Most recent applications from NSW Sydney and Regional Planning Panels, NSW
118 Benelong Road Cremorne 2090,120 Benelong Road Cremorne 2090,122 Benelong Road Cremorne 2090,124 Benelong Road Cremorne 2090,72 Gerard Street Cremorne 2090, NSW
Demolition of existing structures, construction of a part 4/5 storey residential flat building containing 23 units & basement parking
About 2 hours ago
26 Crabbes Avenue North Willoughby 2068, NSW
Modify existing consent by extending trading hours in eastern ground terrace of club to 10:30pm by amending the Club's Plan of Management. Provision of winter gardens for L1 and L2 & retractable fabric awning at top level. Dormer window to Unit C304. Deletion of condition 89. Minor changes to materials & colours on western and southern façade of Building A. Minor amendments to overall landscaping whilst retaining approved deep soil.
1 day ago
Market Street Merimbula 2548,10 Short Street Merimbula 2548,Lakewood Drive Merimbula 2548,Kiama Place Merimbula 2548,21 Tern Close Merimbula 2548,8 Bodalla Place Merimbula 2548, NSW
Demolition of the existing Merimbula Boardwalk approximately 1.7km in length and 1.5m wide boardwalk structures over water and includes concrete and gravel sections on land. Construction of new Boardwalk with proposed additions, alterations, and upgrades to increased width 2.5m to boardwalk structures, gravel sections, associated path connections and carparking.
1 day ago
402/ /Dp1191314, NSW
Construction of a 30,000 tonne per annum covered aerated static pile composting facility, covered receivals hall, administration building, pads for compost maturation, leachate ponds and associated infrastructure.
2 days ago
8 West Street North Sydney 2060, NSW
Demolition and adaptive reuse of an existing 11-storey commercial building with ground floor retail and childcare uses into residential apartments with ground floor retail and an expanded podium.
2 days ago
26 Harvest Boulevard Byron Bay 2481,342 Ewingsdale Road Byron Bay 2481,Ewingsdale Road Byron Bay 2481, NSW
Modification to Condition 1 of the Consent to establish Stage 4 Public Open Space during Stage 3.
7 days ago
51 Station Street Arncliffe 2205,53 Station Street Arncliffe 2205,55 Station Street Arncliffe 2205,57 Station Street Arncliffe 2205,59 Station Street Arncliffe 2205,61 Station Street Arncliffe 2205,78 Wollongong Road Arncliffe 2205,80 Wollongong Road Arncliffe 2205, NSW
Integrated Development - Retention of heritage item at 78 Wollongong Road, tree removal, demolition of existing structures, and construction of a part two(2) and part three (3) storey tertiary institution comprising a maximum of 175 students and 20 staff with basement carpark, bakery, cafe, associated landscaping and lot consolidation
8 days ago
2910 Gwydir Highway Moree 2400, NSW
Wathagar Solar Farm Stage 2 involves the construction and operation of a solar farm adjacent to the existing Stage 1 Solar Farm and will be the primary power supply for the Good Earth Green Hydrogen and Ammonia (GEGHA) Project to be constructed on the western side of this site.
8 days ago
15 Hilwa Street Villawood 2163,896 Woodville Road Villawood 2163,898 Woodville Road Villawood 2163, NSW
Demolition to existing commercial building and residential dwellings and Construction of a 11 storey Mixed Use Development comprising 2 towers containing 148 residential dwellings over retail and food premises and 3 levels of basement car parking containing 256 car spaces and associated landscaping and stormwater drainage and the dedication of land along Howatt Street.
8 days ago
559 Anambah Road Gosforth 2320, NSW
Concept Development Application for a Manufactured Home Estate (332 sites). Stage 1 - 291 Dwelling Sites, Community Facilities and Open Space, Road Infrastructure, Services, Drainage Reserve, Landscaping and Caravan Storage Area
8 days ago
89 Fennell Street North Parramatta 2151, NSW
Change of use from a depot to a waste or resource transfer station and associated alterations for the purposes of operating as a Community Recycling Centre. Includes installation of business identification signage, fit out of existing warehouse and the erection of a structure for a tool library and repair workshop. The proposal is designated development under Schedule 3 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021. The application is to be determined by the Sydney Central City Planning Panel.
8 days ago
234 Milgate Road Moama 2731, NSW
Modification to approved DA (10.2017.33.1) for extractive industry (extension of area of existing sandpit and increase in extraction volume)
13 days ago
20 Perricoota Road Moama 2731, NSW
Proposal seeks consent for the demolition of existing structures and the development of two retail buildings comprising a coles supermarket and accompanying speciality shops as well as restaurant and food and beverage tenancies in the second building. 303 car parking spaces are also proposed and a signalised intersection along the Cobb Highway, as well as other ancillary works.
