All recent comments on applications from Port Macquarie-Hastings Council, NSW

Antigua Av, Lake Cathie NSW 2445
Dual Occupancy and Strata Subdivision

I would like to know what time of year the shadow studies are from i.e. is it winter solstice, equinox or other time of year as it is hard to know the exact impact on my house without this information. Shadows could possibly impact on our home, which was designed to be sustainable by maximising sunlight particularly in the winter months and therefore assist with our heating and limit our need to use powered heating inside. Thank you.

Benjamin Bealzey
Delivered to Port Macquarie-Hastings Council
8 Short St, Bonny Hills 2445 NSW
Demolition of Dwelling and Construction of New Dwelling - Modification

This development should not proceed. The existing house is one of the oldest remaining structures in Bonny Hills and is truly unique in that it is an all aluminium design.

Andrew bevan
Delivered to Port Macquarie-Hastings Council
201 Ocean Dr, Kew 2439 NSW
Temporary Stockpiles

We live on an adjoining property, this proposed fill location blocks a natural water run off from the surounding area and Ocean Drive that goes directly through our property.

During heavy rain there is an extreme amount of water the creates a river through our property that runs through the proposed fill site to tge wetlands market and then to Herons Creek and out to Queens Lake.

Raising this area will block this run off and flood ours and other propertys. They are raising this level because tge kbow this and cant build on the land when it turns to swap.

I will be contacting my local member with a report and photo/video of the water and its path that we have taken in preperation, due to our forsight that the developer would indeed want to raise the land level in this area.

Ryan Davis
Delivered to Port Macquarie-Hastings Council
201 Ocean Dr, Kew 2439 NSW
Temporary Stockpiles

Reference: 201 Ocean Drive,Kew,2439.Development Plan.

I write to request more information regarding the materials allowed to be stockpiled on this development.Also,details of time limits allowed for the stockpiling of any materials.Information on what is planned for the final development for this area of land would be helpful.
John Maloney
190-208 Ocean Drive,Kew,2439.
Mobile: 0455424630

Thank you.

John Maloney
Delivered to Port Macquarie-Hastings Council
174 Lord St, Port Macquarie 2444 NSW
Multi-Dwelling Housing And Torrens Title Subdivision

Development three residences containing 10 bedrooms but only 4 garages with car spaces in tandem. If car space is used and car in garage needs to leave car space vehicle has to be moved first.It is unlikely car spaces will be used, drivers preferring to park in street. I frequently travel this busy intersection Lord & Herschall Sts. and we do not need any cars parked in close proximity

Bruce Lawrence Thompson
Delivered to Port Macquarie-Hastings Council
14 Lake Rd, Port Macquarie 2444 NSW
Medical Centre

The corner of Lake Road and Gray St is a risk for drivers turning into Lake Road. Ther is regularly a large SUV type vehicle parked close to Gray St corner obscuring drivers vision of oncoming traffic. On the rare occasions it is not there, there usually is another vehicle close to corner. Any development at 14 Lake Rd which increases patient/staff numbers or reduces its parking area will increase the risk to drivers.

Bruce Lawrence Thompson
Delivered to Port Macquarie-Hastings Council
22 Horton St, Port Macquarie 2444 NSW
Change of Use to Beautician/Hair Salon (Tenancy 9/10)

The main part of Port is now a line of Real estate agents, hairdressers, aged care, work placement and opportunity shops. Surely Port Macquarie's main shopping/ tourism district can offer something more appealing for tourists and locals.
Council needs to take a good hard look at their town planning and start looking at other regions' offerings. A hairdresser right in tourist central, surely something better can be placed here.

Janice Goard
Delivered to Port Macquarie-Hastings Council
Cameron St, Wauchope 2446 NSW
Boarding House

Where are these occupants going to park if this boarding house can house up to 12 people ? What kind of boarding house will this be what type of clientele will be living there ? . This is atrocious it should not be considered this is an area with a preschool and a scout hall , there is insufficient parking , the term boarding house is extremely vague . I believe that if it were an individual and not a major building company this would never stand a chance . A boarding house in this location will destroy surrounding home values.

Irene Howard
Delivered to Port Macquarie-Hastings Council
Cameron St, Wauchope 2446 NSW
Boarding House

I have a great concern with a boarding house being built here , is this property going to house newly released prisoners? Any kind of boarding house in a residential area will greatly impact housing values in close proximity , this should not be allowed to proceed

Irene Howard
Delivered to Port Macquarie-Hastings Council
1 Grandview Pde, Port Macquarie 2444 NSW
Multi Dwelling Housing, Swimming Pool and Torrens Title Subdivision

My concern is with traffic in this area. As a resident in Grandview Parade, it is already quite unsafe. It is difficult to get out of Grandview on to swift, with cars often parked close to the corner, making vision difficult. It can be difficult to even at times park out the front of our House. Is there going to be plenty of available parking on site for these multiple new town house residents.

