All recent comments on applications from Kingborough Council, TAS

Channel Highway, Huntingfield, Tasmania
Vehicle parking and bus stop facility (Park & Ride)

Hello Janette
I just wanted to let you know that this is the formal consultation period for this proposed development. If you would like to lodge a representation, you have until the representation expiry date to submit a representation to Council. The representation expiry date is 14 days from the date of advertisement. Representations must be provided in writing and should state the reasons why you support or object to the application. Council, when sitting as a planning authority, can only consider issues raised within the context of State legislated planning rules and the current planning scheme. To be effective, your representation should only raise matters addressed in the relevant planning scheme and the representation give objective reasons for the objection. Regards

Katrena Stephenson, Kingborough Council
Delivered to Kingborough Council
Channel Highway, Huntingfield, Tasmania
Vehicle parking and bus stop facility (Park & Ride)

I am concerned about traffic from the south coming along the channel highway, it has always been a concern coming over the rise and this has been reinforced by what I've seen during the current roadworks there.
Will the channel highway be widened in that's area to make the flow of traffic easier? How many buses will be using that facility?
Will the local residents be consulted about this matter?

Janette gyselman
Delivered to Kingborough Council
9 Ewing Avenue, Kingston Beach, Tasmania
Frontage fence

For the love of god why do you even care what sort of fence somebody puts up when you have already allowed a concrete monstrosity on the hill above, what an absolute waste of ratepayers money that this is even a thing. Looking at the examples of "non compliant fencing" there is no way to have "heritage compliant" fencing. What would "heritage compliant fencing even be?
What utterly spectacular hypocrites Kingborough Council are! Or is it that you just want to milk people for the money that an application gets you.

Dissaffected ratepayer
Delivered to Kingborough Council
27 Spring Farm Road and 34 Maddocks Road, Kingston, TAS
PSA-2015-1 - Amendment to the Kingborough Interim Planning Scheme 2015 for the rezoning of the portion of land zoned Particular Purpose - Urban Growth Zone to General Residential (at 27 Spring Farm Road, Kingston) DAS-2015-44 - Staged subdivision of 210 residential lots, six public open space lots, ten road lots, pump station lot and balance lot

Are there any plans available to look at?

Alex Wolfert
Sent to Kingborough Council