47 Kareela Road, Cremorne Point NSW 2090
Alterations and two storey addition to an existing dwelling. Construction of a new building to provide a new garage, a new studio and lift. A new driveway bridge off Kareela Road.
The proposed development will have unacceptable adverse impacts on the character and heritage significance of the Cremorne Point Conservation Area, and an unacceptable adverse impact on the heritage significance of the Kareela Road streetscape, contrary to relevant provisions of the LEP and the DCP Cremorne Point Conservation Area. The proposal will result in an uncharacteristic built form that will dominate Kareela Road, contrary to relevant provisions of the LEP and the DCP.
It is contrary to the streetscape character of Kareela Road of the eastern (lower) side where dwellings are generally set below street level, and where there are steep sites sloping to Mosman Bay with frontages to Cremorne Reserve and Kareela Road.
Based on the view, the topography and location of dwellings and houses the character in this middle section is that the dwellings are located below street level and where there are views over and between buildings across to Mosman Bay.
The coverage of the proposal should be considered to be an "uncharacteristic" element under section 6.4.7 in Part C of the DCP. It is also located within the front setback of the dwelling in a heritage conservation area, and for that reason would also be considered an "uncharacteristic" element under section 13.9.5 of Part B of the DCP, and also contrary to P10 at section 1.5.4 of Part B of the DCP.
The objectives for heritage conservation areas include encouraging change "that will remove uncharacteristic items or reduce the extent of their intrusion" (13.6.1, O4). Section 13.6.2 P4 provides for the removal of uncharacteristic or intrusive elements, or incorporating changes to improve design and visual impact (P6).
Section 79C(3A)(b) requires flexibility in the application of the standards set in the DCP, having regard to whether the objectives of the standards are achieved. It may be that in the context of the topography and the existing development in the section of Kareela Road where the subject site is located, the addition of a garage hard stand car space occupying more than one third of the street frontage and located within the front setback is a departure from the standards set by the DCP, the central issue is that the proposal does not achieve the objectives identified in the DCP.
Section 1.3.6 of Part B of the DCP requires consideration of views from dwellings, and from streets and other public places. Section 13.6.2 P3 in Part B provides that development should not obstruct existing views in the public domain including slot views over and between buildings. Views from Kareela Road are identified at section 6.4.4 in Part C as a significant element in the Cremorne Point Conservation Area.