All recent comments on applications from Northern Beaches Council, NSW

16 Wyatt Avenue Belrose NSW 2085
New - Construction of a Boarding house with 27 rooms including a managers residence.

Ref: DA2018/0401

The application for this building house is totally out of character for the area. Already the traffic is a nightmare with John Colet school and Wyatt oval. Leaving Charleroi Rd at school times is very dangerous. The boarding house will only increase the risk. We are totally against the proposal.

Diana Beard
Sent to Northern Beaches Council
30 Herbert Avenue Newport NSW 2106
Tree Application - Removal/Pruning of 1-2 Trees

I would like to ask that permission not be granted to the removal of these trees. The trees are almost behind our house and the slope is quite steep, which means that the run off from the block will affect us. Also there have been quite a few trees removed in our area recently which is spoiling the appearance of our area and affecting the wildlife - possums and birds.
Thank you
Elizabeth Daly

Elizabeth Daly
Sent to Northern Beaches Council
115 Prince Alfred Parade Newport NSW 2106
Use - Alterations and additions to existing structure and use as secondary dwelling

The proposed alterations and secondary dwelling to 115 prince Alfred Pde Newport will do nothing to improve the atmosphere of this area. A secondary dwelling will detract from the beauty of the area. The block is too small to allow a dwelling of any great aesthetic value and like so many of these types it will be unsuitable for the area.

Elizabeth Daly
Sent to Northern Beaches Council