The windows facing my backyard are not frosted why ?
All recent comments on applications from City of Moonee Valley, VIC
Can you please explain why there would be a reduction in car parking requirements when you are building a facility which will increase traffic & parking requirements in the area.? There is already not enough parking available at this site with the current businesses. As previously asked can we given an approximate date works will commence as this construction will have an enormous impact on surrounding homes & businesses for an extended period and we have been given very little information
Can you please let me know when this will commence ?
For the information of Alan & in support of Maureen & Mario: this development application was struck out as non compliant with Herritage requirements. It was a demonstration that the heart & soul of a community (by the organisation & number of Victorians) has both strength and legal standing when it comes to protecting Herritage for future generations & protecting the environment. Well done to the community. I don’t understand why Alan is commenting on an old and what is a closed application?
Thank you Maureen. For days I toyed with responding to the comments made by Alan but wondered whether I was alone in my thinking. You have stated exactly what I was thinking. How ignorant and offensive are the comments he made, laden with value judgements about other (older) people and how they choose to live their lives. You, Alan CANNOT know or presume to know, what leads people to make decisions about how they live their lives. You certainly ARE entitled to express a view about a development but I feel that you are spoilt and ENTITLED in your expectation of other people. You casually dismiss those people who have worked hard for their home over the last forty years and expect them to get out of your way so you can have what you want.
There are rules about these developments and Councils try to balance everyone's needs to achieve acceptable outcomes (many of which I don't agree with). The development will be granted a permit or not, based on this rule of law! Grow up and consider that there are other viewpoints beside your own and remember we still live in a democracy. As an older person I am NOT ready to be assigned to the garbage bin with NO rights as you seem to imply.
I would like to disagree and reply to Alan's comment that people should "wake up" and let it go ahead and that people have "held on to their houses for 40 years."
Firstly I do not live in this particular zone
Have a good think about what hard work these older people did to make the area it is today and the sacrifices they made. !!
Just because they are an older generation you think that they should just be shoved aside for the newer generation who are mostly "bone lazy."
You are certainly entitled Alan to your opinion so we will agree to disagree and believe me I am being extremely polite in my answer as Council have requested !!.
The area is a dead zone and should be used to develop housing for families around the area. There is already a massive park across the read. We need more houses, not more parks, who is going to use them if the only people around are the older generation that own the houses around there are the only ones there, and are most likely the objectors above in this case.
People are lucky it's 25 townhouses and not a 10 story apartment block.
Wake up people, if you don't like developments near you, how about selling those houses you've been holding onto for 40 years and downsizing so new younger families contributing to the economy get a place to live? Otherwise stop complaining when there are opportunities to offer decent size housing to young families.
Not everyone can afford $5 millioin on Park St or $3 million on Woodland St.
We don't need any more Hotels , Motels High Rise Arpartments etc ...
And especially a reduction in car parking spaces...
People do not take public transport because they live in an Apartment ..
Moonee Ponds has become a Mega Ministry Apartment Area...
Mmm, that’s all we need Moonee Valley Council, less parking spaces around the Puckle St precinct. Lessening the parking requirements is not the solution.
HI, when is this going ahead? We haven't hear anything more about it for a long time and hoping its still in the pipe lines.
The City of Moonee Valley.Another set of townhouses/units isnt there enough built in airport west already .It seems like your just handing out permits for builds like hotcakes.If this continous on parking traffic will be terrible which it already is. All I think you care about is RATES another 2 dwellings that's 2 sets of rates per year pathetic 👇
An absolute eyesore. I hope they were able to cancel this mistake and disaster of a planning permit.
There has been a bit of an impact in the last 2 weeks as I regularly walk my dog down this thoroughfare, but the workers have been most accommodating, closing truck doors and assisting with our passage. I hope this level of courtesy remains throughout the project.
I fully concur with Wendy McMaster's comments , developers continuously lack concern & care with pedestrians right of passage on footpaths / walkways . The laneway is a busy thoroughfare , & care must be taken not to restrict / retard accessability of vehicles or pedestrians
Trust this will not result in any interference on either pedestrian or vehicle traffic in the thoroughfare between Levien Street & Riverview Roads at the rear of 28 Leslie Road.
This is touted on GPS as the most direct route for residents from Levien Street & adjacent areas to Mt. Alexander road & Puckle street & is regularly used by students of the 3 schools walking to & from school.