Mitchell OBrien & Trudy Hodge-OBrien
Delivered to Port Macquarie-Hastings Council
Cameron St, Wauchope 2446 NSW
Boarding House

I totally agree with all comments made,the area of proposed building is totally unsuitable and should never been submitted.It is and area where many children attend functions,scouts ,pre school,and play park. It is hidden from many people who do not have social media I am sure many people are unaware of this proposal.I am sure a vote would be extremely high against this proposal.

Jacqueline Avery
Delivered to Port Macquarie-Hastings Council
Cameron St, Wauchope 2446 NSW
Boarding House

As with the other comments, I have some reservations regarding this proposal. My immediate concern was over the term 'boarding house' and what that means to me - 'a halfway house for recently released criminals'. I have done some further research and have concluded that the 'new gen boarding house' or 'modern micro apartments' are in fact reasonable - but only if that is what is meant. This definition is not clarified in the proposal.

The SOEE doesn't specify a general vs assisted boarding house - which in turn will have implications.

Section 4 - site suitability
* While the site may be appropriate for a single story structure - it is not for a multi-room facility. The immediate surrounding houses (excluding the preschool) are single family dwellings.
* There are indications of a requirement for displays (advertising signage) - how big, what position, are they illuminated at night, etc. That is most definitely not in keeping with the aesthetic of the area for dwellings.
* I believe in the Sydney area, these types of dwellings are required to be within 800m (walking distance) of trains or ferries. If the residents here don't have vehicles - is this location really close enough to amenities?

Section 5 - Environmental impacts
* The bush fire field has not been selected - this area was under threat only 2 years ago - how can this not be considered? Is there a required distance that has to been met to negate this? This information is not provided.
* 'No' has been selected for 'noise levels that could impact the neighbours' - is this during construction? or after occupancy? The construction process is loud & as such there must be an impact on the neighbouring properties. After occupancy - 6 units rented - that has the potential to cause extreme noise concerns/decibel levels for all neighbours.
* Removal of trees - is there a requirement to plant multiple trees in a secondary location? This has been an issue for new residents in the area - they have been told they must plant multiple trees if they want to remove one from their property to build a house.

Section 6 - Access,Traffic
* According to the regulations I stipulate that there are enough parking spaces for the property, but what if all 6 units have vehicles? what if each unit houses 2 people - both with cars - this leads to a huge issue with parking & concerns about the intersection. The increased traffic and parking obstructions have the potential to cause serious accidents not only at that intersection but along that stretch of Cameron Street and along Tallowood Ave.
* There is also no turning bay within the parking area plan- why is this not a requirement when businesses must provide turning bay areas in their parking locations?

Section 7 - Social and economic impacts
* Why is this section not applicable to new dwellings? This basically removes any need for consultation with the community. Since this proposal is for a multiple resident dwelling, surrounded by the boy scout hall, preschool & local children's playground - I would think that council would want to discuss the concerns of the locals.

The major concern with this application is the lack of information available to the local community. How can council make an informed decision on this proposal without talking to the people who will be impacted by it.

Laura Higgins
Delivered to Port Macquarie-Hastings Council
Cameron St, Wauchope 2446 NSW
Boarding House

I have concerns with this proposal, as it does not disclose all of the information required to make a detailed decision on whether it is the right fit for the area.

There is insufficient parking for a 6 room dwelling, 3 on site parking spaces is not adequate. Street parking will impact both the Preschool next door, the Scout Hall across the road plus turn what is a dangerous T- intersection into a potential MVA fatality if visibility is reduced.

My children have and currently attend the PreSchool, and i have been involved with the Scout Group across the road, and i have concerns with the lack of transparency and information available to the community on who will be using the facility and what impact it will have on the area.

Andrew Anderson
Delivered to Port Macquarie-Hastings Council
Cameron St, Wauchope 2446 NSW
Boarding House

The SOEE submitted in this matter has failed to address key points that will need to be completed and resubmitted before further consideration should be given to this proposal.

As currently submitted, the proposed development is not compatible with the surrounding area. The developers have failed to consider the social impact assessment policy and have not consulted with the community regarding this proposal. Nor have the developers addressed the potential bushfire risks of the area.

The adjacent property is a Community PreSchool which looks after our most vulnerable little people. What kind of tenants will be housed in the proposed boarding house?