13 days ago
169B Ocean Drive Kew 2439, NSW
151 Lot Residential Subdivision and Associated Infrastructure and the Construction of 3 Single Dwellings and 1 Dual Occupancy
13 days ago
45 Murdoch Street Cremorne 2090,49 Murdoch Street Cremorne 2090, NSW
Demolition of existing structures and construction of a residential flat building, strata subdivision of 31 apartments, including 7 affordable housing units, basement car parking, landscaping and associated site works.
14 days ago
29 Plasser Crescent North St Marys 2760,33-37 Plasser Crescent North St Marys 2760, NSW
Alterations and additions to existing resource recovery facility including increase in production rates; new shed; installation a weighbridge; removal of office and an amenities fit out; installation of processing equipment; separate waste storage bays.
15 days ago
134 Reservoir Road Blacktown 2148,138-140 Reservoir Road Blacktown 2148, NSW
Demolition of 33 existing self-care Independent Living Units (ILUs), a community building and ancillary structures; Removal of shrubs and groundcovers (NB: no tree removal); Earthworks for a basement carpark for 46 vehicles and service areas, 19 at-grade car parking spaces and access driveways; Construction of two x 3-storey buildings containing 46 ILUs and a one-storey building containing a village community centre; Retain existing vehicular access via Reservoir Rd; New landscaping/stormwater drainage works
15 days ago
10 Read Way Claymore 2559,12 Read Way Claymore 2559,14 Read Way Claymore 2559,16 Read Way Claymore 2559,17 Gidley Crescent Claymore 2559,18 Read Way Claymore 2559,19 Read Way Claymore 2559,2 Read Way Claymore 2559,21 Read Way Claymore 2559,4 Read Way Claymore 2559,6 Read Way Claymore 2559,8 Read Way Claymore 2559,Dobell Road Claymore 2559,1 Garling Way Claymore 2559,10 Garling Way Claymore 2559,12 Garling Way Claymore 2559,14 Garling Way Claymore 2559,16 Garling Way Claymore 2559,2 Garling Way Claymore 2559,3 Garling Way Claymore 2559,4 Garling Way Claymore 2559,5 Garling Way Claymore 2559,6 Garling Way Claymore 2559,7 Garling Way Claymore 2559,8 Garling Way Claymore 2559,9 Garling Way Claymore 2559,1 Bryant Way Claymore 2559,1 Daryl Way Claymore 2559,10 Daryl Way Claymore 2559,12 Daryl Way Claymore 2559,14 Daryl Way Claymore 2559,2 Bryant Way Claymore 2559,2 Daryl Way Claymore 2559,3 Bryant Way Claymore 2559,3 Daryl Way Claymore 2559,4 Bryant Way Claymore 2559,4 Daryl Way Claymore 2559,5 Bryant Way Claymore 2559,6 Bryant Way Claymore 2559,6 Daryl Way Claymore 2559,60 Norman Crescent Claymore 2559,62 Norman Crescent Claymore 2559,64 Norman Crescent Claymore 2559,7 Bryant Way Claymore 2559,8 Bryant Way Claymore 2559,8 Daryl Way Claymore 2559,47 Norman Crescent Claymore 2559,49 Norman Crescent Claymore 2559,51 Norman Crescent Claymore 2559,53 Norman Crescent Claymore 2559,55 Norman Crescent Claymore 2559,57 Norman Crescent Claymore 2559,59 Norman Crescent Claymore 2559,61 Norman Crescent Claymore 2559,63 Norman Crescent Claymore 2559,65 Norman Crescent Claymore 2559,67 Norman Crescent Claymore 2559,69 Norman Crescent Claymore 2559,71 Norman Crescent Claymore 2559,73 Norman Crescent Claymore 2559,75 Norman Crescent Claymore 2559,77 Norman Crescent Claymore 2559,79 Norman Crescent Claymore 2559,81 Norman Crescent Claymore 2559,83 Norman Crescent Claymore 2559,85 Norman Crescent Claymore 2559,87 Norman Crescent Claymore 2559,89 Norman Crescent Claymore 2559,91 Norman Crescent Claymore 2559,1 Fox Way Claymore 2559,1 Gruner Way Claymore 2559,1 Miller Way Claymore 2559,2 Fox Way Claymore 2559,2 Gruner Way Claymore 2559,2 Miller Way Claymore 2559,3 Fox Way Claymore 2559,3 Gruner Way Claymore 2559,3 Miller Way Claymore 2559,4 Fox Way Claymore 2559,4 Gruner Way Claymore 2559,4 Miller Way Claymore 2559,5 Fox Way Claymore 2559,6 Fox Way Claymore 2559,7 Fox Way Claymore 2559,93 Norman Crescent Claymore 2559,95 Norman Crescent Claymore 2559,97 Norman Crescent Claymore 2559,Glenroy Drive Claymore 2559,Hester Avenue Claymore 2559,Dowie Drive Claymore 2559,10 Arkley Avenue Claymore 2559,12 Arkley Avenue Claymore 2559,14 Arkley Avenue Claymore 2559,16 Arkley Avenue Claymore 2559,18 Arkley Avenue Claymore 2559,2 Arkley Avenue Claymore 2559,4 Arkley Avenue Claymore 2559,6 Arkley Avenue Claymore 2559,8 Arkley Avenue Claymore 2559,Arkley Avenue Claymore 2559,Norman Crescent Claymore 2559,13 Dobell Road Claymore 2559,17 Dobell Road Claymore 2559,Boyd Street Claymore 2559,Backler Street Claymore 2559,Rosslyn Drive Claymore 2559,Buckmaster Street Claymore 2559, NSW
