All recent comments on applications from Inner West Council, NSW

10 Victoria Street Lewisham NSW 2049
Alterations and additions to an existing mixed use building, including retention of the building façade and construction of a single storey commercial premises and four storey residential dwelling with garage and removal of trees.

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10 Victoria Street Lewisham NSW 2049
Alterations and additions to an existing mixed use building, including retention of the building façade and construction of a single storey commercial premises and four storey residential dwelling with garage and removal of trees.

As a local resident I strongly support this development. Victoria St is a complete dead zone and has been for years, we really need more people around there with shop top housing being one way to achieve that.

Council should also be investigating ways to build more apartments further along Victoria St.

Justin Simon
Delivered to Inner West Council
10 Victoria Street Lewisham NSW 2049
Alterations and additions to an existing mixed use building, including retention of the building façade and construction of a single storey commercial premises and four storey residential dwelling with garage and removal of trees.

This development is desperately needed. The site is presently completely dilapidated and needs urgent renewal - this sensible proposal allows for that to happen. It would be completely farcical for this development to be knocked back.

Aiden Brennan
Delivered to Inner West Council
10 Waterview Street Balmain NSW 2041
Partial demolition of existing structures, Torrens title subdivision of the existing lot into two allotments. Alterations and additions to an existing dwelling on lot fronting Waterview Street including construction of a first floor addition and the construction of a new 3 storey detached dwelling house located on the proposed rear lot.

Another unsympathetic addition to Balmain. Brought to us by a heritage consultant from Double Bay and an architect from Cammeray.
What is being proposed is 2, yes 2, concrete bunkers on a block of land that has heritage items at numbers 6, 8, 12 and 16 Waterview Street. Also heritage items at the rear, 7a, 9 and 11 Campbell Street. Eleven trees are to be cut down to accommodate this overdevelopment which will be visible from the street.
This development should be opposed on the unacceptable impact on heritage items.
Delivered to Inner West Council
10 Victoria Street Lewisham NSW 2049
Alterations and additions to an existing mixed use building, including retention of the building façade and construction of a single storey commercial premises and four storey residential dwelling with garage and removal of trees.

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10 Victoria Street Lewisham NSW 2049
Alterations and additions to an existing mixed use building, including retention of the building façade and construction of a single storey commercial premises and four storey residential dwelling with garage and removal of trees.

Please, please, please accept proposal DA/2024/0526.

I passed this eyesore everyday for 8 years. It has never once looked good, and for as long as I can remember has been in a in a state of partial dilapidation. The building as it stands as an ugly and unimpressive hovel, covered in graffiti, providing nothing so much as stimulating in the way of aesthetic value or functionally as I alway though it was abandoned. Both the area and my eyes will benefit from the removal of the building which in its current state is only serves as a visual stain on the area.
Frankly find it completely and utterly baffling as to why anyone would miss it. This project looks to be a great benefit to the area and the subsequent rejuvenation of the street is which would likely follow, is some thing which I will gladly look forward to.

I am sensitive to the need to protect the heritage of an area but, this one decrepit little building provides as close to nothing as a building of its age can in the way of heritage. The keeping of the existing facade while in my opinion unnecessary, looks to be done in a way which is quite tasteful and should serve as a model for how to integrate heritage into new developments throughout the inner west. It is the absolute best case scenario for anyone concerned with maintaining the heritage of the area, where new developments are needed. So there should be absolutely zero reason to complain about that.

The to people complaining that building would be out of scale or an "overdevelopment", are clearly not at all familiar with the section of the street. Currently all the buildings to the left of to proposal are multiple stories, as are most of the ones opposite it. The height the proposal is well under the maximum height currently allowed and lines up quite seamlessly with with the existing two story buildings next to it. So will not in any way appear as obstructing the uniformity of heights on the street.

The removal of the trees is unfortunate but one is dead anyway, and Im sure we are all familiar with the truism about breaking a few eggs. It would be nice to have a new tree placed to the front of the proposal but it is not overly necessary. The project seems to have any environmental concerns throughly addressed and the tree on the terrace is a nice touch.

Congestion is a non issue in this case, Victoria street is quiet, Ive experienced it when its been closed off for events events and any expected extra congestion on nearby streets was a non issue. While railway terrace is a busy street the intersection between it and Victoria is not, and I see no reason as to why this development would cause that.
Parking concerns are minimal, It is a 1 min walk to the station, if that, two parking spaces seem more than adequate. Adding more would be superfluous, and could actually increase the busyness of the intersection when some seem to be concerned about so, two is plenty. If anything there should be calls to remove more of the on street parking at the top of the street, but that is an issue for after the development has gone through.