A 6 room dwelling with 3 car spaces does not provide sufficient off-street parking for a facility of this size. No visitor off-street parking has been allocated. This potentially has a negative impact on parents/children at school pick up/drop off times where the safety of the children could be compromised.

Laura Roots
Delivered to Port Macquarie-Hastings Council
Cameron St, Wauchope 2446 NSW
Boarding House

The SOEE submitted in this matter has failed to address key points that will need to be completed and resubmitted before further consideration should be given to this proposal.

As currently submitted, the proposed development is not compatible with the surrounding area. The developers have failed to consider the social impact assessment policy and have not consulted with the community regarding this proposal. Nor have the developers addressed the potential bushfire risks of the area.

The adjacent property is a Community PreSchool which looks after our most vulnerable little people. What kind of tenants will be housed in the proposed boarding house?

A 6 room dwelling with 3 car spaces does not provide sufficient off-street parking for a facility of this size. No visitor off-street parking has been allocated. This potentially has a negative impact on parents/children at school pick up/drop off times where the safety of the children could be compromised.

Laura Roots
Delivered to Port Macquarie-Hastings Council
Cameron St, Wauchope 2446 NSW
Boarding House

I have strong concerns, re this application. The environmental study is very basic and does not seem to have considered all aspects. IE no bush fire risk however only 2 yrs ago there were bush fires in the forest across the road. No consideration for the wild life which will be impacted by the removal of the trees. There has not any stipulation to replace the trees. This could occur in the near by park or across the road in the forestry.
The application does not state who the boarding house will be used for. I have concerns the clientel may cause issues for the near by preschool. Which has children aged 3-5 yrs there. These children do not need to be exposed to people with mental health concerns, drug or alchol issues. Nor do they need emergency services turning up with sirens going. Some of these children have suffered trauma already and need a safe and consistent envronment.These are just some scenarios that might cause ongoing issues. The application does not disclose the type of use, this boarding house will be for and the public have a right to now.
There is insufficent parking being provided. The accomdation can house up to 12 people however there is parking for 3. There is not suitable street parking in Cameron St as the building is on the corner. Which again could present an issue for other residents and the preschool. Additional traffic and taking up the preschool parking, required for staff and parents.

Megan Howarth
Delivered to Port Macquarie-Hastings Council
3 Eradore Ct, Port Macquarie 2444 NSW
Alterations and Additions to Dwelling

Is the intended use for this alteration to accommodate a martial arts training centre.
If so,
Has the council considered noise,( Dojo's and martial arts training can be very noisy)
parking, and the fact this is a residential area.
Also the elevated height of the proposed dojo will be invasive to the numerous gardens beside and behind the development.

Terry John
Delivered to Port Macquarie-Hastings Council
Crestwood Drive Port Macquarie NSW 2444, Australia
Exhibition Home

My question/concern is regarding the fact that we suddenly seem to have a parking lot for trucks on the council land adjcent to the Ocean drive/Crestwood Drive roundabout. I would hope this is a temporary blight on our lovely green area which is a main artery to our town

Jan Burdon
Delivered to Port Macquarie-Hastings Council
25 Paris La, Port Macquarie 2444 NSW
Conversion of Workshop to Secondary Dwelling

Please can you advise what this development application entails. It only says 'change of use' and there are no further details when I click 'more information' on the pmhc development tracker. Thank you.

Elaine Goode
Sent to Port Macquarie-Hastings Council
2 Gunsynd Ch, Port Macquarie 2444 NSW
Dwelling (Proposed Lot 4)

Please can you clarify what is being requested in this application i.e. what planning approval is being sought under this section 68 request?

Elaine Goode
Sent to Port Macquarie-Hastings Council
24A Granite Street Port Macquarie NSW 2444, Australia
Change of Use - Dwelling to Medical Centre

So many cars do u turns to return to the main CBD district in granite st, as it is the Quickest option to get there. I believe this would only contribute to the likely hood of a major accident as I have already witnessed a number of near hits. Approve this centre at your own peril as it would be neglegant to investigate this further and provide a safe st for the town to use, as it is considered a main thoughroufare for many people

Dean Jenner
Sent to Port Macquarie-Hastings Council
24A Granite Street Port Macquarie NSW 2444, Australia
Change of Use - Dwelling to Medical Centre

I believe this position or particular house wouldn't be appropriate as a medical centre. The off street parking there is already not enough for the residence around the area. And as well this dwelling has no off street parking
The block and access is not suitable for elderly or disabled and very hard to access. Also the busy road makes it hard with small children. I think this would be more a traffic hazard than anything.

Wendy Jensen
Sent to Port Macquarie-Hastings Council