Stage 6 - Subdivision of land for 198 lots for the purpose of residential lots, public reserve, residue lot and road dedications and subdivisions works including construction of roads, roadworks, site regrading and retaining works, associated drainage, utility services and street landscaping
15 days ago
29 Shirley Street Byron Bay 2481,4 Milton Street Byron Bay 2481,2 Milton Street Byron Bay 2481, NSW
Modification to residential flat building including increase in building height within R3 Medium Density Residential and 7(F2) Urban Coastal Land zones, and increase in size of rooftop areas across all buildings.
15 days ago
Windeyer Street Rouse Hill 2155, NSW
Construction of a part 1-storey part 2-storey child care centre for 116 children with basement parking for 40 vehicles and associated civil and landscaping works.
15 days ago
12A Warrah Road Bangalee 2541,12B Warrah Road Bangalee 2541,12C Warrah Road Bangalee 2541,Warrah Road Bangalee 2541, NSW
Concept Development Application for 199 residential lots and detailed Development Application into five (5) stages. Construction of roadways, services, drainage reserves, recreation area and environmental conservation site. Stop the Clock letter to be issued - multiple issues.
20 days ago
40 Solent Circuit Norwest 2153, NSW
The development will be constructed in five stages, with the first stage under construction. The overall development will comprise nine residential flat buildings with a total of 935 dwellings.
22 days ago
181 Forest Way Belrose 2085, NSW
Modification of Development Consent DA2018/1654 granted for Demolition works and Construction of a new aged care facility including underground parking
23 days ago
7 Norfolk Street Ingleburn 2565,9 Norfolk Street Ingleburn 2565,11 Norfolk Street Ingleburn 2565, NSW
Demolition of existing structures, construction of a 10 storey residential apartment containing 73 apartments, 2 levels of basement carparking and associated amenities
23 days ago
2-6 Cross Road Burraneer 2230, NSW
Alterations & additions to St Aloysius Catholic College school building D, demolition of existing building A and construction of a new building A with associated landscaping and external works and partial demolition of existing building H with works to be done in 3 phases
23 days ago
2345 Middlebrook Road Middle Brook 2337, NSW
Extend Life of Quarry increase extraction to 75,000 maximum 30 Laden Trucks per day.
23 days ago
2-8 Finlayson Street Lane Cove 2066,10 Finlayson Street Lane Cove 2066, NSW
Demolition of existing structures and construction of an 8-storey mixed-use development including a church, auditorium and 47 residential units.
23 days ago
171 Wattle Road Shellharbour City Centre 2529, NSW
Demolition of existing structures, construction of four residential flat buildings with 152 independent living units and a clubroom and library, two levels of basement parking, associated landscaping and a new road. This DA relates to the detailed design of the first residential stage of the approved concept development for the site (DA/331/2012).
29 days ago
Roy Watts Road Glenfield 2167,Railway Parade Glenfield 2167, NSW
Concept development application and Stage 1 works at Roy Watts Road (Station Area) - the proposal includes general arrangement of future road, the allocation of gross floor area, heights and affordable housing for the development lots and staging
29 days ago
164 Station Street Penrith 2750, NSW
Staged Concept Master Plan - Ten (10) Stage Mixed Use Residential & Non-Residential Development comprising 1,995 Residential Apartments & Non-Residential Uses, Above Ground & Basement Car Parking, 10 to 20 Storey Building Heights & Related Infrastructure including Access Roads, Public Domain Works & Landscaping.
29 days ago