Whoever is responsible for approving this development, I implore you to do so. I see no reason as to why a project of these portions would have any negative draw backs to the to the aesthetic or functional value of the area, and will only serve to improve it Im sure.

Kind Regards,
And thank for your time.

Delivered to Inner West Council
10 Victoria Street Lewisham NSW 2049
Alterations and additions to an existing mixed use building, including retention of the building façade and construction of a single storey commercial premises and four storey residential dwelling with garage and removal of trees.

I am writing to express my support for DA/2024/0526.

This development will increase housing density near Lewisham train station, reducing residents' dependence on cars and promoting sustainable living. Additionally, the proposal thoughtfully restores and integrates the existing historical shopfront, preserving the area’s heritage.

I believe this project will bring significant benefits to our community and align with our vision for a vibrant and sustainable Lewisham. I urge the Council to approve this application.

Thank you for your consideration.

Madison Lord
Delivered to Inner West Council
10 Victoria Street Lewisham NSW 2049
Alterations and additions to an existing mixed use building, including retention of the building façade and construction of a single storey commercial premises and four storey residential dwelling with garage and removal of trees.

The proposal looks very nice to me. The existing thing is an eyesore and needs the uplift. With the frustration of all the empty homes nearby, it is heartwarming to see a landowner try and do the right thing by building some rentals, adding to housing supply to ease rents. I hope the council will do the right thing and approve it, this could be a place for me to move back to the area and be closer to work.

Phillip Balding
Delivered to Inner West Council
10 Victoria Street Lewisham NSW 2049
Alterations and additions to an existing mixed use building, including retention of the building façade and construction of a single storey commercial premises and four storey residential dwelling with garage and removal of trees.

I'm writing to express my strong support of development proposal DA/2024/0526. Lewisham station is the probably the most underutilised station on the Innerwest line and the Inner suburbs of Sydney urgently require densification.
An unused shopfront is a misuse of land immediately adjacent to a station. The development will bring much needed housing to the area and restore the dilapidated street facade.

Nathaniel Bradford
Delivered to Inner West Council
10 Victoria Street Lewisham NSW 2049
Alterations and additions to an existing mixed use building, including retention of the building façade and construction of a single storey commercial premises and four storey residential dwelling with garage and removal of trees.

I am writing to express my strong support for the proposed development. The current structure, a dilapidated and unused shop, totally covered with grafitti – with an awning that has to be propped up to prevent it falling on someone and killing them – detracts from the appeal and safety of the neighborhood. The proposed alterations and additions will greatly enhance the area. This development will provide much-needed housing and improve the local aesthetic, making it a valuable addition to our community. Council should approve this application.

Phil Quinn
Delivered to Inner West Council
10 Victoria Street Lewisham NSW 2049
Alterations and additions to an existing mixed use building, including retention of the building façade and construction of a single storey commercial premises and four storey residential dwelling with garage and removal of trees.

I’d like to register my strong support for the proposal. As a local resident, I am all too aware of the dearth of housing in the area. This proposal not only adds to housing stock in an underdeveloped area, but makes good use of an otherwise unusable block due to its shape. I also support the removal of the single dead tree - we’ve had far too many dead trees cause havoc in the Inner West recently. We must support their removal as necessary for the safety of our community.

Kitty F
Delivered to Inner West Council
10 Victoria Street Lewisham NSW 2049
Alterations and additions to an existing mixed use building, including retention of the building façade and construction of a single storey commercial premises and four storey residential dwelling with garage and removal of trees.

To the Inner West Council,

I would like to express my strong support for DA/2024/0526.

Having sighted the DA architectural set as well and other planning documents, this development appears to be very appropriate for the area. My reasoning for this can be seen as follows;

1. Density and scale of development. The building proposed at 10 Victoria St is at an appropriate scale for the area, it is of a near identical building height to the adjacent 8 Victoria St. It is also a similar height to 1/3 Victoria Street across the road from the proposed site. Additionally this site is well below the LEP building face height limit of 17m. This also has longer term implications for this development to serve as a natural density step-down should redevelopment at sites closer to Lewisham station be undertaken in the future.

2. Transport access and parking. The two private parking spots are sufficient for a site such as this, noting that there is also significant on-street parking available locally. Furthermore, the close pedestrian access to Lewisham station would encourage users of the site to engage with active transport options as well as public transit.

3. Tree cover. The proposed plans indicate that a single, dead tree is to be removed. This tree is also present on the back alley where there is already a large number of healthy trees providing shade. The plans also show a terrace landscape area fronting the street which will include a new tree. While this does pose maintenance challenges to the building occupants it will have a positive impact on reducing urban heat on Victoria road, where there is more impermeable heat generating surface. I would suggest an amendment is made to the design here to also include a street tree fronting the property on Victoria Street, however I would still support the development if this cannot be included.

