I am the owner of this property, this comment is in response to Mr Nilsson’s comments which are frivolous and without basis.
1. The water line of the pool is located 2m from boundary fence line, 1m greater that the lawful minimum distance.
2. This entire estate is zoned R5 with a requirement that all boundary fences are post and rail. Privacy is limited because of this. This did not stop Mr Nilsson installing a pool of his own in direct line of sight from our Loungeroom/back door/alfresco area. His privacy concerns are questionable on that basis. Regardless, he has failed to mention there have been privacy screens erected between the two properties for some time now which address that issue.
3. Yes, our children can climb as most can. That’s why laws exist regarding safety fencing around pools, which this pool will have. Ridiculous comment.
4. Mr Nilsson has Guinea fowl on his property, he is in no position to complain about noise. The children are in some form of school 4 to 5 days a week. They play in the backyard like most other children. We are not living in a retirement village. Another ridiculous comment given the constant noise generated from his property.
5. A sound proof high fence. No such fence exists for a residential area. We have already considered a solid safety fence on his side for purely for additional privacy so not to be subjected to seeing him in speedo’s around his pool. The pool fence on Mr Nilsson’s side will be 900mm from the boundary as per the plans. It will not impact him at all as his 2.4m high privacy screen extends well beyond either end of the proposed pool fence.
6. 1 metre from the boundary line - that’s just simply a false statement. Had he read the plans properly he would realise that.
This pool has been planned within all the regulations. His comments are simply without any basis and designed to harass due to a complaint we lodged with Singleton Council regarding the ongoing noise of his Guinea fowl.