

Recently bought property 30 Davis st Nyora and just found out about commercial development next to us Can you provide details Thanks We were not informed about this development

Glenn Simkin
Delivered to South Gippsland Shire Council
124A Jupiter Boulevard Venus Bay VIC 3956
Vesting with Council of land set aside as a reserve

The council has enough reserves now and cannot look after them as it is .
This is not a good option, when the land put aside in 2015 for car parking on the cnr of Centre & Jupiter has had only a sign put up this year .

Delivered to South Gippsland Shire Council
12 Gabriella Way Korumburra VIC 3950
Amend Endorsed Plans

Good morning, I have received notification of an amendment at 12 Gabriella Way , Korumburra, but I am unable to see what the amendment is.
Can you please advise as our property is 2 Carla Crescent, Korumburra and this decision may impact our area.
Than you for you attention to this matter,
Pamela Eyers

Sent to South Gippsland Shire Council
242 Soldiers Road, Fish Creek, VIC, 3959
Use of the land for motor repairs

We object due to the concerns of noisy air compressors noisy rattle guns and we are concerned with the impact to the environment due to engine and transmission oils ,and greases and extra petroleum products - especially being in a rural farming location - located next to dams,stock and water ways.
We don’t choose to live in an area that is exposed to a mechanics workshop impacting on our rural lifestyle

Mr & Mrs Cary
Sent to South Gippsland Shire Council
36-38 Ridgway, Mirboo North, VIC, 3871
Use and develop land with service station, signage and access to a road in a Road Zone Category 1

I object to this application.

Firstly a secondary service station in a small town is unneccesary, particularly so close to another service station.

They are an eyesore to a cute small town with unhelpful illuminated fluorescent lights on at night.

Furthermore I totally object to the plans indicated the removal of the large trees especially at the rear of the block, which are large healthy trees which provide environmental benefits, and IMPORTANTLY would provide a valuable screen for residents to block out the unsightly nature of the service station and particularly provide a screen at night to the fluorescent lighting.

I’m contemplating buying a business BNB at 5 Brennan crt Mirboo North but a service station would destroy chances of this being successful
Thank you

Phillip Quail
Sent to South Gippsland Shire Council
100 Longstaffs Road, Toora North, VIC, 3962
Use and development of land for Camping

It is interesting that the Shire has used the word "camping" - giving connotations that the entire property would be turned into a camping ground open to every tom dick and harry

This is so not the case. I know the owners of this land, they spent 10 years looking for a suitable location that was both under utilised and not currently being farmed. The site will be used for Glamping, Conservation and for the production of native fruits and herbs. These are luxury appointed tents we are talking about (i stayed in one and it was magical) fully equipped for tourists wanting a quiet and peaceful retreat. They chose tents over cabins for their very low footprint - if they had requested cabins, would it simply be called accommodation??? At present there four tents in carefully landscaped areas to provide privacy and seclusion and allow guests to be at one with nature. The owner was quite strict on her leave no trace policy and went to great lengths to ensure very minimal works to be done on the property itself (road requirements for CFA is about it), There is full protection of current vegetation and an additional 10,000 trees being planted in 2018 - turning the retreat into a rainforest, diverse habitat for displaced wildlife that are not welcome on farming properties and providing additional economic stability to a small town. it was also how the property looked originally less than 200 years ago!
so, is this still to be considered camping?? or has the council not woken up to this rapidly growing, sustainable eco sensitive industry yet?

Sarah Gilbertson
Sent to South Gippsland Shire Council
880 Berrys Creek Road, Mirboo North, VIC, 3871
Use and development of Telecommunications Facility (40m high monopole, antenna array, ground level equipment shelter); alteration of access to a Road Zone Category 1 and ancillary works

I would like to object to the erection of this telecommunications tower due to it being close to schools and farmers street.
My reason being that due to studies these tower emissions are radioactive and create serious health problems.

Vincenza rutjens and Doug Alexander
Sent to South Gippsland Shire Council
15 Falls Road, Fish Creek, VIC, 3959
Alterations to existing art and craft centre for ancillary cafe and a waiver of carparking requirements

Great news! I wish them every success!

Sent to South Gippsland Shire Council