4. Local vibrancy. Being so close to transport options, the current site and those adjacent appear to be in dire need of revitalisation. As it appears many adjacent businesses are closed. A new development such as this will help transform the locale to a desirable destination which may attract more usage and potentially other business to return.

It is for these reasons that I affirm my support for the development proposed under DA/2024/0526.

Rory Frame
Delivered to Inner West Council
10 Victoria Street Lewisham NSW 2049
Alterations and additions to an existing mixed use building, including retention of the building façade and construction of a single storey commercial premises and four storey residential dwelling with garage and removal of trees.

I am writing to support DA/2024/0526. I used to live on Victoria St for 2 years from 2021-2023, and often wondered why no one had done anything with such a dilapidated building. I think the proposal to construct a single storey commercial premises and four storey residential dwelling will be a fantastic injection of investment into the street.

Its location so close to the train station means that the people that live in that development will be well supported by public transport, and the commercial premises will support the thousands of commuters who use Lewisham train station.

While unfortunate, the removal of trees is not as important as the people that will be able to live in the new development, the jobs created during construction, the business supported in the commercial premises.

Sera Tarpis
Delivered to Inner West Council
10 Victoria Street Lewisham NSW 2049
Alterations and additions to an existing mixed use building, including retention of the building façade and construction of a single storey commercial premises and four storey residential dwelling with garage and removal of trees.

I strongly support this development. Lewisham is one of the most underutilized train stations on this line. Additionally, this shop has fallen into disrepair and the scale of the development matches that of the building at number 8 (next door).

The Lewisham commercial area surrounding the station would benefit greatly from this refresh, re-activating the area.

Delivered to Inner West Council
40 Burt Street Rozelle NSW 2039
Demolition of existing structures and construction of a part 2, part 3-storey detached dwelling, garage, and in-ground swimming pool

What makes Rozelle charming and desirable is the heritage houses. And single storey more modest houses are so easily destroyed when the make up the character of the area. I agree that an extension at the back is acceptable but to knock down the house would compromise the street, and take away an important part of Rozelle's heritage. Thank you.

Jo Smith
Delivered to Inner West Council
40 Burt Street Rozelle NSW 2039
Demolition of existing structures and construction of a part 2, part 3-storey detached dwelling, garage, and in-ground swimming pool

This house should not be demolished. I agree with the previous comment that an extension at the back would be acceptable but knocking down the existing home and not keeping the original facade would be a shocking thing to do. Lovely charming home, it’s part of the character of Burt St and Rozelle in general.

Delivered to Inner West Council
73 Illawarra Road Marrickville NSW 2204
Demolition of existing structures, Torrens title subdivision of the existing lot into two allotments and construction of a two storey semi-detached dwelling with in-ground swimming pools on each lot.

I strongly oppose this application because:
1. it will not add to the stock of affordable housing in the area
2. private swimming pools are not consistent with the sustainable environment principles of the area and there are public swimming pools nearby.
and, for the above reasons:
3. it is not in the public interest but only serves the private profits of the developer

Jennifer Killen
Delivered to Inner West Council
73 Illawarra Road Marrickville NSW 2204
Demolition of existing structures, Torrens title subdivision of the existing lot into two allotments and construction of a two storey semi-detached dwelling with in-ground swimming pools on each lot.

I support this DA as it increases housing options in the Inner West.

Benjamin Cullen
Delivered to Inner West Council
40 Burt Street Rozelle NSW 2039
Demolition of existing structures and construction of a part 2, part 3-storey detached dwelling, garage, and in-ground swimming pool

I object to the demolition of this little single level building.
It adds history to this section of Burt street, opposite Eaton Park. A couple of unsympathetic architectural buildings already jar with this 19c streetscape. Don’t let another further wipe out history. A rear extension ok, but no demolition.
Delivered to Inner West Council
10 Victoria Street Lewisham NSW 2049
Alterations and additions to an existing mixed use building, including retention of the building façade and construction of a single storey commercial premises and four storey residential dwelling with garage and removal of trees.

I object to this proposal in that it again involves over development and the removal of trees. Traffic congestion is another issue and a development such as this will only add to existing problems. This site has deteriorated over a considerable period of time, and while it is an eyesore what is being proposed will make it even more so. There are already small businesses in the street so the idea that the proposed development will provide extra benefit to commuters is questionable.