Another multi-development in Hampton Road will only add to the current congestion of parked cars in the street. The street is congested at peak times as it is. Neighbouring streets are also being used to park cars creating congestion at corners and traffic is not moving freely. There is also a safety concern that the multiple parked cars in the street are blocking view for motorists, cyclists and pedestrians. The bus cannot pass through on Hampton Road due to the cars parked on both sides of street. Children are walking on the road around parked cars because cars are also taking up space in the driveways/crossovers. Also consider emergency vehicles and rubbish collection days and the access for these vehicles. Multiple dwellings per site also means more occupants and more cars per dwelling. Parking spaces, garage size and storage per household is not being considered. There is a development of 4 townhouses on the corner of Hampton Rd and Diamond St which has remained unoccupied for many months since completion. Is this a result of overdevelopment in the area and poor design? There is little driveway space for extra off street parking, the garages are only suitable for a small sized car and there is no storage space. If 3 adults occupy each dwelling that’s possibly 3 cars that need to be garaged/parked in the street, multiply that by 4 dwellings. Please consider this when approving other applications for multi-developments in the area. It is proving to be an issue causing congestion in the surrounding streets. People are not using their garages due to limited storage allocated or size is not suitable for their vehicles or the number of vehicles per household. This development in Hampton Rd will have the same affect.
I live withing 50 metre and Hampton road street parking ridiculous especially during morning and afternoon school time hours .
Neighbouring other multi townhouse are taking up all the normal on road parking that long term house owners have used for many years .
On another note this developer also has acquired next door and assuming council approve this application and block next door sale land area I’m sure developers will apply again for another three units same streeg fsving design . That said this will see 4 street facing two level townhouse plus two at rear totalling 6 new townhouse and up yo 20 bedrooms that will end up not having enough on property parking but everyone will park on Hampton road and sapphire street .
Beside this application and eventually next door plus correctly there is another two townhouse already strated construction at 37 hampton road parking going be a nightmare .
Respect asking council to support only two dual homes in area nothing more as parking critical complaint .
This is a huge problem in west Essendon. Everyone leaves the cars outside their property either because it’s convenient for them or most likely they haven’t enough garage space to park all the cars they own.
I live next door to property that now has 2 townhouses that replaced 1 single home.
Because the 2 townhouses have their single garage at the back of their property which can only be accessed via a lane way. They leave the 4 cars parked in the street not only in the front of their own property but now in front of my property. This is causing a huge problem as when I’m exiting my driveway I can’t see the oncoming traffic.
Council need to look at the properties and add more room for all the extra cars families have now.
Hampton Road is a very busy street that supports bus services to and from St Bernard’s. It gets gridlocked as it is with mainly single dwellings in the street currently. We live next to a 3 dwelling townhouse development around the corner from this site where 2 families and a couple live respectively. There are always 2 extra cars parked on the road (despite no on street parking allowed for) due to the size of the garages and parking space available and this is an 803m2 site.
At most, this site in Hampton road should only be allowed 2 townhouses with driveway parking to accommodate 2 additional cars each to avoid further street traffic congestion. Already people living in the development further up Hampton Road park in the driveway, meaning children walking to school must walk on the road to go around the cars. No one in these new townhouses developments seem to use their garage to park cars. They are concerned to entertaining or storage spaces with cars parked on the road.
Please town planning, no more multiple dwelling sites in Essendon West and Niddrie. There just isn’t the road space to accommodate the additional traffic or access for buses.
Parking and bicycle parking should not be reduced. There are issues getting parking now and any existing should not be reduced further!
Parking and bicycle parking should not be reduced. There are issues getting parking now and any existing should not be reduced further!
I wish to appeal against the construction of town houses at 10 Rutland Street Niddrie 3042.
The board that has been placed on the front lawn advising of the potential construct ion shows that there is a potential for up to 3 dwellings.
There are already enough multiple dwellings in this street and there should be no more due to the already on street parking outside most of these dwellings due to insufficient parking facilities on the dwelling themselves.
These double storey townhouses only create parking problems within this street and the townhouses look out of place against the other homes in the street.
I can see no benefit in having another double storey dwelling other than double rates for the one block of land which in the end will benefit the council.
The extra resources will have to be met by council, which already are stretched.
Can council guarantee that the construction company will abide by council guidelines as to the parking of the trades vehicles outside residents homes if the construction gets the go ahead?
Hi Delfina, I am sorry to hear how this will affect you. We are in a similar situation, construction started mid last year and will be another 6mths at least until completion and it towers over our place. Unfortunately the council do not take into consideration how much it will impact the residents :( please submit your concern to council direct. I wish you all the best
As a single eighty-seven year old resident, I am in great opposition towards the construction of two dwellings near me. I am already feeling vulnerable and the construction, I fear, would further exacerbate privacy concerns.
I have been a longtime resident in a quiet neighbourhood. I am highly anxious about the noise that would be caused from the construction. My bedroom side will be directly facing the construction work. With already heightened concerns for my privacy, any views looking upon my house either outside in the backyard or with visibility to my house will further increase my already anxious state of mind. I also fear the casting of shadows created by the building works.
As an elderly resident, I ask you to take into consideration my concerns regarding privacy and peace of mind.
This property, overlooks my property (115 Kent Street). The plans seem to be unclear on the West elevation - there seems to be what appears to be a door/window with a railing on the upper level.
This doesn’t seem to have any consideration for privacy and will overlook my garden and dining rooms as the side of my home is mainly glass windows and therefore very easily viewed from that level.
There is privacy consideration for the new west facing window but not for door. Can you please confirm this is privacy compliant and if not can the plans be adjusted suitably.