Kat Becker
Delivered to Inner West Council
73 Illawarra Road Marrickville NSW 2204
Demolition of existing structures, Torrens title subdivision of the existing lot into two allotments and construction of a two storey semi-detached dwelling with in-ground swimming pools on each lot.

I support this development. It shows quality design principles and improves the housing stock in the area

Nick Whhite
Delivered to Inner West Council
10 Victoria Street Lewisham NSW 2049
Alterations and additions to an existing mixed use building, including retention of the building façade and construction of a single storey commercial premises and four storey residential dwelling with garage and removal of trees.

I am writing to express my support for DA/2024/0526. While my personal preference is for denser housing so close to a station, this proposal potentially supports multi-generational living and is a creative use of an odd-shaped block.

The proposal appears very mindful of aesthetics, preserving the existing shopfront while building up to a height matching that of 2–8 Victoria St, over the lane.

Two car spaces seems ample.

The business in the ground floor commercial space will likely be a welcome addition for local residents, reducing their need to travel for whatever is provided there.

Andrea Leong
Delivered to Inner West Council
10 Victoria Street Lewisham NSW 2049
Alterations and additions to an existing mixed use building, including retention of the building façade and construction of a single storey commercial premises and four storey residential dwelling with garage and removal of trees.

Dear IWC

I am writing to express my strong opposition to the proposed alterations and additions to the existing mixed-use building in Lewisham, which includes partial demolition of existing structures, construction of a single-storey commercial premises, a four-storey residential dwelling with a garage, and the removal of trees.

While I understand the need for development and improvement within our community, I have significant concerns regarding the negative impact this proposal will have on our neighborhood:

1. **Loss of Green Space and Trees**: The removal of trees as part of this development is highly concerning. Trees are vital for maintaining air quality, providing shade, and supporting local wildlife. Their removal will not only degrade the aesthetic value of our area but also harm the environment and reduce biodiversity.

2. **Increased Traffic and Parking Issues**: The construction of additional residential units and commercial premises is likely to lead to an increase in traffic congestion and parking difficulties. The proposed garage may not be sufficient to accommodate the potential rise in vehicle ownership, exacerbating existing traffic and parking challenges in our area.

3. **Impact on Local Character and Heritage**: The partial demolition of existing structures and the construction of a four-storey building may significantly alter the character of our neighborhood. Lewisham has a rich heritage, and maintaining the architectural integrity of our buildings is crucial for preserving our community's unique identity.

4. **Overdevelopment Concerns**: The scale of the proposed development appears disproportionate to the existing surroundings. Overdevelopment can lead to overcrowding, strain on local services, and a decline in the quality of life for current residents. It is essential to ensure that any development is in harmony with the existing infrastructure and community needs.

5. **Environmental and Noise Pollution**: Construction activities associated with this development will likely generate considerable noise and pollution, disrupting the daily lives of residents. Additionally, the long-term environmental impact of increased urban density needs careful consideration.

6. **Community Consultation**: It is important that local residents are given a genuine opportunity to voice their concerns and that these concerns are taken seriously. The lack of adequate community consultation in this proposal is troubling, and it is imperative that the views of those who will be most affected are considered.

In light of these concerns, I urge the council to reconsider this proposal and explore alternative solutions that align with the needs and well-being of our community. Sustainable development that respects our environment, heritage, and quality of life should be our priority.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Delivered to Inner West Council
10 Victoria Street Lewisham NSW 2049
Alterations and additions to an existing mixed use building, including retention of the building façade and construction of a single storey commercial premises and four storey residential dwelling with garage and removal of trees.

To whom it may concern,

I am writing to express my support for DA/2024/0526.

This development will increase housing density near Lewisham train station, reducing residents' dependence on cars and promoting sustainable living. Additionally, the proposal thoughtfully restores and integrates the existing historical shopfront, preserving the area’s heritage.

I believe this project will bring significant benefits to our community and align with our vision for a vibrant and sustainable Lewisham. I urge the Council to approve this application.

Thank you for your consideration.

Benjamin Cullen
Delivered to Inner West Council
10 Victoria Street Lewisham NSW 2049
Alterations and additions to an existing mixed use building, including retention of the building façade and construction of a single storey commercial premises and four storey residential dwelling with garage and removal of trees.

I object to this DA/2024/0526, as the proposed development is out of scale to the adjoining area. It will increase traffic and congestion, at an already busy intersection near Lewisham railway. There is insufficient parking proposed, which will therefore impact local residents parking in already busy streets.
The development would also mean the loss of an existing historical shopfront building, which although in need of repair and restoration, is a record of early 20th commercial history in the area.
For these reasons, I object to the DA.

J. Ocallaghan
Delivered to Inner West Council